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  • Low prevalence of H. pylori infection in HIV-positive patients in the northeast of Brazil.

    Published in:
    • Fialho, Andréa Bc;
    • Braga-Neto, Manuel B;
    • Guerra, Eder Jc;
    • Fialho, André Mn;
    • Fernandes, Karine C;
    • Sun, Juliana Lm;
    • Takeda, Christianne Fv;
    • Silva, Cícero Is;
    • Queiroz, Dulciene Mm;
    • Braga, Lucia Lbc;
    • Fialho, Andréa B C;
    • Guerra, Eder J C;
    • Fialho, André M N;
    • Sun, Juliana L M;
    • Takeda, Christianne F V;
    • Silva, Cícero I S;
    • Queiroz, Dulciene M M;
    • Braga, Lucia L B C
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Low prevalence of H. pylori Infection in HIVPositive Patients in the Northeast of Brazil.

    Published in:
    BMC Gastroenterology, 2011, v. 11, n. 1, p. 13, doi. 10.1186/1471-230X-11-13
    • Fialho, Andréa B. C.;
    • Braga-Neto, Manuel B.;
    • Guerra, Eder J. C.;
    • Fialho, André M. N.;
    • Fernandes, Karine C.;
    • Sun, Juliana L. M.;
    • Takeda, Christianne F. V.;
    • Silva, Cícero I. S.;
    • Queiroz, Dulciene M. M.;
    • Braga, Lucia L. B. C.
    Publication type: