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  • Early‐life exposure to sibling modifies the relationship between CD14 polymorphisms and allergic sensitization.

    Published in:
    Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2019, v. 49, n. 3, p. 331, doi. 10.1111/cea.13290
    • Lau, Melisa Y. Z.;
    • Dharmage, Shyamali C.;
    • Burgess, John A.;
    • Win, Aung K.;
    • Lowe, Adrian J.;
    • Lodge, Caroline J.;
    • Perret, Jennifer;
    • Hui, Jennie;
    • Thomas, Paul S.;
    • Giles, Graham;
    • Thompson, Bruce R.;
    • Abramson, Michael J.;
    • Walters, E. Haydn;
    • Matheson, Melanie C.;
    • Allen, Katrina J.;
    • Benke, Geza;
    • Dowty, James G.;
    • Erbas, Bircan;
    • Feather, Iain H.;
    • Frith, Peter A.
    Publication type:
  • Diffuse pulmonary lymphangiomatosis treated with bevacizumab.

    Published in:
    • Onyeforo, Ernest;
    • Barnett, Adrian;
    • Zagami, Debbie;
    • Deller, David;
    • Feather, Iain
    Publication type:
    Case Study
  • The Interplay between the Effects of Lifetime Asthma, Smoking, and Atopy on Fixed Airflow Obstruction in Middle Age.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2013, v. 187, n. 1, p. 42, doi. 10.1164/rccm.201205-0788OC
    • Perret, Jennifer L.;
    • Dharmage, Shyamali C.;
    • Matheson, Melanie C.;
    • Johns, David P.;
    • Gurrin, Lyle C.;
    • Burgess, John A.;
    • Marrone, John;
    • Markos, James;
    • Morrison, Stephen;
    • Feather, Iain;
    • Thomas, Paul S.;
    • McDonald, Christine F.;
    • Giles, Graham G.;
    • Hopper, John L.;
    • Wood-Baker, Richard;
    • Abramson, Michael J.;
    • Walters, Eugene H.
    Publication type:
  • Multi‐centre ethics and research governance review can impede non‐interventional clinical research.

    Published in:
    Internal Medicine Journal, 2019, v. 49, n. 6, p. 722, doi. 10.1111/imj.14158
    • Duplancic, Christine;
    • Crough, Tania;
    • Bell, Scott C.;
    • Thomson, Rachel;
    • Wainwright, Claire;
    • Clements, Archie;
    • Floto, Andres;
    • Rogers, Geraint;
    • Sly, Peter;
    • Burr, Lucy;
    • Feather, Iain;
    • Moloney, Susan;
    • Grimwood, Keith;
    • Bye, Peter;
    • Belessis, Yvonne;
    • Selvadurai, Hiran;
    • Schultz, Andre;
    • Mulrennan, Siobhain;
    • Stock, David;
    • Beggs, Sean
    Publication type:
  • Cohort Profile: The Tasmanian Longitudinal Health STUDY (TAHS).

    Published in:
    • Matheson, Melanie C.;
    • Abramson, Michael J.;
    • Allen, Katrina;
    • Benke, Geza;
    • Burgess, John A.;
    • Dowty, James G.;
    • Erbas, Bircan;
    • Feather, Iain H.;
    • Frith, Peter A.;
    • Giles, Graham G.;
    • Gurrin, Lyle C.;
    • Hamilton, Garun S.;
    • Hopper, John L.;
    • James, Alan L.;
    • Jenkins, Mark A.;
    • Johns, David P.;
    • Lodge, Caroline J.;
    • Lowe, Adrian J.;
    • Markos, James;
    • Morrison, Stephen C.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Occupational exposures to solvents and metals are associated with fixed airflow obstruction.

    Published in:
    Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 2017, v. 43, n. 6, p. 595, doi. 10.5271/sjweh.3662
    • Alif, Sheikh M.;
    • Dharmage, Shyamali C.;
    • Benke, Geza;
    • Dennekamp, Martine;
    • Burgess, John A.;
    • Perret, Jennifer L.;
    • Lodge, Caroline J.;
    • Morrison, Stephen;
    • Johns, David P.;
    • Giles, Graham G.;
    • Gurrin, Lyle C.;
    • Thomas, Paul S.;
    • Hopper, John L.;
    • Wood-Baker, Richard;
    • Thompson, Bruce R.;
    • Feather, Iain H.;
    • Vermeulen, Roel;
    • Kromhout, Hans;
    • Walters, E. Haydn;
    • Abramson, Michael J.
    Publication type: