Found: 92

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  • Stress testing the Centiloid: Precision and variability of PET quantification of amyloid pathology.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2024, v. 20, n. 8, p. 5102, doi. 10.1002/alz.13883
    • Shekari, Mahnaz;
    • Vállez García, David;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Altomare, Daniele;
    • Heeman, Fiona;
    • Pemberton, Hugh;
    • Roé Vellvé, Núria;
    • Bullich, Santiago;
    • Buckley, Christopher;
    • Stephens, Andrew;
    • Farrar, Gill;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni;
    • Klunk, William E.;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo
    Publication type:
  • Strategies to reduce sample sizes in Alzheimer's disease primary and secondary prevention trials using longitudinal amyloid PET imaging.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 2021, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13195-021-00819-2
    • Lopes Alves, Isadora;
    • Heeman, Fiona;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Salvadó, Gemma;
    • Tolboom, Nelleke;
    • Vilor-Tejedor, Natàlia;
    • Markiewicz, Pawel;
    • Yaqub, Maqsood;
    • Cash, David;
    • Mormino, Elizabeth C.;
    • Insel, Philip S.;
    • Boellaard, Ronald;
    • van Berckel, Bart N. M.;
    • Lammertsma, Adriaan A.;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo
    Publication type:
  • A data-driven study of Alzheimer's disease related amyloid and tau pathology progression.

    Published in:
    Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 2023, v. 146, n. 12, p. 4935, doi. 10.1093/brain/awad232
    • Aksman, Leon M;
    • Oxtoby, Neil P;
    • Scelsi, Marzia A;
    • Wijeratne, Peter A;
    • Young, Alexandra L;
    • Alves, Isadora Lopes;
    • Collij, Lyduine E;
    • Vogel, Jacob W;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Alexander, Daniel C;
    • Altmann, Andre;
    • ADNI, for the
    Publication type:
  • Genetically identical twin-pair difference models support the amyloid cascade hypothesis.

    Published in:
    Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 2023, v. 146, n. 9, p. 3735, doi. 10.1093/brain/awad077
    • Coomans, Emma M;
    • Tomassen, Jori;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Tijms, Betty M;
    • Lorenzini, Luigi;
    • Kate, Mara ten;
    • Collij, Lyduine E;
    • Heeman, Fiona;
    • Rikken, Roos M;
    • Landen, Sophie M van der;
    • Hollander, Marijke E den;
    • Golla, Sandeep S V;
    • Yaqub, Maqsood;
    • Windhorst, Albert D;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Geus, Eco J C de;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Berckel, Bart N M van;
    • Braber, Anouk den
    Publication type:
  • Genetically identical twins show comparable tau PET load and spatial distribution.

    Published in:
    • Coomans, Emma M;
    • Tomassen, Jori;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Golla, Sandeep S V;
    • Hollander, Marijke den;
    • Collij, Lyduine E;
    • Weltings, Emma;
    • Landen, Sophie M van der;
    • Wolters, Emma E;
    • Windhorst, Albert D;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Geus, Eco J C de;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Berckel, Bart N M van;
    • Braber, Anouk den;
    • den Hollander, Marijke;
    • van der Landen, Sophie M;
    • de Geus, Eco J C;
    • van Berckel, Bart N M
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Amyloid‐β PET and CSF in an autopsy‐confirmed cohort.

    Published in:
    Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology, 2020, v. 7, n. 11, p. 2150, doi. 10.1002/acn3.51195
    • Reimand, Juhan;
    • Boon, Baayla D. C.;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Teunissen, Charlotte E.;
    • Rozemuller, Annemieke J. M.;
    • Berckel, Bart N. M.;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Bouwman, Femke
    Publication type:
  • Computerized decision support is an effective approach to select memory clinic patients for amyloid-PET.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2024, v. 19, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0303111
    • Rhodius-Meester, Hanneke F. M.;
    • van Maurik, Ingrid S.;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • van Gils, Aniek M.;
    • Koikkalainen, Juha;
    • Tolonen, Antti;
    • Pijnenburg, Yolande A. L.;
    • Berkhof, Johannes;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • van de Giessen, Elsmarieke;
    • Lötjönen, Jyrki;
    • van der Flier, Wiesje M.
    Publication type:
  • Regional amyloid accumulation predicts memory decline in initially cognitively unimpaired individuals.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 2021, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/dad2.12216
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Mastenbroek, Sophie E.;
    • Salvadó, Gemma;
    • Wink, Alle Meije;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • van Berckel, Bart. N.M.;
    • Lopes Alves, Isadora
    Publication type:
  • White matter microstructure disruption in early stage amyloid pathology.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 2021, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/dad2.12124
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Ingala, Silvia;
    • Top, Herwin;
    • Wottschel, Viktor;
    • Stickney, Kristine E.;
    • Tomassen, Jori;
    • Konijnenberg, Elles;
    • Kate, Mara ten;
    • Sudre, Carole;
    • Alves, Isadora Lopes;
    • Yaqub, Maqsood M.;
    • MeijeWink, Alle;
    • Van ‘t Ent, Dennis;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • van Berckel, Bart N. M.;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Braber, Anouk Den
    Publication type:
  • Quantitative amyloid PET in Alzheimer's disease: the AMYPAD prognostic and natural history study.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2020, v. 16, n. 5, p. 750, doi. 10.1002/alz.12069
    • Lopes Alves, Isadora;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Altomare, Daniele;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B.;
    • Saint-Aubert, Laure;
    • Payoux, Pierre;
    • Kivipelto, Miia;
    • Jessen, Frank;
    • Drzezga, Alexander;
    • Leeuwis, Annebet;
    • Wink, Alle Meije;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • van Berckel, Bart N. M.;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Gray, Katherine R.;
    • Wolz, Robin;
    • Stephens, Andrew;
    • Gismondi, Rossella;
    • Buckely, Christopher;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo
    Publication type:
  • Assessing Amyloid Pathology in Cognitively Normal Subjects Using <sup>18</sup>F-Flutemetamol PET: Comparing Visual Reads and Quantitative Methods.

    Published in:
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2019, v. 60, n. 4, p. 541, doi. 10.2967/jnumed.118.211532
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Konijnenberg, Elles;
    • Reimand, Juhan;
    • Kate, Mara ten;
    • Braber, Anouk den;
    • Alves, Isadora Lopes;
    • Zwan, Marissa;
    • Yaqub, Maqsood;
    • van Assema, Daniëlle M. E.;
    • Wink, Alle Meije;
    • Lammertsma, Adriaan A.;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • van Berckel, Bart N. M.
    Publication type:
  • Amyloid-β and APOE genotype predict memory decline in cognitively unimpaired older individuals independently of Alzheimer's disease polygenic risk score.

    Published in:
    BMC Neurology, 2022, v. 22, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s12883-022-02925-6
    • Tomassen, Jori;
    • den Braber, Anouk;
    • van der Lee, Sven J.;
    • Reus, Lianne M.;
    • Konijnenberg, Elles;
    • Carter, Stephen F.;
    • Yaqub, Maqsood;
    • van Berckel, Bart N.M.;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Boomsma, Dorret I.;
    • de Geus, Eco J.C.;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Herholz, Karl;
    • Tijms, Betty M.;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle
    Publication type:
  • Impact of simulated reduced injected dose on the assessment of amyloid PET scans.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging, 2024, v. 51, n. 3, p. 734, doi. 10.1007/s00259-023-06481-0
    • Young, Peter;
    • Heeman, Fiona;
    • Axelsson, Jan;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Hitzel, Anne;
    • Sanaat, Amirhossein;
    • Niñerola-Baizan, Aida;
    • Perissinotti, Andrés;
    • Lubberink, Mark;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B.;
    • Zaidi, Habib;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Farrar, Gill;
    • Baker, Suzanne;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Garibotto, Valentina;
    • Rieckmann, Anna;
    • Schöll, Michael
    Publication type:
  • Alzheimer's Disease and Small Vessel Disease Differentially Affect White Matter Microstructure.

    Published in:
    Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology, 2024, v. 11, n. 6, p. 1541, doi. 10.1002/acn3.52071
    • Tranfa, Mario;
    • Lorenzini, Luigi;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Vállez García, David;
    • Ingala, Silvia;
    • Pontillo, Giuseppe;
    • Pieperhoff, Leonard;
    • Maranzano, Alessio;
    • Wolz, Robin;
    • Haller, Sven;
    • Blennow, Kaj;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni;
    • Sudre, Carole H.;
    • Chételat, Gael;
    • Ewers, Michael;
    • Payoux, Pierre;
    • Waldman, Adam;
    • Martinez‐Lage, Pablo;
    • Schwarz, Adam J.;
    • Ritchie, Craig W.
    Publication type:
  • Amyloid-PET imaging predicts functional decline in clinically normal individuals.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 2024, v. 16, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13195-024-01494-9
    • Quenon, Lisa;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Garcia, David Vállez;
    • Lopes Alves, Isadora;
    • Gérard, Thomas;
    • Malotaux, Vincent;
    • Huyghe, Lara;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Jessen, Frank;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • den Braber, Anouk;
    • Ritchie, Craig W.;
    • Boada, Mercè;
    • Marquié, Marta;
    • Vandenberghe, Rik;
    • Luckett, Emma S.;
    • Schöll, Michael;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B.;
    • Buckley, Christopher;
    • Stephens, Andrew
    Publication type:
  • Clinical outcomes up to 9 years after [<sup>18</sup>F]flutemetamol amyloid-PET in a symptomatic memory clinic population.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 2023, v. 15, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13195-023-01351-1
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Farrar, Gill;
    • Zwan, Marissa;
    • van de Giessen, Elsmarieke;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Rozemuller, Annemieke J. M.;
    • Pijnenburg, Yolande A. L.;
    • van der Flier, Wiesje M.;
    • Bouwman, Femke
    Publication type:
  • Genetic, vascular and amyloid components of cerebral blood flow in a preclinical population.

    Published in:
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 2023, v. 43, n. 10, p. 1726, doi. 10.1177/0271678X231178993
    • Padrela, Beatriz E;
    • Lorenzini, Luigi;
    • Collij, Lyduine E;
    • García, David Vállez;
    • Coomans, Emma;
    • Ingala, Silvia;
    • Tomassen, Jori;
    • Deckers, Quinten;
    • Shekari, Mahnaz;
    • Geus, Eco JC de;
    • van de Giessen, Elsmarieke;
    • Kate, Mara ten;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Petr, Jan;
    • Braber, Anouk den;
    • Mutsaerts, Henk JMM
    Publication type:
  • Eigenvector centrality dynamics are related to Alzheimer's disease pathological changes in non-demented individuals.

    Published in:
    Brain Communications, 2023, v. 5, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/braincomms/fcad088
    • Lorenzini, Luigi;
    • Ingala, Silvia;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Wottschel, Viktor;
    • Haller, Sven;
    • Blennow, Kaj;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni;
    • Chételat, Gaël;
    • Payoux, Pierre;
    • Lage-Martinez, Pablo;
    • Ewers, Michael;
    • Waldman, Adam;
    • Wardlaw, Joanna;
    • Ritchie, Craig;
    • Domingo Gispert, Juan;
    • Mutsaerts, Henk J. M. M.;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Tijms, Betty;
    • Barkhof, Frederik
    Publication type:
  • Plasma biomarkers predict amyloid pathology in cognitively normal monozygotic twins after 10 years.

    Published in:
    Brain Communications, 2023, v. 5, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/braincomms/fcad024
    • den Braber, Anouk;
    • Verberk, Inge M. W.;
    • Tomassen, Jori;
    • den Dulk, Ben;
    • Stoops, Erik;
    • Dage, Jeffrey L.;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Willemsen, Gonneke;
    • Nivard, Michel G.;
    • van Berckel, Bart N. M.;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • de Geus, Eco J. C.;
    • Teunissen, Charlotte E.
    Publication type:
  • Amyloid-driven disruption of default mode network connectivity in cognitively healthy individuals.

    Published in:
    Brain Communications, 2021, v. 3, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/braincomms/fcab201
    • Ingala, Silvia;
    • Tomassen, Jori;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Prent, Naomi;
    • van't Entt, Dennis;
    • ten Kate, Mara;
    • Konijnenberg, Elles;
    • Yaqub, Maqsood;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • de Geus, Eco J. C.;
    • Teunissen, Charlotte E.;
    • Tijms, Betty;
    • Wink, Alle Meije;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • van Berckel, Bart N. M.;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • den Braber, Anouk
    Publication type:
  • Tau Positron Emission Tomography for Predicting Dementia in Individuals With Mild Cognitive Impairment.

    Published in:
    JAMA Neurology, 2024, v. 81, n. 8, p. 845, doi. 10.1001/jamaneurol.2024.1612
    • Groot, Colin;
    • Smith, Ruben;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Mastenbroek, Sophie E.;
    • Stomrud, Erik;
    • Binette, Alexa Pichet;
    • Leuzy, Antoine;
    • Palmqvist, Sebastian;
    • Mattsson-Carlgren, Niklas;
    • Strandberg, Olof;
    • Cho, Hanna;
    • Lyoo, Chul Hyoung;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B.;
    • Peretti, Debora E.;
    • Garibotto, Valentina;
    • La Joie, Renaud;
    • Soleimani-Meigooni, David N.;
    • Rabinovici, Gil;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Hansson, Oskar
    Publication type:
  • Plasma Biomarker Strategy for Selecting Patients With Alzheimer Disease for Antiamyloid Immunotherapies.

    Published in:
    JAMA Neurology, 2024, v. 81, n. 1, p. 69, doi. 10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.4596
    • Mattsson-Carlgren, Niklas;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Stomrud, Erik;
    • Pichet Binette, Alexa;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Smith, Ruben;
    • Karlsson, Linda;
    • Lantero-Rodriguez, Juan;
    • Snellman, Anniina;
    • Strandberg, Olof;
    • Palmqvist, Sebastian;
    • Ashton, Nicholas J.;
    • Blennow, Kaj;
    • Janelidze, Shorena;
    • Hansson, Oskar
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Effect of Early vs Late Amyloid Positron Emission Tomography in Memory Clinic Patients: The AMYPAD-DPMS Randomized Clinical Trial.

    Published in:
    JAMA Neurology, 2023, v. 80, n. 6, p. 548, doi. 10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.0997
    • Altomare, Daniele;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Caprioglio, Camilla;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Lopes Alves, Isadora;
    • Bouwman, Femke;
    • Berkhof, Johannes;
    • van Maurik, Ingrid S.;
    • Garibotto, Valentina;
    • Moro, Christian;
    • Delrieu, Julien;
    • Payoux, Pierre;
    • Saint-Aubert, Laure;
    • Hitzel, Anne;
    • Molinuevo, José Luis;
    • Grau-Rivera, Oriol;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Drzezga, Alexander;
    • Jessen, Frank
    Publication type:
  • Disease progression modelling reveals heterogeneity in trajectories of Lewy-type α-synuclein pathology.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2024, v. 15, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-024-49402-x
    • Mastenbroek, Sophie E.;
    • Vogel, Jacob W.;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Serrano, Geidy E.;
    • Tremblay, Cécilia;
    • Young, Alexandra L.;
    • Arce, Richard A.;
    • Shill, Holly A.;
    • Driver-Dunckley, Erika D.;
    • Mehta, Shyamal H.;
    • Belden, Christine M.;
    • Atri, Alireza;
    • Choudhury, Parichita;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Adler, Charles H.;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Beach, Thomas G.;
    • Hansson, Oskar
    Publication type:
  • Quantification of amyloid PET for future clinical use: a state-of-the-art review.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging, 2022, v. 49, n. 10, p. 3508, doi. 10.1007/s00259-022-05784-y
    • Pemberton, Hugh G.;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Heeman, Fiona;
    • Bollack, Ariane;
    • Shekari, Mahnaz;
    • Salvadó, Gemma;
    • Alves, Isadora Lopes;
    • Garcia, David Vallez;
    • Battle, Mark;
    • Buckley, Christopher;
    • Stephens, Andrew W.;
    • Bullich, Santiago;
    • Garibotto, Valentina;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Farrar, Gill
    Publication type:
  • Visual assessment of [18F]flutemetamol PET images can detect early amyloid pathology and grade its extent.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging, 2021, v. 48, n. 7, p. 2169, doi. 10.1007/s00259-020-05174-2
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Salvadó, Gemma;
    • Shekari, Mahnaz;
    • Lopes Alves, Isadora;
    • Reimand, Juhan;
    • Wink, Alle Meije;
    • Zwan, Marissa;
    • Niñerola-Baizán, Aida;
    • Perissinotti, Andrés;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Ikonomovic, Milos D.;
    • Smith, Adrian P. L.;
    • Farrar, Gill;
    • Molinuevo, José Luis;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Buckley, Christopher J.;
    • van Berckel, Bart N. M.;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo
    Publication type:
  • Analysis of Psychological Symptoms Following Disclosure of Amyloid–Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Results to Adults With Subjective Cognitive Decline.

    Published in:
    JAMA Network Open, 2023, v. 6, n. 1, p. e2250921, doi. 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.50921
    • Caprioglio, Camilla;
    • Ribaldi, Federica;
    • Visser, Leonie N. C.;
    • Minguillon, Carolina;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Grau-Rivera, Oriol;
    • Zeyen, Philip;
    • Molinuevo, José Luis;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Garibotto, Valentina;
    • Moro, Christian;
    • Walker, Zuzana;
    • Edison, Paul;
    • Demonet, Jean-François;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Alves, Isadora Lopes;
    • Gismondi, Rossella;
    • Farrar, Gill;
    • Stephens, Andrew W.
    Publication type:
  • APOE-ε4 modulates the association between regional amyloid deposition and cognitive performance in cognitively unimpaired middle-aged individuals.

    Published in:
    EJNMMI Research, 2023, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13550-023-00967-6
    • Brugulat-Serrat, Anna;
    • Sánchez-Benavides, Gonzalo;
    • Cacciaglia, Raffaele;
    • Salvadó, Gemma;
    • Shekari, Mahnaz;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Buckley, Christopher;
    • van Berckel, Bart N. M.;
    • Perissinotti, Andrés;
    • Niñerola-Baizán, Aida;
    • Milà-Alomà, Marta;
    • Vilor-Tejedor, Natàlia;
    • Operto, Grégory;
    • Falcon, Carles;
    • Grau-Rivera, Oriol;
    • Arenaza-Urquijo, Eider M.;
    • Minguillón, Carolina;
    • Fauria, Karine;
    • Molinuevo, José Luis;
    • Suárez-Calvet, Marc
    Publication type:
  • Impact of cerebral blood flow and amyloid load on SUVR bias.

    Published in:
    EJNMMI Research, 2022, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13550-022-00898-8
    • Heeman, Fiona;
    • Yaqub, Maqsood;
    • Hendriks, Janine;
    • van Berckel, Bart N. M.;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Gray, Katherine R.;
    • Manber, Richard;
    • Wolz, Robin;
    • Garibotto, Valentina;
    • Wimberley, Catriona;
    • Ritchie, Craig;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Vállez García, David;
    • Lopes Alves, Isadora;
    • Lammertsma, Adriaan A.
    Publication type:
  • Investigating reliable amyloid accumulation in Centiloids: Results from the AMYPAD Prognostic and Natural History Study.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2024, v. 20, n. 5, p. 3429, doi. 10.1002/alz.13761
    • Bollack, Ariane;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • García, David Vállez;
    • Shekari, Mahnaz;
    • Altomare, Daniele;
    • Payoux, Pierre;
    • Dubois, Bruno;
    • Grau‐Rivera, Oriol;
    • Boada, Mercè;
    • Marquié, Marta;
    • Nordberg, Agneta;
    • Walker, Zuzana;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Schöll, Michael;
    • Wolz, Robin;
    • Schott, Jonathan M.;
    • Gismondi, Rossella;
    • Stephens, Andrew;
    • Buckley, Christopher;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B.
    Publication type:
  • Optimal combination of CSF phosphorylated‐tau forms to predict Alzheimer's disease pathological burden as measured by PET.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.082746
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Gobom, Johan;
    • Janelidze, Shorena;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Smith, Ruben;
    • Strandberg, Olof;
    • Stomrud, Erik;
    • Palmqvist, Sebastian;
    • Mattsson‐Carlgren, Niklas;
    • Zetterberg, Henrik;
    • Blennow, Kaj;
    • Hansson, Oskar
    Publication type:
  • AMYPAD: Correlation of Amyloid PET results with anxiety and depressive symptoms in SCD+, MCI and dementia patients.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.078793
    • Zeyen, Philip;
    • Sannemann, Lena;
    • Escher, Claus;
    • Maier, Franziska;
    • Rostamzadeh, Ayda;
    • Drzezga, Alexander;
    • Giehl, Kathrin;
    • Bischof, Gerard N;
    • Hönig, Merle C.;
    • Altomare, Daniele;
    • Garibotto, Valentina;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • van Berckel, Bart N.M.;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Molinuevo, Jose Luis;
    • Grau‐Rivera, Oriol;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Delrieu, Julien;
    • Payoux, Pierre
    Publication type:
  • Longitudinal tau binding in tau‐PET negative patients with clinical Alzheimer's disease.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.078905
    • Rikken, Roos M.;
    • Coomans, Emma M.;
    • de Koning, Lotte A.;
    • Visser, Denise;
    • Verfaillie, Sander C.J.;
    • den Braber, Anouk;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Golla, Sandeep S.V.;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • van der Flier, Wiesje M.;
    • Boellaard, Ronald;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • van Berckel, Bart N.M.;
    • Vijverberg, Everard G.B.;
    • van de Giessen, Elsmarieke
    Publication type:
  • Amyloid‐PET Centiloid quantification predicts cognitive functioning in a pre‐dementia population: findings from AMYPAD‐PNHS.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.078684
    • García, David Vállez;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Mastenbroek, Sophie E;
    • Alves, Isadora Lopes;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Jessen, Frank;
    • Ritchie, Craig W;
    • Rovira, Mercè Boada;
    • Marquié, Marta;
    • Vandenberghe, Rik;
    • Schöll, Michael;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B;
    • Hanseeuw, Bernard J;
    • Payoux, Pierre;
    • Vellas, Bruno;
    • Dubois, Bruno;
    • Martinez‐Lage, Pablo;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Shekari, Mahnaz;
    • Wolz, Robin
    Publication type:
  • The association between Aβ aggregation and age depends on APOE genotype: Findings from the AMYPAD cohort.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.077006
    • Régy, Mélina;
    • Quenon, Lisa;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • García, David Vállez;
    • Gérard, Thomas;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Schöll, Michael;
    • Vandenberghe, Rik;
    • Boada, Mercè;
    • Marquié, Marta;
    • Payoux, Pierre;
    • Nordberg, Agneta K;
    • Kivipelto, Miia;
    • Walker, Zuzana;
    • Dubois, Bruno;
    • Boutoleau‐Bretonnière, Claire;
    • Pasquier, Florence;
    • Dugravot, Aline;
    • Gabelle, Audrey
    Publication type:
  • Evaluating the global cortical Centiloid value for predicting functional decline.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.074623
    • Quenon, Lisa;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • García, David Vállez;
    • Alves, Isadora Lopes;
    • Bader, Ilona;
    • Iidow, Ifrah Noor;
    • Gérard, Thomas;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Jessen, Frank;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Herholz, Karl;
    • Ritchie, Craig W;
    • Rovira, Boada;
    • Marquié, Marta;
    • Vandenberghe, Rik;
    • Sch, Michael;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B;
    • Ford, Lisa;
    • Wolz, Robin;
    • Grootoonk, Sylke
    Publication type:
  • Quantification supports visual assessment of challenging amyloid‐PET images.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.074620
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Bischof, Gerard N;
    • Altomare, Daniele;
    • García, David Vállez;
    • Alves, Isadora Lopes;
    • Battle, Mark R;
    • Hegde, Manoj;
    • Wolz, Robin;
    • Gismondi, Rossella;
    • Stephens, Andrew W.;
    • Walker, Zuzana;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Nordberg, Agneta K;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Farrar, Gill;
    • Drzezga, Alexander;
    • Perissinotti, Andrés;
    • Morbelli, Silvia;
    • Buckley, Christopher;
    • Garibotto, Valentina
    Publication type:
  • A Centiloid cut‐off to help predict true amyloid accumulation.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.074619
    • Bollack, Ariane;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • García, David Vállez;
    • Shekari, Mahnaz;
    • Altomare, Daniele;
    • Payoux, Pierre;
    • Dubois, Bruno;
    • Grau‐Rivera, Oriol;
    • Rovira, Mercè Boada;
    • Nordberg, Agneta K;
    • Walker, Zuzana;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Schöll, Michael;
    • Wolz, Robin;
    • Schmidt, Mark E;
    • Gismondi, Rossella;
    • Stephens, Andrew W.;
    • Buckley, Christopher;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B;
    • Hanseeuw, Bernard J
    Publication type:
  • Evaluating the sensitivity of Centiloid quantification to pipeline design and image harmonization.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.074616
    • Shekari, Mahnaz;
    • García, David Vállez;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Heeman, Fiona;
    • Roé‐Vellvé, Núria;
    • Bullich, Santiago;
    • Buckley, Christopher;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Farrar, Gill;
    • Pemberton, Hugh;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo
    Publication type:
  • Computerized decision support is an effective approach to select memory clinic patients for amyloid‐PET.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.074593
    • Rhodius‐ Meester, Hanneke F.M.;
    • van Maurik, Ingrid S.;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • van Gils, Aniek M.;
    • Koikkalainen, Juha;
    • Tolonen, Antti;
    • Pijnenburg, Yolande A.L.;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • van de Giessen, Elsmarieke;
    • Lötjönen, Jyrki;
    • van der Flier, Wiesje M.
    Publication type:
  • The European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia Programme: Summary outputs post Innovative Medicines Initiative Funding.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.074605
    • Ritchie, Craig W;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Barkhof, Frederik
    Publication type:
  • Associations between ASL‐derived cerebrovascular health and cognitive performance: results from the Insight 46 study.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.079878
    • Dijsselhof, Mathijs B.J.;
    • Lu, Kirsty;
    • Lorenzini, Luigi;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • James, Sarah‐Naomi;
    • Thomas, David L;
    • Scott, Catherine J;
    • Manning, Emily N;
    • Cash, David M;
    • Hughes, Alun D;
    • Richards, Marcus;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Petr, Jan;
    • Mutsaerts, Henk‐Jan
    Publication type:
  • Comparing parametric methods for longitudinal measurement of β‐amyloid pathology with PET in elderly individuals.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.079545
    • Heeman, Fiona;
    • Hendriks, Janine;
    • Tristão‐Pereira, Catarina;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Young, Peter;
    • van Berckel, Bart N.M.;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Hanseeuw, Bernard J;
    • Vandenberghe, Rik;
    • Garibotto, Valentina;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B;
    • Altomare, Daniele;
    • Shekari, Mahnaz;
    • Buckley, Christopher;
    • Farrar, Gill;
    • Schmidt, Mark E;
    • Gismondi, Rossella;
    • Stephens, Andrew W.;
    • Ritchie, Craig W;
    • Wimberley, Catriona
    Publication type:
  • Tau‐PET to predict conversion from mild cognitive impairment to dementia; a head‐to‐head comparison against amyloid‐PET and MRI.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.078754
    • Groot, Colin;
    • Smith, Ruben;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Mastenbroek, Sophie E;
    • Stomrud, Erik;
    • Binette, Alexa Pichet;
    • Leuzy, Antoine;
    • Palmqvist, Sebastian;
    • Mattsson‐Carlgren, Niklas;
    • Strandberg, Olof;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Hansson, Oskar
    Publication type:
  • Biological and methodological factors underlying a continuous amyloid CSF/PET imbalance model and its association with longitudinal cognition.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.074607
    • Mastenbroek, Sophie E;
    • Sala, Arianna;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • García, David Vállez;
    • Schmidt, Mark E;
    • Stephens, Andrew W.;
    • Gismondi, Rossella;
    • Farrar, Gill;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B;
    • Boada, Mercè;
    • Ritchie, Craig W;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Bucci, Marco;
    • Hansson, Oskar;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Nordberg, Agneta K;
    • Rodriguez‐Vieitez, Elena;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.
    Publication type:
  • Hyperspectral retinal imaging as a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.079569
    • Thach, Michelle;
    • de Ruyter, Frederique J. Hart;
    • Curro‐Tafili, Katie R.;
    • van de Giessen, Elsmarieke;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • den Braber, Anouk;
    • Tan, H. Stevie;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Verbraak, Frank D.;
    • Osseiran, Sam;
    • Grondin, Jean‐Sébastien;
    • Orellina, Julie Antonelle;
    • Campbell, Shannon;
    • Chevrefils, Claudia;
    • Sylvestre, Jean‐Philippe;
    • Bouwman, Femke H.
    Publication type:
  • Prediction of longitudinal cortical amyloid deposition based on cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease in cognitively unimpaired individuals: the role of APOE‐ε4.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.076943
    • Rizzo, Marianna;
    • Oomens, Julie Elisabeth;
    • Jansen, Willemijn J.;
    • Gispert, Juan Domingo;
    • Ritchie, Craig W;
    • Jessen, Frank;
    • Rovira, Mercè Boada;
    • Marquié, Marta;
    • Hanseeuw, Bernard J;
    • Schmidt, Mark E;
    • Stephens, Andrew W.;
    • Gismondi, Rossella;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B;
    • Farrar, Gill;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • García, David Vállez;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Alves, Isadora Lopes;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Vos, Stephanie J. B.
    Publication type:
  • Natural speech as a digital biomarker in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: Usability of a remote burst speech assessment.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.071139
    • van den Berg, Rosanne L.;
    • de Boer, Casper;
    • Zwan, Marissa D.;
    • Robin, Jessica;
    • Simpson, Bill;
    • Harrison, John E;
    • Jutten, Roos J.;
    • Dubbelman, Mark A.;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • van Harten, Argonde C.;
    • Mank, Arenda;
    • Kroeze, Lior A.;
    • Teunissen, Charlotte E.;
    • van de Giessen, Elsmarieke;
    • van der Flier, Wiesje M.;
    • Sikkes, Sietske A.M.
    Publication type:
  • Uncovering distinct spatial‐temporal trajectories of Lewy‐type α‐synuclein pathology: a Subtype and Stage Inference model analysis.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.079506
    • Mastenbroek, Sophie E;
    • Vogel, Jacob W;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Serrano, Geidy E;
    • Young, Alexandra L.;
    • Barkhof, Frederik;
    • Ossenkoppele, Rik;
    • Beach, Thomas G;
    • Hansson, Oskar
    Publication type:
  • Vascular contribution to the preclinical Alzheimer's disease pathological changes: Insights from the EPAD cohort.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.074609
    • Lorenzini, Luigi;
    • Maranzano, Alessio;
    • Tranfa, Mario;
    • Collij, Lyduine E.;
    • Sudre, Carole H;
    • Wolz, Robin;
    • Haller, Sven;
    • Blennow, Kaj;
    • Frisoni, Giovanni B;
    • Payoux, Pierre;
    • Martinez‐Lage, Pablo;
    • Ewers, Michael;
    • Chetelat, Gael;
    • Waldman, Adam;
    • Wardlaw, Joanna M;
    • Fox, Nick C;
    • Ritchie, Craig W;
    • Scheltens, Philip;
    • Visser, Pieter Jelle;
    • Wink, Alle Meije
    Publication type: