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  • Cobblestone lissencephaly: neuropathological subtypes and correlations with genes of dystroglycanopathies.

    Published in:
    Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 2012, v. 135, n. 2, p. 469, doi. 10.1093/brain/awr357
    • Devisme, Louise;
    • Bouchet, Céline;
    • Gonzalès, Marie;
    • Alanio, Elisabeth;
    • Bazin, Anne;
    • Bessières, Bettina;
    • Bigi, Nicole;
    • Blanchet, Patricia;
    • Bonneau, Dominique;
    • Bonnières, Maryse;
    • Bucourt, Martine;
    • Carles, Dominique;
    • Clarisse, Bénedicte;
    • Delahaye, Sophie;
    • Fallet-Bianco, Catherine;
    • Figarella-Branger, Dominique;
    • Gaillard, Dominique;
    • Gasser, Bernard;
    • Delezoide, Anne-Lise;
    • Guimiot, Fabien
    Publication type: