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  • International registry of dermatological manifestations secondary to COVID‐19 infection in 347 Hispanic patients from 25 countries.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Dermatology, 2021, v. 60, n. 8, p. 956, doi. 10.1111/ijd.15632
    • Ocampo‐Candiani, Jorge;
    • Ramos‐Cavazos, Cesar Jair;
    • Arellano‐Mendoza, Maria Ivonne;
    • Arenas‐Guzmán, Roberto;
    • Beirana‐Palencia, Angélica;
    • Salmon‐Demongin, Alfredo;
    • Welsh‐Hernández, Esperanza;
    • Cabo, Horacio A.;
    • Gómez‐Flores, Minerva;
    • Dominguez‐Cherit, Judith;
    • Criado, Paulo Ricardo;
    • Castro‐López, Helena;
    • Alfaro‐Sánchez, Abraham Benjamin;
    • García‐Vargas, Alejandro;
    • Cohen‐Sabban, Emilia N.;
    • Solar, Manuel;
    • Fich, Félix;
    • Galimberti, Gastón;
    • Gatti, Carlos Fernando;
    • López‐Estebaranz, José Luis
    Publication type:
  • Diagnóstico dermatoscópico de moniletrix.

    Published in:
    Dermatología Revista Mexicana, 2012, v. 56, n. 3, p. 213
    • Sánchez Dueñas, Luis Enrique;
    • García Vargas, Alejandro;
    • Salas Alanís, Julio César
    Publication type:
  • Dermatoscopia de tiña de la cabeza.

    Published in:
    Dermatología Revista Mexicana, 2012, v. 56, n. 3, p. 177
    • Crocker Sandoval, Ana Beatriz;
    • Quiñones Venegas, Ricardo;
    • Mayorga Rodríguez, Jorge;
    • García Vargas, Alejandro
    Publication type:
  • Association of β-Defensin 1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Atopic Dermatitis.

    Published in:
    International Archives of Allergy & Immunology, 2007, v. 142, n. 3, p. 211, doi. 10.1159/000097023
    • De Oca, Ernesto Prado-Montes;
    • García-Vargas, Alejandro;
    • Lozano-Inocencio, Reymundo;
    • Gallegos-Arreola, Martha Patricia;
    • Sandoval-Ramírez, Lucila;
    • Dávalos-Rodríguez, Nory Omara;
    • Figuera, Luis Eduardo
    Publication type:
  • Association of β-Defensin 1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Atopic Dermatitis.

    Published in:
    International Archives of Allergy & Immunology, 2007, v. 142, n. 2, p. 211, doi. 10.1159/000097023
    • de Oca, Ernesto Prado-Montes;
    • García-Vargas, Alejandro;
    • Lozano-Inocencio, Reymundo;
    • Gallegos-Arreola, Martha Patricia;
    • Sandoval-Ramírez, Lucila;
    • Dávalos-Rodríguez, Nory Omara;
    • Figuera, Luis Eduardo
    Publication type: