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  • Human Plague -- Four States, 2006.

    Published in:
    MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, 2006, v. 55, n. 34, p. 940
    • Bertram-Sosa, L.;
    • Jaso, C.;
    • Valadez, A.;
    • Nix, B.;
    • Jones, R.;
    • Sidwa, T.;
    • Walker, J.;
    • Anglim, A.;
    • Reporter, R.;
    • Mascola, L.;
    • Van Gordon, G.;
    • Ramirez, J.;
    • Fritz, C.;
    • Davis, R.;
    • Ross, J.;
    • Chongsiriwatana, K.;
    • DiMenna, M.;
    • Sheyka, J.;
    • Ettestad, P.;
    • Smelser, C.
    Publication type:
  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome -- Five States, 2006.

    Published in:
    MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, 2006, v. 55, n. 22, p. 627
    • Engelthaler, D.;
    • Levy, C.;
    • Ettestad, P.;
    • Kruger, K.;
    • Schuermann, J.;
    • Leslie, M.
    Publication type:
  • Three Outbreaks of Salmonellosis Associated With Baby Poultry From Three Hatcheries-- United States, 2006.

    Published in:
    JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 2007, v. 297, n. 22, p. 2468, doi. 10.1001/jama.297.22.2468
    • Bidol, S;
    • Stobierski, M;
    • Leschinsky, D;
    • Ettestad, P;
    • Smelser, C;
    • Sena-Johnson, D;
    • Jungk, J;
    • Tafoya, N;
    • Torres, P;
    • Taylor, F;
    • Keene, W;
    • Plantenga, M;
    • Progulske, B;
    • TenEyck, R;
    • Rada, R;
    • Efinger, L;
    • Lockett, J;
    • Patel, N;
    • Angulo, F;
    • Bair-Brake, H
    Publication type:
  • Human Plague--Four States, 2006.

    Published in:
    JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 2006, v. 296, n. 14, p. 1722, doi. 10.1001/jama.296.14.1722
    • Bertram-Sosa, L.;
    • Jaso, C.;
    • Valadez, A.;
    • Nix, B.;
    • Jones, R.;
    • Sidwa, T.;
    • Walker, J.;
    • Anglim, A.;
    • Reporter, R.;
    • Mascola, L.;
    • Van Gordon, G.;
    • Ramirez, J.;
    • Fritz, C.;
    • Davis, R.;
    • Ross, J.;
    • Chongsiriwatana, K.;
    • DiMenna, M.;
    • Sheyka, J.;
    • Ettestad, P.;
    • Smelter, C.
    Publication type:
  • Climatic and environmental patterns associated with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Four Corners region, United States.

    Published in:
    • Engelthaler, David M.;
    • Mosley, David G.;
    • Cheek, James E.;
    • Levy, Craig E.;
    • Komatsu, Kenneth K.;
    • Ettestad, Paul;
    • Davis, Ted;
    • Tanda, Dale T.;
    • Miller, Lisa;
    • Frampton, J. Wyatt;
    • Porter, Richard;
    • Bryan, Ralph T.;
    • Engelthaler, D M;
    • Mosley, D G;
    • Cheek, J E;
    • Levy, C E;
    • Komatsu, K K;
    • Ettestad, P;
    • Davis, T;
    • Tanda, D T
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Tickborne Relapsing Fever Outbreak After a Family Gathering--New Mexico, August 2002.

    Published in:
    MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, 2003, v. 52, n. 34, p. 809
    • Ettestad, P. J.;
    • Voorhees, R. E.;
    • Sewell, C. M.;
    • Bonnell, M.;
    • Iralu, J.;
    • Cheek, J.
    Publication type:
  • Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome--Colorado and New Mexico, 1998.

    Published in:
    JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 1998, v. 280, n. 6, p. 504, doi. 10.1001/jama.280.6.504
    • Keller, D.;
    • Ettestad, P.;
    • Sewell, C.M.;
    • Rains, R.;
    • Englender, S.;
    • Woods, T.;
    • Pape, J.;
    • Tanda, D.;
    • Reynolds, J.;
    • Hoffman, R.;
    • Mertz, G.;
    • Scully, G.;
    • Mapel, D.;
    • Koster, F.;
    • DeLury, J.;
    • Hansbarger, C.;
    • Hjelle, B.;
    • Yates, T.;
    • Iralu, J.;
    • Freeman, C.
    Publication type:
  • Human case of bubonic plague resulting from the bite of a wild Gunnison's prairie dog during translocation from a plague‐endemic area.

    Published in:
    Zoonoses & Public Health, 2018, v. 65, n. 1, p. e254, doi. 10.1111/zph.12419
    • Melman, S. D.;
    • Ettestad, P. E.;
    • VinHatton, E. S.;
    • Ragsdale, J. M.;
    • Takacs, N.;
    • Onischuk, L. M.;
    • Leonard, P. M.;
    • Master, S. S.;
    • Lucero, V. S.;
    • Kingry, L. C.;
    • Petersen, J. M.
    Publication type:
  • Dog-Associated Risk Factors for Human Plague.

    Published in:
    Zoonoses & Public Health, 2008, v. 55, n. 8-10, p. 448, doi. 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2008.01132.x
    • Hannah Gould, L.;
    • Pape, J.;
    • Ettestad, P.;
    • Griffith, K. S.;
    • Mead, P. S.
    Publication type:
  • Update: Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome--United States, 1999.

    Published in:
    MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, 1999, v. 48, n. 24, p. 521
    • Leslie, M.;
    • Fritz, C.;
    • Calisher, C.;
    • Beaty, B.;
    • Pape, J.;
    • Tengelsen, L.;
    • Hahn, C.;
    • Buechler, K.;
    • Murphy, J.;
    • Yates, T.;
    • Ettestad, P.;
    • White, D.;
    • Weltman, A.;
    • Goldoft, M.;
    • Grendon, J.;
    • Cheek, J.
    Publication type: