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  • Hypoglycaemia-free artificial pancreas project.

    Published in:
    IET Systems Biology (Wiley-Blackwell), 2020, v. 14, n. 1, p. 16, doi. 10.1049/iet-syb.2018.5069
    • Magdelaine, Nicolas;
    • Rivadeneira, Pablo S.;
    • Chaillous, Lucy;
    • Fournier-Guilloux, Anne-Laure;
    • Krempf, Michel;
    • MohammadRidha, Taghreed;
    • Ait-Ahmed, Mourad;
    • Moog, Claude H.
    Publication type:
  • Type 1 Diabetes in People Hospitalized for COVID-19: New Insights From the CORONADO Study.

    Published in:
    • Wargny, Matthieu;
    • Gourdy, Pierre;
    • Ludwig, Lisa;
    • Seret-Bégué, Dominique;
    • Bourron, Olivier;
    • Darmon, Patrice;
    • Amadou, Coralie;
    • Pichelin, Matthieu;
    • Potier, Louis;
    • Thivolet, Charles;
    • Gautier, Jean-François;
    • Hadjadj, Samy;
    • Cariou, Bertrand;
    • Mahot, Pascale;
    • Fournier-Guilloux, Anne-Laure;
    • Mauduit, Nicolas;
    • Bigot-Corbel, Edith;
    • Boureau, Anne-Sophie;
    • De Dekcer, Laure;
    • Ernould, Audrey
    Publication type: