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  • Ultrafast structural response of shock‐compressed plagioclase.

    Published in:
    Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2022, v. 57, n. 3, p. 635, doi. 10.1111/maps.13785
    • Gleason, Arianna E.;
    • Park, Sulgiye;
    • Rittman, Dylan R.;
    • Ravasio, Alessandra;
    • Langenhorst, Falko;
    • Bolis, Riccardo M.;
    • Granados, Eduardo;
    • Hok, Sovanndara;
    • Kroll, Thomas;
    • Sikorski, Marcin;
    • Weng, Tsu‐Chien;
    • Lee, Hae Ja;
    • Nagler, Bob;
    • Sisson, Thomas;
    • Xing, Zhou;
    • Zhu, Diling;
    • Giuli, Gabriele;
    • Mao, Wendy L.;
    • Glenzer, Siegfried H.;
    • Sokaras, Dimosthenis
    Publication type:
  • Observation of Fundamental Mechanisms in Compression-Induced Phase Transformations Using Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction.

    Published in:
    JOM: The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), 2021, v. 73, n. 7, p. 2185, doi. 10.1007/s11837-020-04535-4
    • Armstrong, Michael R.;
    • Radousky, Harry B.;
    • Austin, Ryan A.;
    • Stavrou, Elissaios;
    • Zong, Hongxiang;
    • Ackland, Graeme J.;
    • Brown, Shaughnessy;
    • Crowhurst, Jonathan C.;
    • Gleason, Arianna E.;
    • Granados, Eduardo;
    • Grivickas, Paulius;
    • Holtgrewe, Nicholas;
    • Lee, Hae Ja;
    • Li, Tian T.;
    • Lobanov, Sergey;
    • McKeown, Joseph T.;
    • Nagler, Bob;
    • Nam, Inhyuk;
    • Nelson, Art J.;
    • Prakapenka, Vitali
    Publication type:
  • Femtosecond X‐Ray Diffraction of Laser‐Shocked Forsterite (Mg<sub>2</sub>SiO<sub>4</sub>) to 122 GPa.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 2021, v. 126, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2020JB020337
    • Kim, Donghoon;
    • Tracy, Sally J.;
    • Smith, Raymond F.;
    • Gleason, Arianna E.;
    • Bolme, Cindy A.;
    • Prakapenka, Vitali B.;
    • Appel, Karen;
    • Speziale, Sergio;
    • Wicks, June K.;
    • Berryman, Eleanor J.;
    • Han, Sirus K.;
    • Schoelmerich, Markus O.;
    • Lee, Hae Ja;
    • Nagler, Bob;
    • Cunningham, Eric F.;
    • Akin, Minta C.;
    • Asimow, Paul D.;
    • Eggert, Jon H.;
    • Duffy, Thomas S.
    Publication type:
  • A beamline for high-pressure studies at the Advanced Light Source with a superconducting bending magnet as the source.

    Published in:
    • Kunz, Martin;
    • MacDowell, Alastair A.;
    • Caldwell, Wendel A.;
    • Cambie, Daniella;
    • Celestre, Richard S.;
    • Domning, Edward E.;
    • Duarte, Robert M.;
    • Gleason, Arianna E.;
    • Glossinger, James M.;
    • Kelez, Nicholas;
    • Plate, David W.;
    • Yu, Tony;
    • Zaug, Joeseph M.;
    • Padmore, Howard A.;
    • Jeanloz, Raymond;
    • Alivisatos, A. Paul;
    • Clark, Simon M.
    Publication type:
  • Evidence of shock-compressed stishovite above 300 GPa.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2020, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-020-66340-y
    • Schoelmerich, Markus O.;
    • Tschentscher, Thomas;
    • Bhat, Shrikant;
    • Bolme, Cindy A.;
    • Cunningham, Eric;
    • Farla, Robert;
    • Galtier, Eric;
    • Gleason, Arianna E.;
    • Harmand, Marion;
    • Inubushi, Yuichi;
    • Katagiri, Kento;
    • Miyanishi, Kohei;
    • Nagler, Bob;
    • Ozaki, Norimasa;
    • Preston, Thomas R.;
    • Redmer, Ronald;
    • Smith, Ray F.;
    • Tobase, Tsubasa;
    • Togashi, Tadashi;
    • Tracy, Sally J.
    Publication type:
  • High Pressure Brillouin Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction of Cerium Dioxide.

    Published in:
    Materials (1996-1944), 2021, v. 14, n. 13, p. 3683, doi. 10.3390/ma14133683
    • Frost, Mungo;
    • Lazarz, John D.;
    • Levitan, Abraham L.;
    • Prakapenka, Vitali B.;
    • Sun, Peihao;
    • Tkachev, Sergey N.;
    • Yang, Hong;
    • Glenzer, Siegfried H.;
    • Gleason, Arianna E.
    Publication type:
  • High-pressure behavior of the polymorphs of FeOOH.

    Published in:
    American Mineralogist, 2016, v. 101, n. 6, p. 1483, doi. 10.2138/am-2016-5449
    • REAGAN, MARY M.;
    • MAO, WENDY L.
    Publication type:
  • Release dynamics of nanodiamonds created by laser-driven shock-compression of polyethylene terephthalate.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2024, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-024-62367-7
    • Heuser, Ben;
    • Bergermann, Armin;
    • Stevenson, Michael G.;
    • Ranjan, Divyanshu;
    • He, Zhiyu;
    • Lütgert, Julian;
    • Schumacher, Samuel;
    • Bethkenhagen, Mandy;
    • Descamps, Adrien;
    • Galtier, Eric;
    • Gleason, Arianna E.;
    • Khaghani, Dimitri;
    • Glenn, Griffin D.;
    • Cunningham, Eric F.;
    • Glenzer, Siegfried H.;
    • Hartley, Nicholas J.;
    • Hernandez, Jean-Alexis;
    • Humphries, Oliver S.;
    • Katagiri, Kento;
    • Lee, Hae Ja
    Publication type:
  • Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction Study of a Shock-Compressed Iron Meteorite above 100 GPa.

    Published in:
    Minerals (2075-163X), 2021, v. 11, n. 6, p. 567, doi. 10.3390/min11060567
    • Tecklenburg, Sabrina;
    • Colina-Ruiz, Roberto;
    • Hok, Sovanndara;
    • Bolme, Cynthia;
    • Galtier, Eric;
    • Granados, Eduardo;
    • Hashim, Akel;
    • Lee, Hae Ja;
    • Merkel, Sébastien;
    • Morrow, Benjamin;
    • Nagler, Bob;
    • Ramos, Kyle;
    • Rittman, Dylan;
    • Walroth, Richard;
    • Mao, Wendy L.;
    • Gleason, Arianna E.
    Publication type: