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  • Islands of change vs. islands of disaster: Managing pigs and birds in the Anthropocene of the North Atlantic.

    Published in:
    Holocene, 2015, v. 25, n. 10, p. 1676, doi. 10.1177/0959683615591714
    • Brewington, Seth;
    • Hicks, Megan;
    • Edwald, Ágústa;
    • Einarsson, Árni;
    • Anamthawat-Jónsson, Kesara;
    • Cook, Gordon;
    • Ascough, Philippa;
    • Sayle, Kerry L.;
    • Arge, Símun V.;
    • Church, Mike;
    • Bond, Julie;
    • Dockrill, Steve;
    • Friðriksson, Adolf;
    • Hambrecht, George;
    • Juliusson, Arni Daniel;
    • Hreinsson, Vidar;
    • Hartman, Steven;
    • Smiarowski, Konrad;
    • Harrison, Ramona;
    • McGovern, Thomas H.
    Publication type: