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  • Antioxidant and food additive BHA prevents TNF cytotoxicity by acting as a direct RIPK1 inhibitor.

    Published in:
    Cell Death & Disease, 2021, v. 12, n. 7, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41419-021-03994-0
    • Delanghe, Tom;
    • Huyghe, Jon;
    • Lee, Seungheon;
    • Priem, Dario;
    • Van Coillie, Samya;
    • Gilbert, Barbara;
    • Choi, Sze Men;
    • Vandenabeele, Peter;
    • Degterev, Alexei;
    • Cuny, Gregory D.;
    • Dondelinger, Yves;
    • Bertrand, Mathieu J. M.
    Publication type:
  • Targeting ferroptosis protects against experimental (multi)organ dysfunction and death.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2022, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-022-28718-6
    • Van Coillie, Samya;
    • Van San, Emily;
    • Goetschalckx, Ines;
    • Wiernicki, Bartosz;
    • Mukhopadhyay, Banibrata;
    • Tonnus, Wulf;
    • Choi, Sze Men;
    • Roelandt, Ria;
    • Dumitrascu, Catalina;
    • Lamberts, Ludwig;
    • Dams, Geert;
    • Weyts, Wannes;
    • Huysentruyt, Jelle;
    • Hassannia, Behrouz;
    • Ingold, Irina;
    • Lele, Suhas;
    • Meyer, Evelyne;
    • Berg, Maya;
    • Seurinck, Ruth;
    • Saeys, Yvan
    Publication type:
  • Simultaneous Targeting of IL-1 and IL-18 Is Required for Protection against Inflammatory and Septic Shock.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2014, v. 189, n. 3, p. 282, doi. 10.1164/rccm.201308-1535OC
    • Vanden Berghe, Tom;
    • Demon, Dieter;
    • Bogaert, Pieter;
    • Vandendriessche, Benjamin;
    • Goethals, Alain;
    • Depuydt, Bart;
    • Vuylsteke, Marnik;
    • Roelandt, Ria;
    • Van Wonterghem, Elien;
    • Vandenbroecke, Jill;
    • Sze Men Choi;
    • Meyer, Evelyn;
    • Krautwald, Stefan;
    • Declercq, Wim;
    • Takahashi, Nozomi;
    • Cauwels, Anje;
    • Vandenabeele, Peter
    Publication type:
  • Simultaneous Targeting of Interleukin-1 and -18 is Required for Protection against Inflammatory and Septic Shock.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2014, v. 189, n. 3, p. 282, doi. 10.1164/rccm.201308-1535oc
    • Vanden Berghe, Tom;
    • Demon, Dieter;
    • Bogaert, Pieter;
    • Vandendriessche, Benjamin;
    • Goethals, Alain;
    • Depuydt, Bart;
    • Vuylsteke, Marnik;
    • Roelandt, Ria;
    • Van Wonterghem, Elien;
    • Vandenbroecke, Jill;
    • Sze Men Choi;
    • Meyer, Evelyn;
    • Krautwald, Stefan;
    • Declercq, Wim;
    • Takahashi, Nozomi;
    • Cauwels, Anje;
    • Vandenabeele, Peter
    Publication type:
  • Nano-targeted induction of dual ferroptotic mechanisms eradicates high-risk neuroblastoma.

    Published in:
    • Hassannia, Behrouz;
    • Wiernicki, Bartosz;
    • Ingold, Irina;
    • Feng Qu;
    • Van Herck, Simon;
    • Tyurina, Yulia Y.;
    • BayıR, Hülya;
    • Abhari, Behnaz A.;
    • Friedmann Angeli, Jose Pedro;
    • Sze Men Choi;
    • Meul, Eline;
    • Heyninck, Karen;
    • Declerck, Ken;
    • Chirumamilla, Chandra Sekhar;
    • Lahtela-Kakkonen, Maija;
    • Van Camp, Guy;
    • Krysko, Dmitri V.;
    • Ekert, Paul G.;
    • Fulda, Simone;
    • De Geest, Bruno G.
    Publication type:
    journal article