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  • Letters to the editor.

    Published in:
    Muscle & Nerve, 1994, v. 17, n. 11, p. 1350, doi. 10.1002/mus.880171117
    • Scarberry, Susan;
    • Al-Hakim, Mazen;
    • Katirji, Bashar;
    • Falco, Frank J. E.;
    • Hennessey, William J.;
    • Goldberg, Gary;
    • Braddom, Randall L.;
    • Negoro, Kiyoshi;
    • Fukusako, Toshihiro;
    • Morimatsu, Mitsunori;
    • Liao, Chao-Ming;
    • Krendel, David A.;
    • Shutter, Lori A.;
    • Holt, Philip J.
    Publication type:
  • Antecedent infections in Fisher syndrome: sources of variation in clinical characteristics.

    Published in:
    Journal of Neurology, 2019, v. 266, n. 7, p. 1655, doi. 10.1007/s00415-019-09308-x
    • Koga, Michiaki;
    • Kishi, Masahiko;
    • Fukusako, Toshihiro;
    • Ikuta, Naomi;
    • Kato, Masayuki;
    • Kanda, Takashi
    Publication type:
  • Muscle strength in early Parkinson's disease.

    Published in:
    Movement Disorders, 1995, v. 10, n. 2, p. 225, doi. 10.1002/mds.870100218
    • Nogaki, Hiroshi;
    • Fukusako, Toshihiro;
    • Sasabe, Fujio;
    • Negoro, Kiyoshi;
    • Morimatsu, Mitsunori
    Publication type: