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  • Tuft cells and fibroblasts promote thymus regeneration through ILC2-mediated type 2 immune response.

    Published in:
    Science Immunology, 2024, v. 9, n. 91, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/sciimmunol.abq6930
    • Nevo, Shir;
    • Frenkel, Noga;
    • Kadouri, Noam;
    • Gome, Tom;
    • Rosenthal, Noa;
    • Givony, Tal;
    • Avin, Ayelet;
    • Peligero Cruz, Cristina;
    • Kedmi, Merav;
    • Lindzen, Moshit;
    • Ben Dor, Shifra;
    • Damari, Golda;
    • Porat, Ziv;
    • Haffner-Krausz, Rebecca;
    • Keren-Shaul, Hadas;
    • Yarden, Yosef;
    • Munitz, Ariel;
    • Leshkowitz, Dena;
    • Goldfarb, Yael;
    • Abramson, Jakub
    Publication type: