Found: 97

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  • No evidence for DUP25 in patients with panic disorder using a quantitative real-time PCR approach.

    Published in:
    Human Genetics, 2003, v. 114, n. 1, p. 115, doi. 10.1007/s00439-003-1022-5
    • Schumacher, Johannes;
    • Otte, Andreas C. J.;
    • Becker, Tim;
    • Sun, Yuli;
    • Wienker, Thomas F.;
    • Wirth, Brunhilde;
    • Franke, Petra;
    • Abou Jamra, Rami;
    • Propping, Peter;
    • xFC;rgen#Deckert, J&;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Cichon, Sven
    Publication type:
  • Elevated expression of a minor isoform of ANK3 is a risk factor for bipolar disorder.

    Published in:
    Translational Psychiatry, 2018, v. 8, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41398-018-0175-x
    • Hughes, Timothy;
    • Sønderby, Ida E.;
    • Polushina, Tatiana;
    • Hansson, Lars;
    • Holmgren, Asbjørn;
    • Athanasiu, Lavinia;
    • Melbø-Jørgensen, Christian;
    • Hassani, Sahar;
    • Hoeffding, Louise K.;
    • Herms, Stefan;
    • Bergen, Sarah E.;
    • Karlsson, Robert;
    • Song, Jie;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Forstner, Andreas J.;
    • Hoffmann, Per;
    • Hultman, Christina M.;
    • Landén, Mikael;
    • Cichon, Sven
    Publication type:
  • Hippocampal Function in Healthy Carriers of the CLU Alzheimer's Disease Risk Variant.

    Published in:
    Journal of Neuroscience, 2011, v. 31, n. 49, p. 18180, doi. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4960-11.2011
    • Erk, Susanne;
    • Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas;
    • von Boberfeld, Carola Opitz;
    • Esslinger, Christine;
    • Schnell, Knut;
    • Kirsch, Peter;
    • Mattheisen, Manuel;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Witt, Stephanie H.;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Walter, Henrik
    Publication type:
  • Haplotype interaction analysis of unlinked regions.

    Published in:
    Genetic Epidemiology, 2005, v. 29, n. 4, p. 313, doi. 10.1002/gepi.20096
    • Becker, Tim;
    • Schumacher, Johannes;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Baur, Max P.;
    • Knapp, Michael
    Publication type:
  • Feasible and Successful: Genome-Wide Interaction Analysis Involving All 1.9 × 10 Pair-Wise Interaction Tests.

    Published in:
    Human Heredity, 2010, v. 69, n. 4, p. 268, doi. 10.1159/000295896
    • Steffens, Michael;
    • Becker, Tim;
    • Sander, Thomas;
    • Fimmers, Rolf;
    • Herold, Christine;
    • Holler, Daniela A.;
    • Leu, Costin;
    • Herms, Stefan;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Bohn, Bastian;
    • Gerstner, Thomas;
    • Griebel, Michael;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Wienker, Thomas F.;
    • Baur, Max P.
    Publication type:
  • Altered Functional Subnetwork During Emotional Face Processing: A Potential Intermediate Phenotype for Schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    • Hengyi Cao;
    • Bertolino, Alessandro;
    • Walter, Henrik;
    • Schneider, Michael;
    • Schafer, Axel;
    • Taurisano, Paolo;
    • Blasi, Giuseppe;
    • Haddad, Leila;
    • Grimm, Oliver;
    • Otto, Kristina;
    • Dixson, Luanna;
    • Erk, Susanne;
    • Mohnke, Sebastian;
    • Heinz, Andreas;
    • Romanczuk-Seiferth, Nina;
    • Muhleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Mattheisen, Manuel;
    • Witt, Stephanie H.;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Noethen, Markus
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Striatal response to reward anticipation: evidence for a systems-level intermediate phenotype for schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    • Grimm, Oliver;
    • Heinz, Andreas;
    • Walter, Henrik;
    • Kirsch, Peter;
    • Erk, Susanne;
    • Haddad, Leila;
    • Plichta, Michael M;
    • Romanczuk-Seiferth, Nina;
    • Pöhland, Lydia;
    • Mohnke, Sebastian;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W;
    • Mattheisen, Manuel;
    • Witt, Stephanie H;
    • Schäfer, Axel;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Nöthen, Markus;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Tost, Heike;
    • Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
    Publication type:
    Journal Article
  • Striatal Response to Reward Anticipation.

    Published in:
    JAMA Psychiatry, 2014, v. 71, n. 5, p. 531, doi. 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.9
    • Grimm, Oliver;
    • Heinz, Andreas;
    • Walter, Henrik;
    • Kirsch, Peter;
    • Erk, Susanne;
    • Haddad, Leila;
    • Plichta, Michael M.;
    • Romanczuk-Seiferth, Nina;
    • Pöhland, Lydia;
    • Mohnke, Sebastian;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Mattheisen, Manuel;
    • Witt, Stephanie H.;
    • Schäfer, Axel;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Nöthen, Markus;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Tost, Heike;
    • Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
    Publication type:
  • Implication of a rare deletion at distal 16p11.2 in schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    • Guha, Saurav;
    • Rees, Elliott;
    • Darvasi, Ariel;
    • Ivanov, Dobril;
    • Ikeda, Masashi;
    • Bergen, Sarah E;
    • Magnusson, Patrik K;
    • Cormican, Paul;
    • Morris, Derek;
    • Gill, Michael;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Rosenfeld, Jeffrey A;
    • Lee, Annette;
    • Gregersen, Peter K;
    • Kane, John M;
    • Malhotra, Anil K;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Nöthen, Markus M;
    • Degenhardt, Franziska;
    • Priebe, Lutz
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Implication of a Rare Deletion at Distal 16pll.2 in Schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    JAMA Psychiatry, 2013, v. 70, n. 3, p. 253, doi. 10.1001/2013.jamapsychiatry.71
    • Guha, Saurav;
    • Rees, Elliott;
    • Darvasi, Ariel;
    • Ivanov, Dobril;
    • Ikeda, Masashi;
    • Bergen, Sarah E.;
    • Magnusson, Patrik K.;
    • Cormican, Paul;
    • Morris, Derek;
    • Gill, Michael;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Rosenfeld, Jeffrey A.;
    • Lee, Annette;
    • Gregersen, Peter K.;
    • Kane, John M.;
    • Malhotra, Anil K.;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • NÖthen, Markus M.;
    • Degenhardt, Franziska;
    • Priebe, Lutz
    Publication type:
  • Identification of pleiotropy at the gene level between psychiatric disorders and related traits.

    Published in:
    Translational Psychiatry, 2021, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41398-021-01530-4
    • Polushina, Tatiana;
    • Banerjee, Niladri;
    • Giddaluru, Sudheer;
    • Bettella, Francesco;
    • Espeseth, Thomas;
    • Lundervold, Astri J.;
    • Djurovic, Srdjan;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Hoffmann, Per;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Steen, Vidar M.;
    • Andreassen, Ole A.;
    • Le Hellard, Stéphanie
    Publication type:
  • Genetic and functional abnormalities of the melatonin biosynthesis pathway in patients with bipolar disorder.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2012, v. 21, n. 18, p. 4030, doi. 10.1093/hmg/dds227
    • Etain, Bruno;
    • Dumaine, Anne;
    • Bellivier, Frank;
    • Pagan, Cécile;
    • Francelle, Laetitia;
    • Goubran-Botros, Hany;
    • Moreno, Sarah;
    • Deshommes, Jasmine;
    • Moustafa, Khaled;
    • Le Dudal, Katia;
    • Mathieu, Flavie;
    • Henry, Chantal;
    • Kahn, Jean-Pierre;
    • Launay, Jean-Marie;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Bourgeron, Thomas;
    • Leboyer, Marion;
    • Jamain, Stéphane
    Publication type:
  • A large replication study and meta-analysis in European samples provides further support for association of AHI1 markers with schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2010, v. 19, n. 7, p. 1379, doi. 10.1093/hmg/ddq009
    • Ingason, Andrés;
    • Giegling, Ina;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Hansen, Thomas;
    • Rasmussen, Henrik B.;
    • Nielsen, Jimmi;
    • Jürgens, Gesche;
    • Muglia, Pierandrea;
    • Hartmann, Annette M.;
    • Strengman, Eric;
    • Vasilescu, Catalina;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Djurovic, Srdjan;
    • Melle, Ingrid;
    • Lerer, Bernard;
    • Möller, Hans-Jürgen;
    • Francks, Clyde;
    • Pietiläinen, Olli P.H.;
    • Lonnqvist, Jouko;
    • Suvisaari, Jaana
    Publication type:
  • The DISC locus and schizophrenia: evidence from an association study in a central European sample and from a meta-analysis across different European populations.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2009, v. 18, n. 14, p. 2719, doi. 10.1093/hmg/ddp204
    • Schumacher, Johannes;
    • Laje, Gonzalo;
    • Jamra, Rami Abou;
    • Becker, Tim;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Vasilescu, Catalina;
    • Mattheisen, Manuel;
    • Herms, Stefan;
    • Hoffmann, Per;
    • Hillmer, Axel M.;
    • Georgi, Alexander;
    • Herold, Christine;
    • Schulze, Thomas G.;
    • Propping, Peter;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • McMahon, Francis J.;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Cichon, Sven
    Publication type:
  • Disruption of the neurexin 1 gene is associated with schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2009, v. 18, n. 5, p. 988
    • Rujescu, Dan;
    • Ingason, Andres;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Pietiläinen, Olli P.H.;
    • Barnes, Michael R.;
    • Toulopoulou, Timothea;
    • Picchioni, Marco;
    • Vassos, Evangelos;
    • Ettinger, Ulrich;
    • Bramon, Elvira;
    • Murray, Robin;
    • Ruggeri, Mirella;
    • Tosato, Sarah;
    • Bonetto, Chiara;
    • Steinberg, Stacy;
    • Sigurdsson, Engilbert;
    • Sigmundsson, Thordur;
    • Petursson, Hannes;
    • Gylfason, Arnaldur;
    • Olason, Pall I.
    Publication type:
  • Brain-specific tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2): a functional Pro206Ser substitution and variation in the 5′-region are associated with bipolar affective disorder.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2008, v. 17, n. 1, p. 87
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Winge, Ingeborg;
    • Mattheisen, Manuel;
    • Georgi, Alexander;
    • Karpushova, Anna;
    • Freudenberg, Jan;
    • Freudenberg-Hua, Yun;
    • Babadjanova, Gulia;
    • Van Den Bogaert, Ann;
    • Abramova, Lilia I.;
    • Kapiletti, Sofia;
    • Knappskog, Per M.;
    • McKinney, Jeffrey;
    • Maier, Wolfgang;
    • Abou Jamra, Rami;
    • Schulze, Thomas G.;
    • Schumacher, Johannes;
    • Propping, Peter;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Haavik, Jan
    Publication type:
  • Genome-wide association study implicates NDST3 in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2013, v. 4, n. 11, p. 2739, doi. 10.1038/ncomms3739
    • Lencz, Todd;
    • Guha, Saurav;
    • Liu, Chunyu;
    • Rosenfeld, Jeffrey;
    • Mukherjee, Semanti;
    • DeRosse, Pamela;
    • John, Majnu;
    • Cheng, Lijun;
    • Zhang, Chunling;
    • Badner, Judith A.;
    • Ikeda, Masashi;
    • Iwata, Nakao;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Cheng, A.T.A.;
    • Hodgkinson, Colin;
    • Yuan, Qiaoping;
    • Kane, John M.;
    • Lee, Annette T.
    Publication type:
  • Studying variability in human brain aging in a population-based German cohort—rationale and design of 1000BRAINS.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2014, v. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00149
    • Caspers, Svenja;
    • Moebus, Susanne;
    • Lux, Silke;
    • Pundt, Noreen;
    • Schütz, Holger;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Gras, Vincent;
    • Eickhoff, Simon B.;
    • Romanzetti, Sandro;
    • Stöcker, Tony;
    • Stirnberg, Rüdiger;
    • Kirlangic, Mehmet E.;
    • Minnerop, Martina;
    • Pieperhoff, Peter;
    • Mödder, Ulrich;
    • Das, Samir;
    • Evans, Alan C.;
    • Jöckel, Karl-Heinz;
    • Erbel, Raimund;
    • Cichon, Sven
    Publication type:
  • Studying variability in human brain aging in a population-based German cohort – Rationale and design of 1000BRAINS.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2014, v. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00149
    • Caspers, Svenja;
    • Moebus, Susanne;
    • Lux, Silke;
    • Pundt, Noreen;
    • Schütz, Holger;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Gras, Vincent;
    • Eickhoff, Simon B.;
    • Romanzetti, Sandro;
    • Stöcker, Tony;
    • Stirnberg, Rüdiger;
    • Kirlangic, Mehmet E.;
    • Minnerop, Martina;
    • Pieperhoff, Peter;
    • Mödder, Ulrich;
    • Das, Samir;
    • Evans, Alan C.;
    • Jöckel, Karl-Heinz;
    • Erbel, Raimund;
    • Cichon, Sven
    Publication type:
  • Brief Report: No Association Between Premorbid Adjustment in Adult-Onset Schizophrenia and Genetic Variation in Dysbindin.

    Published in:
    Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 2008, v. 38, n. 10, p. 1977, doi. 10.1007/s10803-008-0582-6
    • Schirmbeck, Frederike;
    • Georgi, Alexander;
    • Strohmaier, Jana;
    • Schmael, Christine;
    • Boesshenz, Katja V.;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Herms, Stefan;
    • Hoffmann, Per;
    • Jamra, Rami Abou;
    • Schumacher, Johannes;
    • Maier, Wolfgang;
    • Propping, Peter;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Schulze, Thomas G.
    Publication type:
  • Mood-incongruent psychosis in bipolar disorder: conditional linkage analysis shows genome-wide suggestive linkage at 1q32.3, 7p13 and 20q13.31.

    Published in:
    Bipolar Disorders, 2009, v. 11, n. 6, p. 610, doi. 10.1111/j.1399-5618.2009.00736.x
    • Hamshere, Marian L;
    • Schulze, Thomas G;
    • Schumacher, Johannes;
    • Corvin, Aiden;
    • Owen, Michael J;
    • Jamra, Rami Abou;
    • Propping, Peter;
    • Maier, Wolfgang;
    • Orozco y Diaz, Guillermo;
    • Mayoral, Fermin;
    • Rivas, Fabio;
    • Jones, Ian;
    • Jones, Lisa;
    • Kirov, George;
    • Gill, Michael;
    • Holmans, Peter A;
    • Nöthen, Markus M;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Craddock, Nick
    Publication type:
  • Identification of a Bipolar Disorder Vulnerable Gene CHDH at 3p21.1.

    Published in:
    Molecular Neurobiology, 2017, v. 54, n. 7, p. 5166, doi. 10.1007/s12035-016-0041-x
    • Chang, Hong;
    • Li, Lingyi;
    • Peng, Tao;
    • Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Maria;
    • Bergen, Sarah;
    • Landén, Mikael;
    • Hultman, Christina;
    • Forstner, Andreas;
    • Strohmaier, Jana;
    • Hecker, Julian;
    • Schulze, Thomas;
    • Müller-Myhsok, Bertram;
    • Reif, Andreas;
    • Mitchell, Philip;
    • Martin, Nicholas;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Nöthen, Markus;
    • Jamain, Stéphane;
    • Leboyer, Marion;
    • Bellivier, Frank
    Publication type:
  • Convergent Lines of Evidence Support LRP8 as a Susceptibility Gene for Psychosis.

    Published in:
    Molecular Neurobiology, 2016, v. 53, n. 10, p. 6608, doi. 10.1007/s12035-015-9559-6
    • Li, Ming;
    • Huang, Liang;
    • Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Maria;
    • Bergen, Sarah;
    • Landén, Mikael;
    • Hultman, Christina;
    • Forstner, Andreas;
    • Strohmaier, Jana;
    • Hecker, Julian;
    • Schulze, Thomas;
    • Müller-Myhsok, Bertram;
    • Reif, Andreas;
    • Mitchell, Philip;
    • Martin, Nicholas;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Nöthen, Markus;
    • Alkelai, Anna;
    • Lerer, Bernard;
    • Jamain, Stéphane;
    • Leboyer, Marion
    Publication type:
  • Common variants conferring risk of schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2009, v. 460, n. 7256, p. 744, doi. 10.1038/nature08186
    • Stefansson, Hreinn;
    • Ophoff, Roel A.;
    • Steinberg, Stacy;
    • Andreassen, Ole A.;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Rujescu, Dan;
    • Werge, Thomas;
    • Pietiläinen, Olli P. H.;
    • Mors, Ole;
    • Mortensen, Preben B.;
    • Sigurdsson, Engilbert;
    • Gustafsson, Omar;
    • Nyegaard, Mette;
    • Tuulio-Henriksson, Annamari;
    • Ingason, Andres;
    • Hansen, Thomas;
    • Suvisaari, Jaana;
    • Lonnqvist, Jouko;
    • Paunio, Tiina;
    • Børglum, Anders D.
    Publication type:
  • Large recurrent microdeletions associated with schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2008, v. 455, n. 7210, p. 232, doi. 10.1038/nature07229
    • Stefansson, Hreinn;
    • Rujescu, Dan;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Pietiläinen, Olli P. H.;
    • Ingason, Andres;
    • Steinberg, Stacy;
    • Fossdal, Ragnheidur;
    • Sigurdsson, Engilbert;
    • Sigmundsson, Thordur;
    • Buizer-Voskamp, Jacobine E.;
    • Hansen, Thomas;
    • Jakobsen, Klaus D.;
    • Muglia, Pierandrea;
    • Francks, Clyde;
    • Matthews, Paul M.;
    • Gylfason, Arnaldur;
    • Halldorsson, Bjarni V.;
    • Gudbjartsson, Daniel;
    • Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E.;
    • Sigurdsson, Asgeir
    Publication type:
  • Imaging genetics of FOXP2 in dyslexia.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 2012, v. 20, n. 6, p. 714, doi. 10.1038/ejhg.2012.31
    • Wilcke, Arndt;
    • Jana Burkhardt, Carolin Ligges;
    • Alexander, Michael;
    • Wolf, Christiane;
    • Quente, Elfi;
    • Ahnert, Peter;
    • Hoffmann, Per;
    • Becker, Albert;
    • Müller-Myhsok, Bertram;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Boltze, Johannes;
    • Kirsten, Holger
    Publication type:
  • Imaging genetics of FOXP2 in dyslexia.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 2012, v. 20, n. 2, p. 224, doi. 10.1038/ejhg.2011.160
    • Wilcke, Arndt;
    • Ligges, Carolin;
    • Burkhardt, Jana;
    • Alexander, Michael;
    • Wolf, Christiane;
    • Quente, Elfi;
    • Ahnert, Peter;
    • Hoffmann, Per;
    • Becker, Albert;
    • Müller-Myhsok, Bertram;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Boltze, Johannes;
    • Kirsten, Holger
    Publication type:
  • A summary statistic approach to sequence variation in noncoding regions of six schizophrenia-associated gene loci.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 2006, v. 14, n. 9, p. 1037, doi. 10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201664
    • Winantea, Jane;
    • Hoang, My Ngo;
    • Ohlraun, Stefanie;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Propping, Peter;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Freudenberg, Jan;
    • Freudenberg-Hua, Yun
    Publication type:
  • Efficacy and safety of exogenous ketone bodies for preventive treatment of migraine: A study protocol for a single-centred, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial.

    Published in:
    • Gross, Elena;
    • Putananickal, Niveditha;
    • Orsini, Anna-Lena;
    • Schmidt, Simone;
    • Vogt, Deborah R.;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Sandor, Peter;
    • Fischer, Dirk
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Common functional variants of the glutamatergic system in Autism spectrum disorder with high and low intellectual abilities.

    Published in:
    Journal of Neural Transmission, 2018, v. 125, n. 2, p. 259, doi. 10.1007/s00702-017-1813-9
    • Chiocchetti, Andreas G.;
    • Yousaf, Afsheen;
    • Bour, Hannah S.;
    • Haslinger, Denise;
    • Waltes, Regina;
    • Duketis, Eftichia;
    • Jarczok, Tomas;
    • Sachse, Michael;
    • Biscaldi, Monica;
    • Degenhardt, Franziska;
    • Herms, Stefan;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Ackermann, Jörg;
    • Koch, Ina;
    • Klauck, Sabine M.;
    • Freitag, Christine M.
    Publication type:
  • Reply.

    Published in:
    Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2000, v. 115, n. 4, p. 763, doi. 10.1046/j.1523-1747.2000.00124-3.x
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Kruse, Roland;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.
    Publication type:
  • Novel Hairless Mutations in Two Kindreds with Autosomal Recessive Papular Atrichia.

    Published in:
    Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1999, v. 113, n. 6, p. 954, doi. 10.1046/j.1523-1747.1999.00790.x
    • Kruse, Roland;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Anker, Martina;
    • Hillmer, Axel M.;
    • Barros-Núñez, Patricio;
    • Cantú, Jose Maria;
    • Leal, Evelia;
    • Weinlich, Georg;
    • Schmuth, Mathias;
    • Fritsch, Peter;
    • Ruzicka, Thomas;
    • Propping, Peter;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.
    Publication type:
  • Genome-wide association study identifies five new schizophrenia loci.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2011, v. 43, n. 10, p. 969, doi. 10.1038/ng.940
    • Ripke, Stephan;
    • Sanders, Alan R;
    • Kendler, Kenneth S;
    • Levinson, Douglas F;
    • Sklar, Pamela;
    • Holmans, Peter A;
    • Lin, Dan-Yu;
    • Duan, Jubao;
    • Ophoff, Roel A;
    • Andreassen, Ole A;
    • Scolnick, Edward;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • St. Clair, David;
    • Corvin, Aiden;
    • Gurling, Hugh;
    • Werge, Thomas;
    • Rujescu, Dan;
    • Blackwood, Douglas H R;
    • Pato, Carlos N;
    • Malhotra, Anil K
    Publication type:
  • Large-scale genome-wide association analysis of bipolar disorder identifies a new susceptibility locus near ODZ4.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2011, v. 43, n. 10, p. 977, doi. 10.1038/ng.943
    • Sklar, Pamela;
    • Ripke, Stephan;
    • Scott, Laura J;
    • Andreassen, Ole A;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Craddock, Nick;
    • Edenberg, Howard J;
    • Nurnberger, John I;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Blackwood, Douglas;
    • Corvin, Aiden;
    • Flickinger, Matthew;
    • Guan, Weihua;
    • Mattingsdal, Morten;
    • McQuillin, Andrew;
    • Kwan, Phoenix;
    • Wienker, Thomas F;
    • Daly, Mark;
    • Dudbridge, Frank;
    • Holmans, Peter A
    Publication type:
  • Reply to 'Replication of association of 3p21.1 with susceptibility to bipolar disorder but not major depression'.

    Published in:
    • McMahon, Francis J.;
    • Akula, Nirmala;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Detera-Wadleigh, Sevilla D.;
    • Edenberg, Howard;
    • Holsboer, Florian;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Nurnberger, John I.;
    • Potash, James;
    • Preisig, Martin;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Schulze, Thomas G.
    Publication type:
  • Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies a risk locus for major mood disorders on 3p21.1.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2010, v. 42, n. 2, p. 128, doi. 10.1038/ng.523
    • McMahon, Francis J.;
    • Akula, Nirmala;
    • Schulze, Thomas G.;
    • Muglia, Pierandrea;
    • Tozzi, Federica;
    • Detera-Wadleigh, Sevilla D.;
    • Steele, C. J. M.;
    • Breuer, René;
    • Strohmaier, Jana;
    • Wendland, Jens R.;
    • Mattheisen, Manuel;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Maier, Wolfgang;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Farmer, Anne;
    • Vincent, John B.;
    • Holsboer, Florian;
    • Preisig, Martin;
    • Rietschel, Marcella
    Publication type:
  • CLCN2 variants in idiopathic generalized epilepsy.

    Published in:
    • Kleefuß-Lie, Ailing;
    • Friedl, Waltraut;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Haug, Karsten;
    • Warnstedt, Maike;
    • Alekov, Alexi;
    • Sander, Thomas;
    • Ramirez, Alfredo;
    • Poser, Barbara;
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    • Hebeisen, Simon;
    • Kubisch, Christian;
    • Rebstock, Johannes;
    • Horvath, Steve;
    • Hallmann, Kerstin;
    • Dullinger, Jörn S.;
    • Rau, Birgit;
    • Haverkamp, Fritz;
    • Beyenburg, Stefan;
    • Schulz, Herbert
    Publication type:
  • Corrigendum: Loss-of-function mutations of an inhibitory upstream ORF in the human hairless transcript cause Marie Unna hereditary hypotrichosis.

    Published in:
    • Wen, Yaran;
    • Liu, Yang;
    • Xu, Yiming;
    • Zhao, Yiwei;
    • Hua, Rui;
    • Wang, Kaibo;
    • Sun, Miao;
    • Li, Yuanhong;
    • Yang, Sen;
    • Zhang, Xue-Jun;
    • Kruse, Roland;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Betz, Regina C;
    • Nöthen, Markus M;
    • van Steensel, Maurice A M;
    • van Geel, Michel;
    • Steijlen, Peter M;
    • Hohl, Daniel;
    • Huber, Marcel;
    • Dunnill, Giles S
    Publication type:
    Correction notice
  • Loss-of-function mutations of an inhibitory upstream ORF in the human hairless transcript cause Marie Unna hereditary hypotrichosis.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2009, v. 41, n. 2, p. 228, doi. 10.1038/ng.276
    • Yaran Wen;
    • Yang Liu;
    • Yiming Xu;
    • Yiwei Zhao;
    • Rui Hua;
    • Kaibo Wang;
    • Miao Sun;
    • Yuanhong Li;
    • Sen Yang;
    • Xue-Jun Zhang;
    • Kruse, Roland;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Betz, Regina C.;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • van Steensel, Maurice A. M.;
    • van Geel, Michel;
    • Steijlen, Peter M.;
    • Hohl, Daniel;
    • Huber, Marcel;
    • Dunnill, Giles S.
    Publication type:
  • Lack of support for a genetic association of the XBP1 promoter polymorphism with bipolar disorder in probands of European origin.

    Published in:
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Buervenich, Silvia;
    • Kirov, George;
    • Akula, Nirmala;
    • Dimitrova, Albena;
    • Green, Elaine;
    • Schumacher, Johannes;
    • Klopp, Norman;
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    • Ohlraun, Stephanie;
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    • Gross, Magdalena M.;
    • Jones, Lisa;
    • Krastev, Stefan;
    • Nikolov, Ivan;
    • Hamshere, Marian;
    • Jones, Ian;
    • Czerski, Piotr M.;
    • Leszczynska-Rodziewicz, Anna
    Publication type:
  • Hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp is associated with nonsense mutations in CDSN encoding corneodesmosin.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2003, v. 34, n. 2, p. 151, doi. 10.1038/ng1163
    • Levy-Nissenbaum, Etgar;
    • Betz, Regina C;
    • Frydman, Moshe;
    • Simon, Michel;
    • Lahat, Hadas;
    • Bakhan, Tengiz;
    • Goldman, Boleslaw;
    • Bygum, Anette;
    • Pierick, Monika;
    • Hillmer, Axel M;
    • Jonca, Nathalie;
    • Toribio, Jaime;
    • Kruse, Roland;
    • Dewald, Georg;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Kubisch, Christian;
    • Guerrin, Marina;
    • Serre, Guy;
    • Nothen, Markus M
    Publication type:
  • XRCC5 as a Risk Gene for Alcohol Dependence: Evidence from a Genome-Wide Gene-Set-Based Analysis and Follow-up Studies in Drosophila and Humans.

    Published in:
    Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015, v. 40, n. 2, p. 361, doi. 10.1038/npp.2014.178
    • Juraeva, Dilafruz;
    • Treutlein, Jens;
    • Scholz, Henrike;
    • Frank, Josef;
    • Degenhardt, Franziska;
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    • Ridinger, Monika;
    • Mattheisen, Manuel;
    • Witt, Stephanie H;
    • Lang, Maren;
    • Sommer, Wolfgang H;
    • Hoffmann, Per;
    • Herms, Stefan;
    • Wodarz, Norbert;
    • Soyka, Michael;
    • Zill, Peter;
    • Maier, Wolfgang;
    • Jünger, Elisabeth;
    • Gaebel, Wolfgang;
    • Dahmen, Norbert
    Publication type:
  • Further Evidence for the Impact of a Genome-Wide-Supported Psychosis Risk Variant in ZNF804A on the Theory of Mind Network.

    Published in:
    Neuropsychopharmacology, 2014, v. 39, n. 5, p. 1196, doi. 10.1038/npp.2013.321
    • Mohnke, Sebastian;
    • Erk, Susanne;
    • Schnell, Knut;
    • Schütz, Claudia;
    • Romanczuk-Seiferth, Nina;
    • Grimm, Oliver;
    • Haddad, Leila;
    • Pöhland, Lydia;
    • Garbusow, Maria;
    • Schmitgen, Mike M;
    • Kirsch, Peter;
    • Esslinger, Christine;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Witt, Stephanie H;
    • Nöthen, Markus M;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Mattheisen, Manuel;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas;
    • Jensen, Jimmy;
    • Schott, Björn H
    Publication type:
  • Reduced Cortical Thickness is Associated with the Glutamatergic Regulatory Gene Risk Variant DAOA Arg30Lys in Schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    Neuropsychopharmacology, 2011, v. 36, n. 8, p. 1747, doi. 10.1038/npp.2011.56
    • Schultz, C. Christoph;
    • Nenadic, Igor;
    • Koch, Kathrin;
    • Wagner, Gerd;
    • Roebel, Martin;
    • Schachtzabel, Claudia;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Deufel, Thomas;
    • Kiehntopf, Michael;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Reichenbach, Jürgen R.;
    • Sauer, Heinrich;
    • Schlösser, Ralf G M.
    Publication type:
  • Combining lifestyle risks to disentangle brain structure and functional connectivity differences in older adults.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2019, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-019-08500-x
    • Bittner, Nora;
    • Jockwitz, Christiane;
    • Mühleisen, Thomas W.;
    • Hoffstaedter, Felix;
    • Eickhoff, Simon B.;
    • Moebus, Susanne;
    • Bayen, Ute J.;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Zilles, Karl;
    • Amunts, Katrin;
    • Caspers, Svenja
    Publication type:
  • Genome-wide association study reveals greater polygenic loading for schizophrenia in cases with a family history of illness.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 2016, v. 171B, n. 2, p. 276, doi. 10.1002/ajmg.b.32402
    • Bigdeli, Tim B.;
    • Ripke, Stephan;
    • Bacanu, Silviu‐Alin;
    • Lee, Sang Hong;
    • Wray, Naomi R.;
    • Gejman, Pablo V.;
    • Rietschel, Marcella;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • St Clair, David;
    • Corvin, Aiden;
    • Kirov, George;
    • McQuillin, Andrew;
    • Gurling, Hugh;
    • Rujescu, Dan;
    • Andreassen, Ole A.;
    • Werge, Thomas;
    • Blackwood, Douglas H. R.;
    • Pato, Carlos N.;
    • Pato, Michele T.;
    • Malhotra, Anil K.
    Publication type:
  • MicroRNA hsa-miR-4717-5p regulates RGS2 and may be a risk factor for anxiety-related traits.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 2015, v. 168B, n. 4, p. 296, doi. 10.1002/ajmg.b.32312
    • Hommers, Leif;
    • Raab, Annette;
    • Bohl, Alexandra;
    • Weber, Heike;
    • Scholz, Claus‐Jürgen;
    • Erhardt, Angelika;
    • Binder, Elisabeth;
    • Arolt, Volker;
    • Gerlach, Alexander;
    • Gloster, Andrew;
    • Kalisch, Raffael;
    • Kircher, Tilo;
    • Lonsdorf, Tina;
    • Ströhle, Andreas;
    • Zwanzger, Peter;
    • Mattheisen, Manuel;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Lesch, Klaus‐Peter;
    • Domschke, Katharina;
    • Reif, Andreas
    Publication type:
  • Common Obesity Risk Alleles in Childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 2013, v. 162B, n. 4, p. 295, doi. 10.1002/ajmg.b.32144
    • Albayrak, Özgür;
    • Pütter, Carolin;
    • Volckmar, Anna‐Lena;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Hoffmann, Per;
    • Nöthen, Markus M.;
    • Jöckel, Karl‐Heinz;
    • Schreiber, Stefan;
    • Wichmann, H‐Erich;
    • Faraone, Stephen V.;
    • Neale, Benjamin M.;
    • Herpertz‐Dahlmann, Beate;
    • Lehmkuhl, Gerd;
    • Sinzig, Judith;
    • Renner, Tobias J.;
    • Romanos, Marcel;
    • Warnke, Andreas;
    • Lesch, Klaus‐Peter;
    • Reif, Andreas;
    • Schimmelmann, Benno G.
    Publication type:
  • P3-196: A genome-wide association study for late-onset Alzheimer's disease using DNA pooling

    Published in:
    • Abraham, Richard;
    • Georgieva, Lyudmila;
    • Sims, Rebecca;
    • Morgan, Angharad;
    • Hollingworth, Paul;
    • Lovestone, Simon;
    • Brayne, Carol;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • O'Donovan, Michael;
    • Williams, Julie;
    • Owen, Michael;
    • Kirov, George
    Publication type:
  • A mega-analysis of genome-wide association studies for major depressive disorder.

    Published in:
    Molecular Psychiatry, 2013, v. 18, n. 4, p. 497, doi. 10.1038/mp.2012.21
    • Ripke, Stephan;
    • Wray, Naomi R;
    • Lewis, Cathryn M;
    • Hamilton, Steven P;
    • Weissman, Myrna M;
    • Breen, Gerome;
    • Byrne, Enda M;
    • Blackwood, Douglas H R;
    • Boomsma, Dorret I;
    • Cichon, Sven;
    • Heath, Andrew C;
    • Holsboer, Florian;
    • Lucae, Susanne;
    • Madden, Pamela A F;
    • Martin, Nicholas G;
    • McGuffin, Peter;
    • Muglia, Pierandrea;
    • Noethen, Markus M;
    • Penninx, Brenda P;
    • Pergadia, Michele L
    Publication type: