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  • Trends in congenital anomalies in Europe from 1980 to 2012.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2018, v. 13, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0194986
    • Morris, Joan K.;
    • Springett, Anna L.;
    • Greenlees, Ruth;
    • Loane, Maria;
    • Addor, Marie-Claude;
    • Arriola, Larraitz;
    • Barisic, Ingeborg;
    • Bergman, Jorieke E. H.;
    • Csaky-Szunyogh, Melinda;
    • Dias, Carlos;
    • Draper, Elizabeth S.;
    • Garne, Ester;
    • Gatt, Miriam;
    • Khoshnood, Babak;
    • Klungsoyr, Kari;
    • Lynch, Catherine;
    • McDonnell, Robert;
    • Nelen, Vera;
    • Neville, Amanda J.;
    • O'Mahony, Mary
    Publication type:
  • Rare chromosome abnormalities, prevalence and prenatal diagnosis rates from population-based congenital anomaly registers in Europe.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 2012, v. 20, n. 5, p. 521, doi. 10.1038/ejhg.2011.246
    • Wellesley, Diana;
    • Dolk, Helen;
    • Boyd, Patricia A;
    • Greenlees, Ruth;
    • Haeusler, Martin;
    • Nelen, Vera;
    • Garne, Ester;
    • Khoshnood, Babak;
    • Doray, Berenice;
    • Rissmann, Anke;
    • Mullaney, Carmel;
    • Calzolari, Elisa;
    • Bakker, Marian;
    • Salvador, Joaquin;
    • Addor, Marie-Claude;
    • Draper, Elizabeth;
    • Rankin, Judith;
    • Tucker, David
    Publication type:
  • Detection and investigation of temporal clusters of congenital anomaly in Europe: seven years of experience of the EUROCAT surveillance system.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Epidemiology, 2015, v. 30, n. 11, p. 1153, doi. 10.1007/s10654-015-0012-y
    • Dolk, Helen;
    • Loane, Maria;
    • Teljeur, Conor;
    • Densem, James;
    • Greenlees, Ruth;
    • McCullough, Nichola;
    • Morris, Joan;
    • Nelen, Vera;
    • Bianchi, Fabrizio;
    • Kelly, Alan
    Publication type:
  • Holt Oram syndrome: a registry-based study in Europe.

    Published in:
    Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 2014, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13023-014-0156-y
    • Barisic, Ingeborg;
    • Boban, Ljubica;
    • Greenlees, Ruth;
    • Garne, Ester;
    • Wellesley, Diana;
    • Calzolari, Elisa;
    • Addor, Marie-Claude;
    • Arriola, Larraitz;
    • Bergman, Jorieke E. H.;
    • Braz, Paula;
    • Budd, Judith L. S.;
    • Gatt, Miriam;
    • Haeusler, Martin;
    • Khoshnood, Babak;
    • Klungsoyr, Kari;
    • McDonnell, Bob;
    • Nelen, Vera;
    • Pierini, Anna;
    • Queisser-Wahrendorf, Annette;
    • Rankin, Judith
    Publication type:
  • Congenital Anomalies Associated with Trisomy 18 or Trisomy 13: A Registry-Based Study in 16 European Countries, 2000-2011.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 2015, v. 167A, n. 12, p. 3062, doi. 10.1002/ajmg.a.37355
    • Springett, Anna;
    • Wellesley, Diana;
    • Greenlees, Ruth;
    • Loane, Maria;
    • Addor, Marie‐Claude;
    • Arriola, Larraitz;
    • Bergman, Jorieke;
    • Cavero‐Carbonell, Clara;
    • Csaky‐Szunyogh, Melinda;
    • Draper, Elizabeth S.;
    • Garne, Ester;
    • Gatt, Miriam;
    • Haeusler, Martin;
    • Khoshnood, Babak;
    • Klungsoyr, Kari;
    • Lynch, Catherine;
    • Dias, Carlos Matias;
    • McDonnell, Robert;
    • Nelen, Vera;
    • O'Mahony, Mary
    Publication type: