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  • GBA Variants are associated with a distinct pattern of cognitive deficits in Parkinson's disease.

    Published in:
    • Mata, Ignacio F.;
    • Leverenz, James B.;
    • Weintraub, Daniel;
    • Trojanowski, John Q.;
    • Chen‐Plotkin, Alice;
    • Deerlin, Vivianna M.;
    • Ritz, Beate;
    • Rausch, Rebecca;
    • Factor, Stewart A.;
    • Wood‐Siverio, Cathy;
    • Quinn, Joseph F.;
    • Chung, Kathryn A.;
    • Peterson‐Hiller, Amie L.;
    • Goldman, Jennifer G.;
    • Stebbins, Glenn T.;
    • Bernard, Bryan;
    • Espay, Alberto J.;
    • Revilla, Fredy J.;
    • Devoto, Johnna;
    • Rosenthal, Liana S.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Evaluation of mild cognitive impairment subtypes in Parkinson's disease.

    Published in:
    Movement Disorders, 2014, v. 29, n. 6, p. 756, doi. 10.1002/mds.25875
    • Cholerton, Brenna A.;
    • Zabetian, Cyrus P.;
    • Wan, Jia Y.;
    • Montine, Thomas J.;
    • Quinn, Joseph F.;
    • Mata, Ignacio F.;
    • Chung, Kathryn A.;
    • Peterson, Amie;
    • Espay, Alberto J.;
    • Revilla, Fredy J.;
    • Devoto, Johnna;
    • Watson, G. Stennis;
    • Hu, Shu‐Ching;
    • Leverenz, James B.;
    • Edwards, Karen L.
    Publication type:
  • Deep brain stimulation of the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus in medically refractory orthostatic tremor: Preliminary observations.

    Published in:
    Movement Disorders, 2008, v. 23, n. 16, p. 2357, doi. 10.1002/mds.22271
    • Espay, Alberto J.;
    • Duker, Andrew P.;
    • Chen, Robert;
    • Okun, Michael S.;
    • Barrett, Edwin T.;
    • Devoto, Johnna;
    • Zeilman, Pamela;
    • Gartner, Maureen;
    • Burton, Noël;
    • Miranda, Helard A.;
    • Mandybur, George T.;
    • Zesiewicz, Theresa A.;
    • Foote, Kelly D.;
    • Revilla, Fredy J.
    Publication type:
  • Deconstructing normal pressure hydrocephalus: Ventriculomegaly as early sign of neurodegeneration.

    Published in:
    • Espay, Alberto J.;
    • Da Prat, Gustavo A.;
    • Dwivedi, Alok K.;
    • Rodriguez‐Porcel, Federico;
    • Vaughan, Jennifer E.;
    • Rosso, Michela;
    • Devoto, Johnna L.;
    • Duker, Andrew P.;
    • Masellis, Mario;
    • Smith, Charles D.;
    • Mandybur, George T.;
    • Merola, Aristide;
    • Lang, Anthony E.;
    • Rodriguez-Porcel, Federico
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • APOE, MAPT, and SNCA Genes and Cognitive Performance in Parkinson Disease.

    Published in:
    JAMA Neurology, 2014, v. 71, n. 11, p. 1405, doi. 10.1001/jamaneurol.2014.1455
    • Mata, Ignacio F.;
    • Leverenz, James B.;
    • Weintraub, Daniel;
    • Trojanowski, John Q.;
    • Hurtig, Howard I.;
    • Van Deerlin, Vivianna M.;
    • Ritz, Beate;
    • Rausch, Rebecca;
    • Rhodes, Shannon L.;
    • Factor, Stewart A.;
    • Wood-Siverio, Cathy;
    • Quinn, Joseph F.;
    • Chung, Kathryn A.;
    • Peterson, Amie L.;
    • Espay, Alberto J.;
    • Revilla, Fredy J.;
    • Devoto, Johnna;
    • Shu-Ching Hu;
    • Cholerton, Brenna A.;
    • Jia Y. Wan
    Publication type: