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  • PDRMIP: A Precipitation Driver and Response Model Intercomparison Project--Protocol and Preliminary Results.

    Published in:
    Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2017, v. 98, n. 6, p. 1185, doi. 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0019.1
    • MYHRE, G.;
    • FORSTER, P. M.;
    • SAMSET, B. H.;
    • HODNEBROG, Ø.;
    • SILLMANN, J.;
    • AALBERGSJØ, S. G.;
    • ANDREWS, T.;
    • BOUCHER, O.;
    • FALUVEGI, G.;
    • FLÄSCHNER, D.;
    • IVERSEN, T.;
    • KASOAR, M.;
    • KHARIN, V.;
    • KIRKEVÅG, A.;
    • LAMARQUE, J.-F.;
    • OLIVIÉ, D.;
    • RICHARDSON, T. B.;
    • SHINDELL, D.;
    • SHINE, K. P.;
    • STJERN, C. W.
    Publication type:
  • Weak hydrological sensitivity to temperature change over land, independent of climate forcing.

    Published in:
    NPJ Climate & Atmospheric Science, 2018, v. 1, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1038/s41612-017-0005-5
    • Samset, B. H.;
    • Myhre, G.;
    • Forster, P. M.;
    • Hodnebrog, Ø.;
    • Andrews, T.;
    • Boucher, O.;
    • Faluvegi, G.;
    • Fläschner, D.;
    • Kasoar, M.;
    • Kharin, V.;
    • Kirkevåg, A.;
    • Lamarque, J.-F.;
    • Olivié, D.;
    • Richardson, T. B.;
    • Shindell, D.;
    • Takemura, T.;
    • Voulgarakis, A.
    Publication type:
  • Fast and slow precipitation responses to individual climate forcers: A PDRMIP multimodel study.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2016, v. 43, n. 6, p. 2782, doi. 10.1002/2016GL068064
    • Samset, B. H.;
    • Myhre, G.;
    • Forster, P. M.;
    • Hodnebrog, Ø.;
    • Andrews, T.;
    • Faluvegi, G.;
    • Fläschner, D.;
    • Kasoar, M.;
    • Kharin, V.;
    • Kirkevåg, A.;
    • Lamarque, J.-F.;
    • Olivié, D.;
    • Richardson, T.;
    • Shindell, D.;
    • Shine, K. P.;
    • Takemura, T.;
    • Voulgarakis, A.
    Publication type:
  • Understanding Rapid Adjustments to Diverse Forcing Agents.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, v. 45, n. 21, p. 12,023, doi. 10.1029/2018GL079826
    • Smith, C. J.;
    • Kramer, R. J.;
    • Myhre, G.;
    • Forster, P. M.;
    • Soden, B. J.;
    • Andrews, T.;
    • Boucher, O.;
    • Faluvegi, G.;
    • Fläschner, D.;
    • Hodnebrog, Ø.;
    • Kasoar, M.;
    • Kharin, V.;
    • Kirkevåg, A.;
    • Lamarque, J.‐F.;
    • Mülmenstädt, J.;
    • Olivié, D.;
    • Richardson, T.;
    • Samset, B. H.;
    • Shindell, D.;
    • Stier, P.
    Publication type:
  • Quantifying the Importance of Rapid Adjustments for Global Precipitation Changes.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, v. 45, n. 20, p. 11,399, doi. 10.1029/2018GL079474
    • Myhre, G.;
    • Kramer, R. J.;
    • Smith, C. J.;
    • Hodnebrog, Ø.;
    • Forster, P.;
    • Soden, B. J.;
    • Samset, B. H.;
    • Stjern, C. W.;
    • Andrews, T.;
    • Boucher, O.;
    • Faluvegi, G.;
    • Fläschner, D.;
    • Kasoar, M.;
    • Kirkevåg, A.;
    • Lamarque, J.‐F.;
    • Olivié, D.;
    • Richardson, T.;
    • Shindell, D.;
    • Stier, P.;
    • Takemura, T.
    Publication type:
  • Carbon Dioxide Physiological Forcing Dominates Projected Eastern Amazonian Drying.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, v. 45, n. 6, p. 2815, doi. 10.1002/2017GL076520
    • Richardson, T. B.;
    • Forster, P. M.;
    • Andrews, T.;
    • Boucher, O.;
    • Faluvegi, G.;
    • Fläschner, D.;
    • Kasoar, M.;
    • Kirkevåg, A.;
    • Lamarque, J.‐F.;
    • Myhre, G.;
    • Olivié, D.;
    • Samset, B. H.;
    • Shawki, D.;
    • Shindell, D.;
    • Takemura, T.;
    • Voulgarakis, A.
    Publication type:
  • Efficacy of Climate Forcings in PDRMIP Models.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres, 2019, v. 124, n. 23, p. 12824, doi. 10.1029/2019JD030581
    • Richardson, T. B.;
    • Forster, P. M.;
    • Smith, C. J.;
    • Maycock, A. C.;
    • Wood, T.;
    • Andrews, T.;
    • Boucher, O.;
    • Faluvegi, G.;
    • Fläschner, D.;
    • Hodnebrog, Ø.;
    • Kasoar, M.;
    • Kirkevåg, A.;
    • Lamarque, J.‐F.;
    • Mülmenstädt, J.;
    • Myhre, G.;
    • Olivié, D.;
    • Portmann, R. W.;
    • Samset, B. H.;
    • Shawki, D.;
    • Shindell, D.
    Publication type:
  • Drivers of Precipitation Change: An Energetic Understanding.

    Published in:
    Journal of Climate, 2018, v. 31, n. 23, p. 9641, doi. 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0240.1
    • Richardson, T. B.;
    • Forster, P. M.;
    • Andrews, T.;
    • Boucher, O.;
    • Faluvegi, G.;
    • Fläschner, D.;
    • Hodnebrog, Ø.;
    • Kasoar, M.;
    • Kirkevåg, A.;
    • Lamarque, J.-F.;
    • Myhre, G.;
    • Olivié, D.;
    • Samset, B. H.;
    • Shawki, D.;
    • Shindell, D.;
    • Takemura, T.;
    • Voulgarakis, A.
    Publication type: