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  • Evaluation and Quality Control for the Copernicus Seasonal Forecasts and Products.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2019, v. 21, p. 1
    • Bretonnière, Pierre-Antoine;
    • Hemri, Stephan;
    • Bedia, Joaquín;
    • Bhend, Jonas;
    • Hunter, Alasdair;
    • San-Martín, Daniel;
    • Manubens, Nicolau;
    • Soares, Marta Bruno;
    • Doblas-Reyes, Francisco Javier
    Publication type:
  • Assessment of a full-field initialised decadal climate prediction system with the CMIP6 version of EC-Earth.

    Published in:
    Earth System Dynamics Discussions, 2020, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/esd-2020-66
    • Bilbao, Roberto;
    • Wild, Simon;
    • Ortega, Pablo;
    • Acosta-Navarro, Juan;
    • Arsouze, Thomas;
    • Bretonnière, Pierre-Antoine;
    • Caron, Louis-Philippe;
    • Castrillo, Miguel;
    • Cruz-García, Rubén;
    • Cvijanovic, Ivana;
    • Doblas-Reyes, Francisco Javier;
    • Donat, Markus;
    • Dutra, Emanuel;
    • Echevarría, Pablo;
    • Ho, An-Chi;
    • Loosveldt-Tomas, Saskia;
    • Moreno-Chamarro, Eduardo;
    • Pérez-Zanon, Núria;
    • Ramos, Arthur;
    • Ruprich-Robert, Yohan
    Publication type:
  • Assessment of a full-field initialized decadal climate prediction system with the CMIP6 version of EC-Earth.

    Published in:
    Earth System Dynamics, 2021, v. 12, n. 1, p. 173, doi. 10.5194/esd-12-173-2021
    • Bilbao, Roberto;
    • Wild, Simon;
    • Ortega, Pablo;
    • Acosta-Navarro, Juan;
    • Arsouze, Thomas;
    • Bretonnière, Pierre-Antoine;
    • Caron, Louis-Philippe;
    • Castrillo, Miguel;
    • Cruz-García, Rubén;
    • Cvijanovic, Ivana;
    • Doblas-Reyes, Francisco Javier;
    • Donat, Markus;
    • Dutra, Emanuel;
    • Echevarría, Pablo;
    • Ho, An-Chi;
    • Loosveldt-Tomas, Saskia;
    • Moreno-Chamarro, Eduardo;
    • Pérez-Zanon, Núria;
    • Ramos, Arthur;
    • Ruprich-Robert, Yohan
    Publication type: