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  • Checking the 8 Be Anomaly with a Two-Arm Electron Positron Pair Spectrometer.

    Published in:
    Universe (2218-1997), 2024, v. 10, n. 4, p. 168, doi. 10.3390/universe10040168
    • Anh, Tran The;
    • Dinh Trong, Tran;
    • Krasznahorkay, Attila J.;
    • Krasznahorkay, Attila;
    • Molnár, József;
    • Pintye, Zoltán;
    • Viet, Nguyen Ai;
    • Nghia, Nguyen The;
    • Khanh Linh, Do Thi;
    • Hoa, Bui Thi;
    • Chung, Le Xuan;
    • Anh, Nguyen Tuan
    Publication type:
  • Shedding light on X17: community report.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields, 2023, v. 83, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11271-x
    • Alves, Daniele S. M.;
    • Barducci, Daniele;
    • Cavoto, Gianluca;
    • Darmé, Luc;
    • Delle Rose, Luigi;
    • Doria, Luca;
    • Feng, Jonathan L.;
    • Frankenthal, André;
    • Gasparian, Ashot;
    • Goudzovski, Evgueni;
    • Gustavino, Carlo;
    • Khalil, Shaaban;
    • Kozhuharov, Venelin;
    • Krasznahorkay, Attila J.;
    • Marchi, Tommaso;
    • Meucci, Manuel;
    • Miller, Gerald A.;
    • Moretti, Stefano;
    • Nardecchia, Marco;
    • Nardi, Enrico
    Publication type:
  • Fission resonances observed in the 237Np(d,pf) reaction and the fission barrier topology of 238Np.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal A -- Hadrons & Nuclei, 2022, v. 58, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1140/epja/s10050-022-00668-z
    • Csige, Lóránt;
    • Csatlós, Margit;
    • Faestermann, Thomas;
    • Habs, Dieter;
    • Hunyadi, Mátyás;
    • Krasznahorkay, Attila J.;
    • Thirolf, Peter G.;
    • Tornyi, Tamás G.;
    • Wirth, Hans-F.
    Publication type:
  • A Common Tracking Software Project.

    Published in:
    Computing & Software for Big Science, 2022, v. 6, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s41781-021-00078-8
    • Ai, Xiaocong;
    • Allaire, Corentin;
    • Calace, Noemi;
    • Czirkos, Angéla;
    • Elsing, Markus;
    • Ene, Irina;
    • Farkas, Ralf;
    • Gagnon, Louis-Guillaume;
    • Garg, Rocky;
    • Gessinger, Paul;
    • Grasland, Hadrien;
    • Gray, Heather M.;
    • Gumpert, Christian;
    • Hrdinka, Julia;
    • Huth, Benjamin;
    • Kiehn, Moritz;
    • Klimpel, Fabian;
    • Kolbinger, Bernadette;
    • Krasznahorkay, Attila;
    • Langenberg, Robert
    Publication type: