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  • The Importance of Epitope Density in Selecting a Sensitive Positive IHC Control.

    Published in:
    Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, 2017, v. 65, n. 8, p. 463, doi. 10.1369/0022155417714208
    • Vani, Kodela;
    • Sompuram, Seshi R.;
    • Schaedle, Anika K.;
    • Balasubramanian, Anuradha;
    • Pilichowska, Monika;
    • Naber, Stephen;
    • Goldsmith, Jeffrey D.;
    • Chang, Kueikwun G.;
    • Noubary, Farzad;
    • Bogen, Steven A.
    Publication type: