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  • Engineering the Catalytic Properties of Two-Domain Laccase from Streptomyces griseoflavus Ac-993.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, v. 23, n. 1, p. 65, doi. 10.3390/ijms23010065
    • Kolyadenko, Ilya;
    • Scherbakova, Anastasia;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Gabdulkhakov, Azat;
    • Tishchenko, Svetlana
    Publication type:
  • Crystal Structure of the N112A Mutant of the Light-Driven Sodium Pump KR2.

    Published in:
    Crystals (2073-4352), 2020, v. 10, n. 6, p. 496, doi. 10.3390/cryst10060496
    • Maliar, Nina;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Baeken, Christian;
    • Balandin, Taras;
    • Astashkin, Roman;
    • Rulev, Maksim;
    • Alekseev, Alexey;
    • Ilyinsky, Nikolay;
    • Rogachev, Andrey;
    • Chupin, Vladimir;
    • Dolgikh, Dmitry;
    • Kirpichnikov, Mikhail;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin
    Publication type:
  • Crystal structure of a light-driven sodium pump.

    Published in:
    Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2015, v. 22, n. 5, p. 390, doi. 10.1038/nsmb.3002
    • Gushchin, Ivan;
    • Shevchenko, Vitaly;
    • Polovinkin, Vitaly;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Alekseev, Alexey;
    • Round, Ekaterina;
    • Borshchevskiy, Valentin;
    • Balandin, Taras;
    • Popov, Alexander;
    • Gensch, Thomas;
    • Fahlke, Christoph;
    • Bamann, Christian;
    • Willbold, Dieter;
    • Büldt, Georg;
    • Bamberg, Ernst;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin
    Publication type:
  • Author Correction: Small-wedge synchrotron and serial XFEL datasets for Cysteinyl leukotriene GPCRs.

    Published in:
    • Marin, Egor;
    • Luginina, Aleksandra;
    • Gusach, Anastasiia;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Bukhdruker, Sergey;
    • Khorn, Polina;
    • Polovinkin, Vitaly;
    • Lyapina, Elizaveta;
    • Rogachev, Andrey;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin;
    • Mishin, Alexey;
    • Cherezov, Vadim;
    • Borshchevskiy, Valentin
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Small-wedge synchrotron and serial XFEL datasets for Cysteinyl leukotriene GPCRs.

    Published in:
    Scientific Data, 2020, v. 7, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1038/s41597-020-00729-2
    • Marin, Egor;
    • Luginina, Aleksandra;
    • Gusach, Anastasiia;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Bukhdruker, Sergey;
    • Khorn, Polina;
    • Polovinkin, Vitaly;
    • Lyapina, Elizaveta;
    • Rogachev, Andrey;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin;
    • Mishin, Alexey;
    • Cherezov, Vadim;
    • Borshchevskiy, Valentin
    Publication type:
  • The Voltage Dependent Sidedness of the Reprotonation of the Retinal Schiff Base Determines the Unique Inward Pumping of Xenorhodopsin.

    Published in:
    Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, v. 60, n. 42, p. 23010, doi. 10.1002/anie.202103882
    • Weissbecker, Juliane;
    • Boumrifak, Chokri;
    • Breyer, Maximilian;
    • Wießalla, Tristan;
    • Shevchenko, Vitaly;
    • Mager, Thomas;
    • Slavov, Chavdar;
    • Alekseev, Alexey;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin;
    • Bamberg, Ernst;
    • Wachtveitl, Josef
    Publication type:
  • Viral rhodopsins 1 are an unique family of light-gated cation channels.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2020, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-020-19457-7
    • Zabelskii, Dmitrii;
    • Alekseev, Alexey;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Rankovic, Vladan;
    • Balandin, Taras;
    • Soloviov, Dmytro;
    • Bratanov, Dmitry;
    • Savelyeva, Ekaterina;
    • Podolyak, Elizaveta;
    • Volkov, Dmytro;
    • Vaganova, Svetlana;
    • Astashkin, Roman;
    • Chizhov, Igor;
    • Yutin, Natalia;
    • Rulev, Maksim;
    • Popov, Alexander;
    • Eria-Oliveira, Ana-Sofia;
    • Rokitskaya, Tatiana;
    • Mager, Thomas;
    • Antonenko, Yuri
    Publication type:
  • Viral rhodopsins 1 are an unique family of light-gated cation channels.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2020, v. 11, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1038/s41467-020-19457-7
    • Zabelskii, Dmitrii;
    • Alekseev, Alexey;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Rankovic, Vladan;
    • Balandin, Taras;
    • Soloviov, Dmytro;
    • Bratanov, Dmitry;
    • Savelyeva, Ekaterina;
    • Podolyak, Elizaveta;
    • Volkov, Dmytro;
    • Vaganova, Svetlana;
    • Astashkin, Roman;
    • Chizhov, Igor;
    • Yutin, Natalia;
    • Rulev, Maksim;
    • Popov, Alexander;
    • Eria-Oliveira, Ana-Sofia;
    • Rokitskaya, Tatiana;
    • Mager, Thomas;
    • Antonenko, Yuri
    Publication type:
  • Structural basis for receptor selectivity and inverse agonism in S1P<sub>5</sub> receptors.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2022, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-022-32447-1
    • Lyapina, Elizaveta;
    • Marin, Egor;
    • Gusach, Anastasiia;
    • Orekhov, Philipp;
    • Gerasimov, Andrey;
    • Luginina, Aleksandra;
    • Vakhrameev, Daniil;
    • Ergasheva, Margarita;
    • Kovaleva, Margarita;
    • Khusainov, Georgii;
    • Khorn, Polina;
    • Shevtsov, Mikhail;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Bukhdruker, Sergey;
    • Okhrimenko, Ivan;
    • Popov, Petr;
    • Hu, Hao;
    • Weierstall, Uwe;
    • Liu, Wei;
    • Cho, Yunje
    Publication type:
  • Insights into the mechanisms of light-oxygen-voltage domain color tuning from a set of high-resolution X-ray structures.

    Published in:
    Proteins, 2021, v. 89, n. 8, p. 1005, doi. 10.1002/prot.26078
    • Remeeva, Alina;
    • Nazarenko, Vera V.;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Goncharov, Ivan M.;
    • Yudenko, Anna;
    • Astashkin, Roman;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin;
    • Gushchin, Ivan
    Publication type:
  • Rhodopsin Channel Activity Can Be Evaluated by Measuring the Photocurrent Voltage Dependence in Planar Bilayer Lipid Membranes.

    Published in:
    Biochemistry (00062979), 2021, v. 86, n. 4, p. 409, doi. 10.1134/S0006297921040039
    • Rokitskaya, Tatyana I.;
    • Maliar, Nina;
    • Kovalev, Kirill V.;
    • Volkov, Oleksandr;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin I.;
    • Antonenko, Yuri N.
    Publication type:
  • High-pressure crystallography shows noble gas intervention into protein-lipid interaction and suggests a model for anaesthetic action.

    Published in:
    Communications Biology, 2022, v. 5, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s42003-022-03233-y
    • Melnikov, Igor;
    • Orekhov, Philipp;
    • Rulev, Maksim;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Astashkin, Roman;
    • Bratanov, Dmitriy;
    • Ryzhykau, Yury;
    • Balandin, Taras;
    • Bukhdruker, Sergei;
    • Okhrimenko, Ivan;
    • Borshchevskiy, Valentin;
    • Bourenkov, Gleb;
    • Mueller-Dieckmann, Christoph;
    • van der Linden, Peter;
    • Carpentier, Philippe;
    • Leonard, Gordon;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin;
    • Popov, Alexander
    Publication type:
  • Structure-based insights into evolution of rhodopsins.

    Published in:
    Communications Biology, 2021, v. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s42003-021-02326-4
    • Zabelskii, Dmitrii;
    • Dmitrieva, Natalia;
    • Volkov, Oleksandr;
    • Shevchenko, Vitaly;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Balandin, Taras;
    • Soloviov, Dmytro;
    • Astashkin, Roman;
    • Zinovev, Egor;
    • Alekseev, Alexey;
    • Round, Ekaterina;
    • Polovinkin, Vitaly;
    • Chizhov, Igor;
    • Rogachev, Andrey;
    • Okhrimenko, Ivan;
    • Borshchevskiy, Valentin;
    • Chupin, Vladimir;
    • Büldt, Georg;
    • Yutin, Natalia;
    • Bamberg, Ernst
    Publication type:
  • Role of hydrogen bond alternation and charge transfer states in photoactivation of the Orange Carotenoid Protein.

    Published in:
    Communications Biology, 2021, v. 4, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s42003-021-02022-3
    • Yaroshevich, Igor A.;
    • Maksimov, Eugene G.;
    • Sluchanko, Nikolai N.;
    • Zlenko, Dmitry V.;
    • Stepanov, Alexey V.;
    • Slutskaya, Ekaterina A.;
    • Slonimskiy, Yury B.;
    • Botnarevskii, Viacheslav S.;
    • Remeeva, Alina;
    • Gushchin, Ivan;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin I.;
    • Shelaev, Ivan V.;
    • Gostev, Fedor E.;
    • Khakhulin, Dmitry;
    • Poddubnyy, Vladimir V.;
    • Gostev, Timofey S.;
    • Cherepanov, Dmitry A.;
    • Polívka, Tomáš;
    • Kloz, Miroslav
    Publication type:
  • Effects of Proline Substitutions on the Thermostable LOV Domain from Chloroflexus aggregans.

    Published in:
    Crystals (2073-4352), 2020, v. 10, n. 4, p. 256, doi. 10.3390/cryst10040256
    • Remeeva, Alina;
    • Nazarenko, Vera V.;
    • Goncharov, Ivan M.;
    • Yudenko, Anna;
    • Smolentseva, Anastasia;
    • Semenov, Oleg;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Gülbahar, Cansu;
    • Schwaneberg, Ulrich;
    • Davari, Mehdi D.;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin;
    • Gushchin, Ivan
    Publication type:
  • Structural insights into thrombolytic activity of destabilase from medicinal leech.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2023, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-023-32459-x
    • Marin, Egor;
    • Kornilov, Daniil A.;
    • Bukhdruker, Sergey S.;
    • Aleksenko, Vladimir A.;
    • Manuvera, Valentin A.;
    • Zinovev, Egor V.;
    • Kovalev, Kirill V.;
    • Shevtsov, Mikhail B.;
    • Talyzina, Anna A.;
    • Bobrovsky, Pavel A.;
    • Kuzmichev, Pavel K.;
    • Mishin, Alexey V.;
    • Gushchin, Ivan Y.;
    • Lazarev, Vassili N.;
    • Borshchevskiy, Valentin I.
    Publication type:
  • Molecular mechanism of light-driven sodium pumping.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2020, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-020-16032-y
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Astashkin, Roman;
    • Gushchin, Ivan;
    • Orekhov, Philipp;
    • Volkov, Dmytro;
    • Zinovev, Egor;
    • Marin, Egor;
    • Rulev, Maksim;
    • Alekseev, Alexey;
    • Royant, Antoine;
    • Carpentier, Philippe;
    • Vaganova, Svetlana;
    • Zabelskii, Dmitrii;
    • Baeken, Christian;
    • Sergeev, Ilya;
    • Balandin, Taras;
    • Bourenkov, Gleb;
    • Carpena, Xavier;
    • Boer, Roeland;
    • Maliar, Nina
    Publication type:
  • Structural basis of ligand selectivity and disease mutations in cysteinyl leukotriene receptors.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2019, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-019-13348-2
    • Gusach, Anastasiia;
    • Luginina, Aleksandra;
    • Marin, Egor;
    • Brouillette, Rebecca L.;
    • Besserer-Offroy, Élie;
    • Longpré, Jean-Michel;
    • Ishchenko, Andrii;
    • Popov, Petr;
    • Patel, Nilkanth;
    • Fujimoto, Taku;
    • Maruyama, Toru;
    • Stauch, Benjamin;
    • Ergasheva, Margarita;
    • Romanovskaia, Daria;
    • Stepko, Anastasiia;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Shevtsov, Mikhail;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin;
    • Han, Gye Won;
    • Katritch, Vsevolod
    Publication type:
  • Unique structure and function of viral rhodopsins.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2019, v. 10, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1038/s41467-019-12718-0
    • Bratanov, Dmitry;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Machtens, Jan-Philipp;
    • Astashkin, Roman;
    • Chizhov, Igor;
    • Soloviov, Dmytro;
    • Volkov, Dmytro;
    • Polovinkin, Vitaly;
    • Zabelskii, Dmitrii;
    • Mager, Thomas;
    • Gushchin, Ivan;
    • Rokitskaya, Tatyana;
    • Antonenko, Yuri;
    • Alekseev, Alexey;
    • Shevchenko, Vitaly;
    • Yutin, Natalya;
    • Rosselli, Riccardo;
    • Baeken, Christian;
    • Borshchevskiy, Valentin;
    • Bourenkov, Gleb
    Publication type:
  • Die spannungsabhängige Richtung der Reprotonierung der Schiff'schen Base bestimmt das Einwärtspumpen von Xenorhodopsin.

    Published in:
    Angewandte Chemie, 2021, v. 133, n. 42, p. 23192, doi. 10.1002/ange.202103882
    • Weissbecker, Juliane;
    • Boumrifak, Chokri;
    • Breyer, Maximilian;
    • Wießalla, Tristan;
    • Shevchenko, Vitaly;
    • Mager, Thomas;
    • Slavov, Chavdar;
    • Alekseev, Alexey;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin;
    • Bamberg, Ernst;
    • Wachtveitl, Josef
    Publication type:
  • Mirror proteorhodopsins.

    Published in:
    Communications Chemistry, 2023, v. 6, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s42004-023-00884-8
    • Okhrimenko, Ivan S.;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Petrovskaya, Lada E.;
    • Ilyinsky, Nikolay S.;
    • Alekseev, Alexey A.;
    • Marin, Egor;
    • Rokitskaya, Tatyana I.;
    • Antonenko, Yuri N.;
    • Siletsky, Sergey A.;
    • Popov, Petr A.;
    • Zagryadskaya, Yuliya A.;
    • Soloviov, Dmytro V.;
    • Chizhov, Igor V.;
    • Zabelskii, Dmitrii V.;
    • Ryzhykau, Yury L.;
    • Vlasov, Alexey V.;
    • Kuklin, Alexander I.;
    • Bogorodskiy, Andrey O.;
    • Mikhailov, Anatolii E.;
    • Sidorov, Daniil V.
    Publication type:
  • Structural insights into the effects of glycerol on ligand binding to cytochrome P450.

    Published in:
    Acta Crystallographica: Section D, Structural Biology, 2023, v. 79, n. 1, p. 66, doi. 10.1107/S2059798322011019
    • Bukhdruker, Sergey;
    • Varaksa, Tatsiana;
    • Orekhov, Philipp;
    • Grabovec, Irina;
    • Marin, Egor;
    • Kapranov, Ivan;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Astashkin, Roman;
    • Kaluzhskiy, Leonid;
    • Ivanov, Alexis;
    • Mishin, Alexey;
    • Rogachev, Andrey;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin;
    • Gilep, Andrei;
    • Strushkevich, Natallia;
    • Borshchevskiy, Valentin
    Publication type:
  • Mechanisms of membrane protein crystallization in 'bicelles'.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2022, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-022-13945-0
    • Murugova, Tatiana N.;
    • Ivankov, Oleksandr I.;
    • Ryzhykau, Yury L.;
    • Soloviov, Dmytro V.;
    • Kovalev, Kirill V.;
    • Skachkova, Daria V.;
    • Round, Adam;
    • Baeken, Christian;
    • Ishchenko, Andrii V.;
    • Volkov, Oleksandr A.;
    • Rogachev, Andrey V.;
    • Vlasov, Alexey V.;
    • Kuklin, Alexander I.;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin I.
    Publication type:
  • Structural and Functional Investigation of Flavin Binding Center of the NqrC Subunit of Sodium-Translocating NADH:Quinone Oxidoreductase from Vibrio harveyi.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2015, v. 10, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0118548
    • Borshchevskiy, Valentin;
    • Round, Ekaterina;
    • Bertsova, Yulia;
    • Polovinkin, Vitaly;
    • Gushchin, Ivan;
    • Ishchenko, Andrii;
    • Kovalev, Kirill;
    • Mishin, Alexey;
    • Kachalova, Galina;
    • Popov, Alexander;
    • Bogachev, Alexander;
    • Gordeliy, Valentin
    Publication type: