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  • X-ray spectroscopic search for dark matter and unidentified line signatures in the Perseus cluster with Hitomi.

    Published in:
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2019, v. 71, n. 3, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1093/pasj/psz023
    • Tamura, Takayuki;
    • Fabian, Andrew C;
    • Gandhi, Poshak;
    • Gu, Liyi;
    • Kamada, Ayuki;
    • Kitayama, Tetsu;
    • Loewenstein, Michael;
    • Maeda, Yoshitomo;
    • Matsushita, Kyoko;
    • McCammon, Dan;
    • Mitsuda, Kazuhisa;
    • Nakashima, Shinya;
    • Porter, Scott;
    • Pinto, Ciro;
    • Sato, Kosuke;
    • Tombesi, Francesco;
    • Yamasaki, Noriko Y
    Publication type:
  • In-flight calibration of Hitomi Soft X-ray Spectrometer. (1) Background.

    Published in:
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2018, v. 70, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/pasj/psx139
    • KILBOURNE, Caroline A.;
    • Makoto SAWADA;
    • Masahiro TSUJIMOTO;
    • Lorella ANGELLINI;
    • BOYCE, Kevin R.;
    • ECKART, Megan E.;
    • Ryuichi FUJIMOTO;
    • Yoshitaka ISHISAKI;
    • KELLEY, Richard L.;
    • Shu KOYAMA;
    • LEUTENEGGER, Maurice A.;
    • Michael LOEWENSTEIN;
    • Dan MCCAMMON;
    • Kazuhisa MITSUDA;
    • Shinya NAKASHIMA;
    • PORTER, Frederick S.;
    • Hiromi SETA;
    • Yoh TAKEI;
    • TASHIRO, Makoto S.;
    • Yukikatsu TERADA
    Publication type:
  • Imported non-endemic, arthropod-borne and parasitic infectious diseases in Austrian dogs.

    Published in:
    Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 2008, v. 120, p. 59, doi. 10.1007/s00508-008-1077-3
    • Leschnik, Michael;
    • Löwenstein, Michael;
    • Edelhofer, Renate;
    • Kirtz, Georges
    Publication type:
  • Treatment and control of bovine sarcoptic and psoroptic mange infestation with ivermectin long-acting injectable (IVOMEC GOLD).

    Published in:
    Parasitology Research, 2015, v. 114, n. 2, p. 535, doi. 10.1007/s00436-014-4215-z
    • Hamel, Dietmar;
    • Joachim, Anja;
    • Löwenstein, Michael;
    • Pfister, Kurt;
    • Silaghi, Cornelia;
    • Visser, Martin;
    • Winter, Renate;
    • Yoon, Stephen;
    • Cramer, Luiz;
    • Rehbein, Steffen
    Publication type:
  • Characterisation of Sarcoptes scabiei antigens.

    Published in:
    Parasitology Research, 2011, v. 108, n. 2, p. 309, doi. 10.1007/s00436-010-2063-z
    • Hejduk, Gloria;
    • Hofstätter, Katja;
    • Löwenstein, Michael;
    • Peschke, Roman;
    • Miller, Ingrid;
    • Joachim, Anja
    Publication type:
  • Effects of Ground Floor Type on Selected Health-Parameters and Weight of Rabbits Reared in Group Pens.

    Published in:
    Animals (2076-2615), 2019, v. 9, n. 5, p. 216, doi. 10.3390/ani9050216
    • Windschnurer, Ines;
    • Waiblinger, Susanne;
    • Hanslik, Stefan;
    • Klang, Andrea;
    • Smajlhodzic, Fehim;
    • Löwenstein, Michael;
    • Niebuhr, Knut
    Publication type:
  • Detailed design of the science operations for the XRISM mission.

    Published in:
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments & Systems, 2021, v. 7, n. 3, p. 37001, doi. 10.1117/1.JATIS.7.3.037001
    • Terada, Yukikatsu;
    • Holland, Matt;
    • Loewenstein, Michael;
    • Tashiro, Makoto;
    • Takahashi, Hiromitsu;
    • Nobukawa, Masayoshi;
    • Mizuno, Tsunefumi;
    • Tamura, Takayuki;
    • Uno, Shin'ichiro;
    • Watanabe, Shin;
    • Baluta, Chris;
    • Burns, Laura;
    • Ebisawa, Ken;
    • Eguchi, Satoshi;
    • Fukazawa, Yasushi;
    • Hayashi, Katsuhiro;
    • Iizuka, Ryo;
    • Katsuda, Satoru;
    • Kitaguchi, Takao;
    • Kubota, Aya
    Publication type:
  • Spectral response and effective area functions of the Hitomi imaging instruments.

    Published in:
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments & Systems, 2018, v. 4, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1117/1.JATIS.4.4.048005
    • Yaqoob, Tahir;
    • Angelini, Lorella;
    • Miller, Eric D.;
    • Yamaguchi, Hiroya;
    • Dutka, Michael S.;
    • Hill, Robert S.;
    • Hiromitsu Takahashi;
    • Loewenstein, Michael;
    • Rutkowski, Kristin L.;
    • Krimm, Hans;
    • Witthoeft, Michael C.
    Publication type:
  • Astro-H/Hitomi data analysis, processing, and archive.

    Published in:
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments & Systems, 2018, v. 4, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1117/1.JATIS.4.1.011207
    • Angelini, Lorella;
    • Yukikatsu Terada;
    • Dutka, Michael;
    • Eggen, Joseph;
    • Harrus, Ilana;
    • Hill, Robert S.;
    • Krimm, Hans;
    • Loewenstein, Michael;
    • Miller, Eric D.;
    • Masayoshi Nobukawa;
    • Rutkowski, Kristin;
    • Sargent, Andrew;
    • Makoto Sawada;
    • Hiromitsu Takahashi;
    • Hiroya Yamaguchi;
    • Yaqoob, Tahir;
    • Witthoeft, Michael
    Publication type: