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  • Effects of human footprint and biophysical factors on the body‐size structure of fished marine species.

    Published in:
    Conservation Biology, 2022, v. 36, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/cobi.13807
    • Bosch, Nestor E.;
    • Monk, Jacquomo;
    • Goetze, Jordan;
    • Wilson, Shaun;
    • Babcock, Russell C.;
    • Barrett, Neville;
    • Clough, Jock;
    • Currey‐Randall, Leanne M.;
    • Fairclough, David V.;
    • Fisher, Rebecca;
    • Gibbons, Brooke A.;
    • Harasti, David;
    • Harvey, Euan S.;
    • Heupel, Michelle R.;
    • Hicks, Jamie L.;
    • Holmes, Thomas H.;
    • Huveneers, Charlie;
    • Ierodiaconou, Daniel;
    • Jordan, Alan;
    • Knott, Nathan A.
    Publication type: