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  • Novel surface expression of reticulocalbin 1 on bone endothelial cells and human prostate cancer cells is regulated by TNF-α.

    Published in:
    Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2008, v. 104, n. 6, p. 2298, doi. 10.1002/jcb.21785
    • Cooper, Carlton R.;
    • Graves, Bianca;
    • Pruitt, Freddie;
    • Chaib, Hassan;
    • Lynch, Jill E.;
    • Cox, Andrew Koemeter;
    • Sequeria, Linda;
    • van Golen, Kenneth L.;
    • Evans, Angelo;
    • Czymmek, Kirk;
    • Bullard, Rebecca S.;
    • Donald, Carlton D.;
    • Sol-Church, Katia;
    • Gendernalik, James D.;
    • Weksler, Babette;
    • Farach-Carson, Mary C.;
    • Macoska, Jill A.;
    • Sikes, Robert A.;
    • Pienta, Kenneth J.
    Publication type:
  • Copy number variation at 1q21.1 associated with neuroblastoma.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2009, v. 459, n. 7249, p. 987, doi. 10.1038/nature08035
    • Diskin, Sharon J.;
    • Hou, Cuiping;
    • Glessner, Joseph T.;
    • Attiyeh, Edward F.;
    • Laudenslager, Marci;
    • Bosse, Kristopher;
    • Cole, Kristina;
    • Mossé, Yaël P.;
    • Wood, Andrew;
    • Lynch, Jill E.;
    • Pecor, Katlyn;
    • Diamond, Maura;
    • Winter, Cynthia;
    • Kai Wang;
    • Kim, Cecilia;
    • Geiger, Elizabeth A.;
    • McGrady, Patrick W.;
    • Blakemore, Alexandra I. F.;
    • London, Wendy B.;
    • Shaikh, Tamim H.
    Publication type:
  • Identification of ALK as a major familial neuroblastoma predisposition gene.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2008, v. 455, n. 7215, p. 930, doi. 10.1038/nature07261
    • Mossé, Yaël P.;
    • Laudenslager, Marci;
    • Longo, Luca;
    • Cole, Kristina A.;
    • Wood, Andrew;
    • Attiyeh, Edward F.;
    • Laquaglia, Michael J.;
    • Sennett, Rachel;
    • Lynch, Jill E.;
    • Perri, Patrizia;
    • Laureys, Geneviève;
    • Speleman, Frank;
    • Kim, Cecilia;
    • Hou, Cuiping;
    • Hakonarson, Hakon;
    • Torkamani, Ali;
    • Schork, Nicholas J.;
    • Brodeur, Garrett M.;
    • Tonini, Gian P.;
    • Rappaport, Eric
    Publication type:
  • Presence of oxygen and aerobic communities from sea floor to basement in deep-sea sediments.

    Published in:
    Nature Geoscience, 2015, v. 8, n. 4, p. 299, doi. 10.1038/ngeo2387
    • D'Hondt, Steven;
    • Inagaki, Fumio;
    • Zarikian, Carlos Alvarez;
    • Abrams, Lewis J.;
    • Dubois, Nathalie;
    • Engelhardt, Tim;
    • Evans, Helen;
    • Ferdelman, Timothy;
    • Gribsholt, Britta;
    • Harris, Robert N.;
    • Hoppie, Bryce W.;
    • Hyun, Jung-Ho;
    • Kallmeyer, Jens;
    • Kim, Jinwook;
    • Lynch, Jill E.;
    • McKinley, Claire C.;
    • Mitsunobu, Satoshi;
    • Morono, Yuki;
    • Murray, Richard W.;
    • Pockalny, Robert
    Publication type:
  • Overexpression of the VSSC-associated CAM, beta-2, enhances LNCaP cell metastasis associated behavior.

    Published in:
    Prostate, 2012, v. 72, n. 10, p. 1080, doi. 10.1002/pros.21512
    • Jansson, Keith H.;
    • Lynch, Jill E.;
    • Lepori-Bui, Nadia;
    • Czymmek, Kirk J.;
    • Duncan, Randall L.;
    • Sikes, Robert A.
    Publication type: