Found: 137

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  • Comparative Genomics of Pathogenic and Nonpathogenic Strains of Xanthomonas arboricola Unveil Molecular and Evolutionary Events Linked to Pathoadaptation.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fpls.2015.01126
    • Cesbron, Sophie;
    • Briand, Martial;
    • Essakhi, Salwa;
    • Gironde, Sophie;
    • Boureau, Tristan;
    • Manceau, Charles;
    • Saux, Marion Fischer-Le;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès
    Publication type:
  • Shifting the paradigm from pathogens to pathobiome: new concepts in the light of meta-omics.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Cellular & Infection Microbiology, 2014, v. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fcimb.2014.00029
    • Vayssier-Taussat, Muriel;
    • Albina, Emmanuel;
    • Citti, Christine;
    • Cosson, Jean-François;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Lebrun, Marc-Henri;
    • Le Loir, Yves;
    • Ogliastro, Mylène;
    • Petit, Marie-Agnè;
    • Roumagnac, Philipp;
    • Candresse, Thierry
    Publication type:
  • Genetic and Functional Diversity Help Explain Pathogenic, Weakly Pathogenic, and Commensal Lifestyles in the Genus Xanthomonas.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology & Evolution, 2024, v. 16, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/gbe/evae074
    • Pena, Michelle M;
    • Bhandari, Rishi;
    • Bowers, Robert M;
    • Weis, Kylie;
    • Newberry, Eric;
    • Wagner, Naama;
    • Pupko, Tal;
    • Jones, Jeffrey B;
    • Woyke, Tanja;
    • Vinatzer, Boris A;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Potnis, Neha
    Publication type:
  • Genomics and transcriptomics of Xanthomonas campestris species challenge the concept of core type III effectome.

    Published in:
    BMC Genomics, 2015, v. 16, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s12864-015-2190-0
    • Roux, Brice;
    • Bolot, Stéphanie;
    • Guy, Endrick;
    • Denancé, Nicolas;
    • Lautier, Martine;
    • Jardinaud, Marie-Françoise;
    • Fischer-Le Saux, Marion;
    • Portier, Perrine;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Gagnevin, Lionel;
    • Pruvost, Olivier;
    • Lauber, Emmanuelle;
    • Arlat, Matthieu;
    • Carrère, Sébastien;
    • Koebnik, Ralf;
    • Noël, Laurent D.
    Publication type:
  • The xylan utilization system of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris controls epiphytic life and reveals common features with oligotrophic bacteria and animal gut symbionts.

    Published in:
    New Phytologist, 2013, v. 198, n. 3, p. 899, doi. 10.1111/nph.12187
    • Déjean, Guillaume;
    • Blanvillain‐Baufumé, Servane;
    • Boulanger, Alice;
    • Darrasse, Armelle;
    • Bernonville, Thomas Dugé;
    • Girard, Anne‐Laure;
    • Carrére, Sébastien;
    • Jamet, Stevie;
    • Zischek, Claudine;
    • Lautier, Martine;
    • Solé, Magali;
    • Büttner, Daniela;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Lauber, Emmanuelle;
    • Arlat, Matthieu
    Publication type:
  • Genome sequencing reveals a new lineage associated with lablab bean and genetic exchange between Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, v. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01080
    • Aritua, Valente;
    • Harrison, James;
    • Sapp, Melanie;
    • Buruchara, Robin;
    • Smith, Julian;
    • Studholme, David J.;
    • Gross, Dennis;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès
    Publication type:
  • The complete genome sequence of Xanthomonas albilineansprovides new insights into the reductive genome evolution of thexylem-limited Xanthomonadaceae.

    Published in:
    BMC Genomics, 2009, v. 10, p. 616, doi. 10.1186/1471-2164-10-616
    • Pieretti, Isabelle;
    • Royer, Monique;
    • Barbe, Valérie;
    • Carrere, Sébastien;
    • Koebnik, Ralf;
    • Cociancich, Stéphane;
    • Couloux, Arnaud;
    • Darrasse, Armelle;
    • Gouzy, Jérôme;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Lauber, Emmanuelle;
    • Manceau, Charles;
    • Mangenot, Sophie;
    • Poussier, Stéphane;
    • Segurens, Béatrice;
    • Szurek, Boris;
    • Verdier, Valérie;
    • Arlat, Matthieu;
    • Rott, Philippe
    Publication type:
  • Integrating science on Xanthomonadaceae for sustainable plant disease management in Europe.

    Published in:
    Molecular Plant Pathology, 2021, v. 22, n. 12, p. 1461, doi. 10.1111/mpp.13150
    • Costa, Joana;
    • Pothier, Joël F.;
    • Boch, Jens;
    • Stefani, Emilio;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Catara, Vittoria;
    • Koebnik, Ralf
    Publication type:
  • Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis and pv. corylina: Brothers or distant relatives? Genetic clues, epidemiology, and insights for disease management.

    Published in:
    Molecular Plant Pathology, 2021, v. 22, n. 12, p. 1481, doi. 10.1111/mpp.13073
    • Kałużna, Monika;
    • Fischer‐Le Saux, Marion;
    • Pothier, Joël F.;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Obradović, Aleksa;
    • Tavares, Fernando;
    • Stefani, Emilio
    Publication type:
  • Common bacterial blight of bean: a model of seed transmission and pathological convergence.

    Published in:
    Molecular Plant Pathology, 2021, v. 22, n. 12, p. 1464, doi. 10.1111/mpp.13067
    • Chen, Nicolas W. G.;
    • Ruh, Mylène;
    • Darrasse, Armelle;
    • Foucher, Justine;
    • Briand, Martial;
    • Costa, Joana;
    • Studholme, David J.;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès
    Publication type:
  • Role of the acquisition of a type 3 secretion system in the emergence of novel pathogenic strains of Xanthomonas.

    Published in:
    Molecular Plant Pathology, 2019, v. 20, n. 1, p. 33, doi. 10.1111/mpp.12737
    • Meline, Valérian;
    • Delage, Wesley;
    • Brin, Chrystelle;
    • Li‐Marchetti, Camille;
    • Sochard, Daniel;
    • Arlat, Matthieu;
    • Rousseau, Céline;
    • Darrasse, Armelle;
    • Briand, Martial;
    • Lebreton, Guillaume;
    • Portier, Perrine;
    • Fischer‐Le Saux, Marion;
    • Durand, Karine;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Belin, Etienne;
    • Boureau, Tristan
    Publication type:
  • Comparative transcriptomics reveals a highly polymorphic Xanthomonas HrpG virulence regulon.

    Published in:
    BMC Genomics, 2024, v. 25, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s12864-024-10684-6
    • Monnens, Thomas Quiroz;
    • Roux, Brice;
    • Cunnac, Sébastien;
    • Charbit, Erika;
    • Carrère, Sébastien;
    • Lauber, Emmanuelle;
    • Jardinaud, Marie-Françoise;
    • Darrasse, Armelle;
    • Arlat, Matthieu;
    • Szurek, Boris;
    • Pruvost, Olivier;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Gagnevin, Lionel;
    • Koebnik, Ralf;
    • Noël, Laurent D.;
    • Boulanger, Alice
    Publication type:
  • Suspicions of two bridgehead invasions of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex in France.

    Published in:
    Communications Biology, 2023, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s42003-023-04499-6
    • Dupas, Enora;
    • Durand, Karine;
    • Rieux, Adrien;
    • Briand, Martial;
    • Pruvost, Olivier;
    • Cunty, Amandine;
    • Denancé, Nicolas;
    • Donnadieu, Cécile;
    • Legendre, Bruno;
    • Lopez-Roques, Céline;
    • Cesbron, Sophie;
    • Ravigné, Virginie;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès
    Publication type:
  • Assembly of seed-associated microbial communities within and across successive plant generations.

    Published in:
    Plant & Soil, 2018, v. 422, n. 1/2, p. 67, doi. 10.1007/s11104-017-3451-2
    • Rezki, Samir;
    • Campion, Claire;
    • Simoneau, Philippe;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Shade, Ashley;
    • Barret, Matthieu
    Publication type:
  • Niches and routes of transmission of <italic>Xanthomonas citri</italic> pv. <italic>fuscans</italic> to bean seeds.

    Published in:
    Plant & Soil, 2018, v. 422, n. 1/2, p. 115, doi. 10.1007/s11104-017-3329-3
    • Darrasse, Armelle;
    • Barret, Matthieu;
    • Cesbron, Sophie;
    • Compant, Stéphane;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès
    Publication type:
  • Is Xylella fastidiosa a serious threat to European forests?

    Published in:
    Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 2021, v. 94, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/forestry/cpaa029
    • Desprez-Loustau, Marie-Laure;
    • Balci, Yilmaz;
    • Cornara, Daniele;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Robin, Cécile;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès
    Publication type:
  • Functional Microbial Features Driving Community Assembly During Seed Germination and Emergence.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fpls.2018.00902
    • Torres-Cortés, Gloria;
    • Bonneau, Sophie;
    • Bouchez, Olivier;
    • Genthon, Clémence;
    • Briand, Martial;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Barret, Matthieu
    Publication type:
  • Correction to: Common bean resistance to Xanthomonas is associated with upregulation of the salicylic acid pathway and downregulation of photosynthesis.

    Published in:
    • Foucher, Justine;
    • Ruh, Mylène;
    • Préveaux, Anne;
    • Carrère, Sébastien;
    • Pelletier, Sandra;
    • Briand, Martial;
    • Serre, Rémy-Félix;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Chen, Nicolas W. G.
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Common bean resistance to Xanthomonas is associated with upregulation of the salicylic acid pathway and downregulation of photosynthesis.

    Published in:
    BMC Genomics, 2020, v. 21, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1186/s12864-020-06972-6
    • Foucher, Justine;
    • Ruh, Mylène;
    • Préveaux, Anne;
    • Carrère, Sébastien;
    • Pelletier, Sandra;
    • Briand, Martial;
    • Serre, Rémy-Félix;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Chen, Nicolas W. G.
    Publication type:
  • Correction: Velasco-Amo et al. Use of traC Gene to Type the Incidence and Distribution of pXFAS_5235 Plasmid-Bearing Strains of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa ST1 in Spain. Plants 2022, 11 , 1562.

    Published in:
    Plants (2223-7747), 2024, v. 13, n. 2, p. 200, doi. 10.3390/plants13020200
    • Velasco-Amo, María Pilar;
    • Arias-Giraldo, Luis F.;
    • Olivares-García, Concepción;
    • Denancé, Nicolás;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Landa, Blanca B.
    Publication type:
  • Use of traC Gene to Type the Incidence and Distribution of pXFAS_5235 Plasmid-Bearing Strains of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa ST1 in Spain.

    Published in:
    Plants (2223-7747), 2022, v. 11, n. 12, p. 1562, doi. 10.3390/plants11121562
    • Velasco-Amo, María Pilar;
    • Arias-Giraldo, Luis F.;
    • Olivares-García, Concepción;
    • Denancé, Nicolás;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Landa, Blanca B.
    Publication type:
  • Terroir is a key driver of seed-associated microbial assemblages.

    Published in:
    Environmental Microbiology, 2016, v. 18, n. 6, p. 1792, doi. 10.1111/1462-2920.12977
    • Klaedtke, Stephanie;
    • Jacques, Marie ‐ Agnès;
    • Raggi, Lorenzo;
    • Préveaux, Anne;
    • Bonneau, Sophie;
    • Negri, Valeria;
    • Chable, Véronique;
    • Barret, Matthieu
    Publication type:
  • Recombination-prone bacterial strains form a reservoir from which epidemic clones emerge in agroecosystems.

    Published in:
    Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2016, v. 8, n. 5, p. 572, doi. 10.1111/1758-2229.12397
    • Merda, Deborah;
    • Bonneau, Sophie;
    • Guimbaud, Jean-Francois;
    • Durand, Karine;
    • Brin, Chrystelle;
    • Boureau, Tristan;
    • Lemaire, Christophe;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Fischer-Le Saux, Marion
    Publication type:
  • Genomic Survey of Pathogenicity Determinants and VNTR Markers in the Cassava Bacterial Pathogen <i>Xanthomonas axonopodis</i> pv. Manihotis Strain CIO151.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2013, v. 8, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0079704
    • Arrieta-Ortiz, Mario L.;
    • Rodríguez-R, Luis M.;
    • Pérez-Quintero, Álvaro L.;
    • Poulin, Lucie;
    • Díaz, Ana C.;
    • Arias Rojas, Nathalia;
    • Trujillo, Cesar;
    • Restrepo Benavides, Mariana;
    • Bart, Rebecca;
    • Boch, Jens;
    • Boureau, Tristan;
    • Darrasse, Armelle;
    • David, Perrine;
    • Dugé de Bernonville, Thomas;
    • Fontanilla, Paula;
    • Gagnevin, Lionel;
    • Guérin, Fabien;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Lauber, Emmanuelle;
    • Lefeuvre, Pierre
    Publication type:
  • Evolutionary History of the Plant Pathogenic Bacterium <i>Xanthomonas axonopodis</i>.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2013, v. 8, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0058474
    • Mhedbi-Hajri, Nadia;
    • Hajri, Ahmed;
    • Boureau, Tristan;
    • Darrasse, Armelle;
    • Durand, Karine;
    • Brin, Chrystelle;
    • Saux, Marion Fischer-Le;
    • Manceau, Charles;
    • Poussier, Stéphane;
    • Pruvost, Olivier;
    • Lemaire, Christophe;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès
    Publication type:
  • Trends in Molecular Diagnosis and Diversity Studies for Phytosanitary Regulated Xanthomonas.

    Published in:
    Microorganisms, 2021, v. 9, n. 4, p. 862, doi. 10.3390/microorganisms9040862
    • Catara, Vittoria;
    • Cubero, Jaime;
    • Pothier, Joël F.;
    • Bosis, Eran;
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Đermić, Edyta;
    • Holeva, Maria C.;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Petter, Francoise;
    • Pruvost, Olivier;
    • Robène, Isabelle;
    • Studholme, David J.;
    • Tavares, Fernando;
    • Vicente, Joana G.;
    • Koebnik, Ralf;
    • Costa, Joana
    Publication type:
  • Ancestral acquisitions, gene flow and multiple evolutionary trajectories of the type three secretion system and effectors in Xanthomonas plant pathogens.

    Published in:
    Molecular Ecology, 2017, v. 26, n. 21, p. 5939, doi. 10.1111/mec.14343
    • Merda, Déborah;
    • Briand, Martial;
    • Bosis, Eran;
    • Rousseau, Céline;
    • Portier, Perrine;
    • Barret, Matthieu;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Fischer‐Le Saux, Marion
    Publication type:
  • Horizontal gene transfer plays a major role in the pathological convergence of Xanthomonas lineages on common bean.

    Published in:
    BMC Genomics, 2018, v. 19, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s12864-018-4975-4
    • Chen, Nicolas W. G.;
    • Serres-Giardi, Laurana;
    • Ruh, Mylène;
    • Briand, Martial;
    • Bonneau, Sophie;
    • Darrasse, Armelle;
    • Barbe, Valérie;
    • Gagnevin, Lionel;
    • Koebnik, Ralf;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès
    Publication type:
  • Xanthomonas adaptation to common bean is associated with horizontal transfers of genes encoding TAL effectors.

    Published in:
    BMC Genomics, 2017, v. 18, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s12864-017-4087-6
    • Ruh, Mylène;
    • Briand, Martial;
    • Bonneau, Sophie;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Chen, Nicolas
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Prunus domestica plants from Ukraine.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2022, v. 20, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2022.7391
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Chatzivassiliou, Elisavet;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Baptista, Paula;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe L;
    • Stefani, Emilio;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Vicent, Antonio;
    • Zappalà, Lucia
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Malus domestica plants from Ukraine.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6909
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas-Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans-Hermann;
    • der Werf, Wopke Van;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Lucchi, Andrea;
    • Gómez, Pedro;
    • Urek, Gregor
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Colletotrichum fructicola.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6803
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Migheli, Quirico;
    • Vloutoglou, Irene
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Amyelois transitella.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6666
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Vicent Civera, Antonio;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Malumphy, Chris;
    • Czwienczek, Ewelina
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Citripestis sagittiferella.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6664
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Vicent Civera, Antonio;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Malumphy, Chris;
    • Czwienczek, Ewelina
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Elasmopalpus lignosellus.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6663
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Vicent Civera, Antonio;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Malumphy, Chris;
    • Czwienczek, Ewelina
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Juglans regia plants from Turkey.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6665
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Vicent Civera, Antonio;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Battisti, Andrea;
    • Mas, Hugo
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Citrus L. fruits from Israel for Thaumatotibia leucotreta under a systems approach.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6427
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Navas-Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans-Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Lucchi, Andrea;
    • Tena, Alejandro
    Publication type:
  • Scientific opinion on the import of Musa fruits as a pathway for the entry of non-EU Tephritidae into the EU territory.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6426
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas-Cortes, Juan A.;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans-Hermann;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Papadopoulos, Nikolaos;
    • Papanastasiou, Stella
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Ullucus tuberosus tubers from Peru.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6428
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas-Cortes, Juan Antonio;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans-Hermann;
    • der Werf, Wopke Van;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Zappal(a, Lucia;
    • Lucchi, Andrea;
    • Urek, Gregor
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Momordica charantia fruits from Thailand.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6399
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Vicent Civera, Antonio;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Lucchi, Andrea;
    • Loomans, Antoon
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Momordica charantia fruits from Mexico.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6398
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Vicent Civera, Antonio;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Lucchi, Andrea;
    • Loomans, Antoon
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Momordica charantia fruits from Sri Lanka.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6397
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Vicent Civera, Antonio;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Lucchi, Andrea;
    • Loomans, Antoon
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Momordica charantia fruits from Suriname.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6396
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A.;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Lucchi, Andrea;
    • Loomans, Antoon
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Momordica charantia fruits from Honduras.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6395
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A.;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Vicent Civera, Antonio;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Lucchi, Andrea;
    • Loomans, Antoon
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Persea americana from Israel.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6354
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Gómez, Pedro;
    • Lucchi, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Diaphorina citri.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6357
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Miret, Josep Anton Jaques;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas-Cortes, Juan A.;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans-Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Kertesz, Virag;
    • Streissl, Franz
    Publication type:
  • Commodity risk assessment of Ficus carica plants from Israel.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6353
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Miret, Josep Anton Jaques;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas-Cortes, Juan A.;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans-Hermann;
    • van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Battisti, Andrea;
    • Mas, Hugo
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of beet necrotic yellow vein virus.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2020, v. 18, n. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6360
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Fejer Justesen, Annemarie;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Candresse, Thierry;
    • Chatzivassiliou, Elisavet
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Leptinotarsa decemlineata.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2020, v. 18, n. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6359
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Kertesz, Virag;
    • Maiorano, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2020, v. 18, n. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6358
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Kertész, Virág
    Publication type: