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  • Time of onset of atrial fibrillation and atrial fibrillation progression data from the RACE V study.

    Published in:
    EP: Europace, 2023, v. 25, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/europace/euad058
    • Lande, Martijn E van de;
    • Rama, Rajiv S;
    • Koldenhof, Tim;
    • Arita, Vicente Artola;
    • Nguyen, Bao-Oanh;
    • Deutekom, Colinda van;
    • Weberndorfer, Vanessa;
    • Crijns, Harry J G M;
    • Hemels, Martin E W;
    • Tieleman, Robert G;
    • Melis, Mirko de;
    • Schotten, Ulrich;
    • Linz, Dominik;
    • Gelder, Isabelle C Van;
    • Rienstra, Michiel;
    • Investigators, for the RACE V
    Publication type: