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  • Dietary intake and risk evaluation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in The Netherlands.

    Published in:
    Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2008, v. 52, n. 2, p. 204, doi. 10.1002/mnfr.200700112
    • Bakker, Martine I.;
    • de Winter-Sorkina, Renata;
    • de Mul, Anika;
    • Boon, Polly E.;
    • van Donkersgoed, Gerda;
    • van Klaveren, Jacob D.;
    • Baumann, Bert A.;
    • Hijman, Willie C.;
    • van Leeuwen, Stefan P. J.;
    • de Boer, Jacob;
    • Zeilmaker, Marco J.
    Publication type: