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  • Wild herbivores enhance resistance to invasion by exotic cacti in an African savanna.

    Published in:
    Journal of Ecology, 2023, v. 111, n. 1, p. 33, doi. 10.1111/1365-2745.14010
    • Wells, Harry B. M.;
    • Crego, Ramiro D.;
    • Alston, Jesse M.;
    • Ndung'u, S. Kimani;
    • Khasoha, Leo M.;
    • Reed, Courtney G.;
    • Hassan, Abdikadir A.;
    • Kurukura, Samson;
    • Ekadeli, Jackson;
    • Namoni, Mathew;
    • Stewart, Peter S.;
    • Kimuyu, Duncan M.;
    • Wolf, Amelia A.;
    • Young, Truman P.;
    • Kartzinel, Tyler R.;
    • Palmer, Todd M.;
    • Goheen, Jacob R.;
    • Pringle, Robert M.
    Publication type:
  • Experimental evidence that effects of megaherbivores on mesoherbivore space use are influenced by species' traits.

    Published in:
    Journal of Animal Ecology, 2021, v. 90, n. 11, p. 2510, doi. 10.1111/1365-2656.13565
    • Wells, Harry B. M.;
    • Crego, Ramiro D.;
    • Opedal, Øystein H.;
    • Khasoha, Leo M.;
    • Alston, Jesse M.;
    • Reed, Courtney G.;
    • Weiner, Sarah;
    • Kurukura, Samson;
    • Hassan, Abdikadir A.;
    • Namoni, Mathew;
    • Ekadeli, Jackson;
    • Kimuyu, Duncan M.;
    • Young, Truman P.;
    • Kartzinel, Tyler R.;
    • Palmer, Todd M.;
    • Pringle, Robert M.;
    • Goheen, Jacob R.
    Publication type:
  • Conservation lessons from large‐mammal manipulations in East African savannas: the KLEE, UHURU, and GLADE experiments.

    Published in:
    Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2018, v. 1429, n. 1, p. 31, doi. 10.1111/nyas.13848
    • Goheen, Jacob R.;
    • Augustine, David J.;
    • Veblen, Kari E.;
    • Kimuyu, Duncan M.;
    • Palmer, Todd M.;
    • Porensky, Lauren M.;
    • Pringle, Robert M.;
    • Ratnam, Jayashree;
    • Riginos, Corinna;
    • Sankaran, Mahesh;
    • Ford, Adam T.;
    • Hassan, Abdikadir A.;
    • Jakopak, Rhiannon;
    • Kartzinel, Tyler R.;
    • Kurukura, Samson;
    • Louthan, Allison M.;
    • Odadi, Wilfred O.;
    • Otieno, Tobias O.;
    • Wambua, Alois M.;
    • Young, Hillary S.
    Publication type:
  • Plant DNA‐barcode library and community phylogeny for a semi‐arid East African savanna.

    Published in:
    Molecular Ecology Resources, 2019, v. 19, n. 4, p. 838, doi. 10.1111/1755-0998.13001
    • Gill, Brian A.;
    • Musili, Paul M.;
    • Kurukura, Samson;
    • Hassan, Abidikadir A.;
    • Goheen, Jacob R.;
    • Kress, W. John;
    • Kuzmina, Maria;
    • Pringle, Robert M.;
    • Kartzinel, Tyler R.
    Publication type:
  • Ecological consequences of large herbivore exclusion in an African savanna: 12 years of data from the UHURU experiment.

    Published in:
    Ecology, 2022, v. 103, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/ecy.3649
    • Alston, Jesse M.;
    • Reed, Courtney G.;
    • Khasoha, Leo M.;
    • Brown, Bianca R. P.;
    • Busienei, Gilbert;
    • Carlson, Nathaniel;
    • Coverdale, Tyler C.;
    • Dudenhoeffer, Megan;
    • Dyck, Marissa A.;
    • Ekeno, John;
    • Hassan, Abdikadir A.;
    • Hohbein, Rhianna;
    • Jakopak, Rhiannon P.;
    • Kimiti, Buas;
    • Kurukura, Samson;
    • Lokeny, Peter;
    • Louthan, Allison M.;
    • Musila, Simon;
    • Musili, Paul M.;
    • Tindall, Tosca
    Publication type:
  • Cover Image.

    Published in:
    Ecology, 2022, v. 103, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/ecy.3393
    • Alston, Jesse M.;
    • Reed, Courtney G.;
    • Khasoha, Leo M.;
    • Brown, Bianca R. P.;
    • Busienei, Gilbert;
    • Carlson, Nathaniel;
    • Coverdale, Tyler C.;
    • Dudenhoeffer, Megan;
    • Dyck, Marissa A.;
    • Ekeno, John;
    • Hassan, Abdikadir A.;
    • Hohbein, Rhianna;
    • Jakopak, Rhiannon P.;
    • Kimiti, Buas;
    • Kurukura, Samson;
    • Lokeny, Peter;
    • Louthan, Allison M.;
    • Musila, Simon;
    • Musili, Paul M.;
    • Tindall, Tosca
    Publication type: