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  • Structural analysis of the genome of breast cancer cell line ZR-75-30 identifies twelve expressed fusion genes.

    Published in:
    BMC Genomics, 2012, v. 13, n. 1, p. 719, doi. 10.1186/1471-2164-13-719
    • Schulte, Ina;
    • Batty, Elizabeth M.;
    • Pole, Jessica C. M.;
    • Blood, Katherine A.;
    • Mo, Steven;
    • Cooke, Susanna L.;
    • Ng, Charlotte;
    • Howe, Kevin L.;
    • Chin, Suet-Feung;
    • Brenton, James D.;
    • Caldas, Carlos;
    • Howarth, Karen D.;
    • Edwards, Paul A. W.
    Publication type:
  • The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2005, v. 434, n. 7031, p. 325, doi. 10.1038/nature03440
    • Ross, Mark T.;
    • Grafham, Darren V.;
    • Coffey, Alison J.;
    • Scherer, Steven;
    • McLay, Kirsten;
    • Muzny, Donna;
    • Platzer, Matthias;
    • Howell, Gareth R.;
    • Burrows, Christine;
    • Bird, Christine P.;
    • Frankish, Adam;
    • Lovell, Frances L.;
    • Howe, Kevin L.;
    • Ashurst, Jennifer L.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Sudbrak, Ralf;
    • Wen, Gaiping;
    • Jones, Matthew C.;
    • Hurles, Matthew E.;
    • Andrews, T. Daniel
    Publication type:
  • A Bayesian deconvolution strategy for immunoprecipitation-based DNA methylome analysis.

    Published in:
    Nature Biotechnology, 2008, v. 26, n. 7, p. 779, doi. 10.1038/nbt1414
    • Down, Thomas A;
    • Rakyan, Vardhman K;
    • Turner, Daniel J;
    • Flicek, Paul;
    • Li, Heng;
    • Kulesha, Eugene;
    • Gräf, Stefan;
    • Johnson, Nathan;
    • Herrero, Javier;
    • Tomazou, Eleni M;
    • Thorne, Natalie P;
    • Bäckdahl, Liselotte;
    • Herberth, Marlis;
    • Howe, Kevin L;
    • Jackson, David K;
    • Miretti, Marcos M;
    • Marioni, John C;
    • Birney, Ewan;
    • Hubbard, Tim J P;
    • Durbin, Richard
    Publication type:
  • DNA Methylation Profiling of the Human Major Histocompatibility Complex: A Pilot Study for the Human Epigenome Project.

    Published in:
    PLoS Biology, 2004, v. 2, n. 12, p. 2170, doi. 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020405
    • Rakyan, Vardhman K.;
    • Hildmann, Thomas;
    • Novik, Karen L.;
    • Lewin, Jörn;
    • Tost, Jörg;
    • Cox, Antony V.;
    • Andrews, T. Dan;
    • Howe, Kevin L.;
    • Otto, Thomas;
    • Olek, Alexander;
    • Fischer, Judith;
    • Gut, Ivo G.;
    • Berlin, Kurt;
    • Beck, Stephan
    Publication type:
  • DNA Methylation Profiling of the Human Major Histocompatibility Complex: A Pilot Study for the Human Epigenome Project.

    Published in:
    PLoS Biology, 2004, v. 2, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020405
    • Rakyan, Vardhman K;
    • Hildmann, Thomas;
    • Novik, Karen L;
    • Lewin, Jörn;
    • Tost, Jörg;
    • Cox, Antony V;
    • Andrews, T. Dan;
    • Howe, Kevin L;
    • Otto, Thomas;
    • Olek, Alexander;
    • Fischer, Judith;
    • Gut, Ivo G;
    • Berlin, Kurt;
    • Beck, Stephan
    Publication type:
  • Ensembl COVID-19 resource: ongoing integration of public SARS-CoV-2 data.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, v. 50, n. D1, p. D765, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkab889
    • De Silva, Nishadi H;
    • Bhai, Jyothish;
    • Chakiachvili, Marc;
    • Contreras-Moreira, Bruno;
    • Cummins, Carla;
    • Frankish, Adam;
    • Gall, Astrid;
    • Genez, Thiago;
    • Howe, Kevin L;
    • Hunt, Sarah E;
    • Martin, Fergal J;
    • Moore, Benjamin;
    • Ogeh, Denye;
    • Parker, Anne;
    • Parton, Andrew;
    • Ruffier, Magali;
    • Sakthivel, Manoj Pandian;
    • Sheppard, Dan;
    • Tate, John;
    • Thormann, Anja
    Publication type:
  • Ensembl Genomes 2020—enabling non-vertebrate genomic research.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, v. 48, n. D1, p. D689, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkz890
    • Howe, Kevin L;
    • Contreras-Moreira, Bruno;
    • De Silva, Nishadi;
    • Maslen, Gareth;
    • Akanni, Wasiu;
    • Allen, James;
    • Alvarez-Jarreta, Jorge;
    • Barba, Matthieu;
    • Bolser, Dan M;
    • Cambell, Lahcen;
    • Carbajo, Manuel;
    • Chakiachvili, Marc;
    • Christensen, Mikkel;
    • Cummins, Carla;
    • Cuzick, Alayne;
    • Davis, Paul;
    • Fexova, Silvie;
    • Gall, Astrid;
    • George, Nancy;
    • Gil, Laurent
    Publication type:
  • WormBase 2017: molting into a new stage.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, v. 46, n. D1, p. D869, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkx998
    • Lee, Raymond Y N;
    • Howe, Kevin L;
    • Harris, Todd W;
    • Arnaboldi, Valerio;
    • Cain, Scott;
    • Chan, Juancarlos;
    • Chen, Wen J;
    • Davis, Paul;
    • Gao, Sibyl;
    • Grove, Christian
    Publication type:
  • WormBase 2016: expanding to enable helminth genomic research.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2016, v. 44, p. D774, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkv1217
    • Howe, Kevin L.;
    • Bolt, Bruce J.;
    • Cain, Scott;
    • Chan, Juancarlos;
    • Chen, Wen J.;
    • Davis, Paul;
    • Done, James;
    • Down, Thomas;
    • Gao, Sibyl;
    • Grove, Christian;
    • Harris, Todd W.;
    • Kishore, Ranjana;
    • Lee, Raymond;
    • Lomax, Jane;
    • Yuling Li;
    • Muller, Hans-Michael;
    • Nakamura, Cecilia;
    • Nuin, Paulo;
    • Paulini, Michael;
    • Raciti, Daniela
    Publication type:
  • The Pfam Protein Families Database.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2002, v. 30, n. 1, p. 276, doi. 10.1093/nar/30.1.276
    • Bateman, Alex;
    • Birney, Ewan;
    • Cerruti, Lorenzo;
    • Durbin, Richard;
    • Etwiller, Laurence;
    • Eddy, Sean R.;
    • Griffiths-Jones, Sam;
    • Howe, Kevin L.;
    • Marshall, Mhairi;
    • Sonnhammer, Erik L. L.
    Publication type:
  • The Pfam Protein Families Database.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2000, v. 28, n. 1, p. 263, doi. 10.1093/nar/28.1.263
    • Bateman, Alex;
    • Birney, Ewan;
    • Durbin, Richard;
    • Eddy, Sean R.;
    • Howe, Kevin L.;
    • Sonnhammer, Erik L. L.
    Publication type: