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  • Whole genome deconvolution unveils Alzheimer's resilient epigenetic signature.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2023, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-023-40611-4
    • Berson, Eloise;
    • Sreenivas, Anjali;
    • Phongpreecha, Thanaphong;
    • Perna, Amalia;
    • Grandi, Fiorella C.;
    • Xue, Lei;
    • Ravindra, Neal G.;
    • Payrovnaziri, Neelufar;
    • Mataraso, Samson;
    • Kim, Yeasul;
    • Espinosa, Camilo;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • Becker, Martin;
    • Montine, Kathleen S.;
    • Fox, Edward J.;
    • Chang, Howard Y.;
    • Corces, M. Ryan;
    • Aghaeepour, Nima;
    • Montine, Thomas J.
    Publication type:
  • In‐silico generation of high‐dimensional immune response data in patients using a deep neural network.

    Published in:
    Cytometry. Part A, 2023, v. 103, n. 5, p. 392, doi. 10.1002/cyto.a.24709
    • Fallahzadeh, Ramin;
    • Bidoki, Neda H.;
    • Stelzer, Ina A.;
    • Becker, Martin;
    • Marić, Ivana;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • Culos, Anthony;
    • Phongpreecha, Thanaphong;
    • Xenochristou, Maria;
    • De Francesco, Davide;
    • Espinosa, Camilo;
    • Berson, Eloise;
    • Verdonk, Franck;
    • Angst, Martin S.;
    • Gaudilliere, Brice;
    • Aghaeepour, Nima
    Publication type:
  • Development of a Novel Preclinical Model of Pneumococcal Pneumonia in Nonhuman Primates.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology, 2014, v. 50, n. 5, p. 995, doi. 10.1165/rcmb.2013-0340OC
    • Kraft, Bryan D.;
    • Piantadosi, Claude A.;
    • Benjamin, Ashlee M.;
    • Lucas, Joseph E.;
    • Zaas, Aimee K.;
    • Betancourt-Quiroz, Marisol;
    • Woods, Christopher W.;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • Roggli, Victor L.;
    • Marshall, Craig D.;
    • Ginsburg, Geoffrey S.;
    • Welty-Wolf, Karen
    Publication type:
  • Deep representation learning identifies associations between physical activity and sleep patterns during pregnancy and prematurity.

    Published in:
    NPJ Digital Medicine, 2023, v. 6, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41746-023-00911-x
    • Ravindra, Neal G.;
    • Espinosa, Camilo;
    • Berson, Eloïse;
    • Phongpreecha, Thanaphong;
    • Zhao, Peinan;
    • Becker, Martin;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • Shome, Sayane;
    • Marić, Ivana;
    • De Francesco, Davide;
    • Mataraso, Samson;
    • Saarunya, Geetha;
    • Thuraiappah, Melan;
    • Xue, Lei;
    • Gaudillière, Brice;
    • Angst, Martin S.;
    • Shaw, Gary M.;
    • Herzog, Erik D.;
    • Stevenson, David K.;
    • England, Sarah K.
    Publication type:
  • Quantitative estimate of cognitive resilience and its medical and genetic associations.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 2023, v. 15, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13195-023-01329-z
    • Phongpreecha, Thanaphong;
    • Godrich, Dana;
    • Berson, Eloise;
    • Espinosa, Camilo;
    • Kim, Yeasul;
    • Cholerton, Brenna;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • Mataraso, Samson;
    • Bukhari, Syed A.;
    • Perna, Amalia;
    • Yakabi, Koya;
    • Montine, Kathleen S.;
    • Poston, Kathleen L.;
    • Mormino, Elizabeth;
    • White, Lon;
    • Beecham, Gary;
    • Aghaeepour, Nima;
    • Montine, Thomas J.
    Publication type:
  • Single dose GLP toxicity and biodistribution study of a conditionally replicative adenovirus vector, CRAd-S-pk7, administered by intracerebral injection to Syrian hamsters.

    Published in:
    • Kim, Julius Woongki;
    • Auffinger, Brenda;
    • Spencer, Drew A.;
    • Miska, Jason;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • Kane, Joshua Robert;
    • Young, Jacob S.;
    • Kanojia, Deepak;
    • Jian Qiao;
    • Mann, Jill F.;
    • Lingjiao Zhan;
    • Meijing Wu;
    • Ahmed, Atique U.;
    • Aboody, Karen S.;
    • Strong, Theresa V.;
    • Hébert, Charles D.;
    • Lesniak, Maciej S.;
    • Qiao, Jian;
    • Zhang, Lingjiao;
    • Wu, Meijing
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • VoPo leverages cellular heterogeneity for predictive modeling of single-cell data.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2020, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-020-17569-8
    • Stanley, Natalie;
    • Stelzer, Ina A.;
    • Tsai, Amy S.;
    • Fallahzadeh, Ramin;
    • Ganio, Edward;
    • Becker, Martin;
    • Phongpreecha, Thanaphong;
    • Nassar, Huda;
    • Ghaemi, Sajjad;
    • Maric, Ivana;
    • Culos, Anthony;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • Xenochristou, Maria;
    • Han, Xiaoyuan;
    • Espinosa, Camilo;
    • Rumer, Kristen;
    • Peterson, Laura;
    • Verdonk, Franck;
    • Gaudilliere, Dyani;
    • Tsai, Eileen
    Publication type:
  • Data-driven longitudinal characterization of neonatal health and morbidity.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2023, v. 15, n. 683, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.adc9854
    • De Francesco, Davide;
    • Reiss, Jonathan D.;
    • Roger, Jacquelyn;
    • Tang, Alice S.;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • Becker, Martin;
    • Phongpreecha, Thanaphong;
    • Espinosa, Camilo;
    • Morin, Susanna;
    • Berson, Eloïse;
    • Thuraiappah, Melan;
    • Le, Brian L.;
    • Ravindra, Neal G.;
    • Payrovnaziri, Seyedeh Neelufar;
    • Mataraso, Samson;
    • Kim, Yeasul;
    • Xue, Lei;
    • Rosenstein, Melissa G.;
    • Oskotsky, Tomiko;
    • Marić, Ivana
    Publication type:
  • Integrated genomic profiling expands clinical options for patients with cancer.

    Published in:
    Nature Biotechnology, 2019, v. 37, n. 11, p. 1351, doi. 10.1038/s41587-019-0259-z
    • Beaubier, Nike;
    • Bontrager, Martin;
    • Huether, Robert;
    • Igartua, Catherine;
    • Lau, Denise;
    • Tell, Robert;
    • Bobe, Alexandria M.;
    • Bush, Stephen;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • Hoskinson, Derick C.;
    • Khan, Aly A.;
    • Kudalkar, Emily;
    • Leibowitz, Benjamin D.;
    • Lozachmeur, Ariane;
    • Michuda, Jackson;
    • Parsons, Jerod;
    • Perera, Jason F.;
    • Salahudeen, Ameen;
    • Shah, Kaanan P.;
    • Taxter, Timothy
    Publication type:
  • Cross-species comparative analysis of single presynapses.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2023, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-023-40683-8
    • Berson, Eloïse;
    • Gajera, Chandresh R.;
    • Phongpreecha, Thanaphong;
    • Perna, Amalia;
    • Bukhari, Syed A.;
    • Becker, Martin;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • De Francesco, Davide;
    • Espinosa, Camilo;
    • Ravindra, Neal G.;
    • Postupna, Nadia;
    • Latimer, Caitlin S.;
    • Shively, Carol A.;
    • Register, Thomas C.;
    • Craft, Suzanne;
    • Montine, Kathleen S.;
    • Fox, Edward J.;
    • Keene, C. Dirk;
    • Bendall, Sean C.;
    • Aghaeepour, Nima
    Publication type:
  • Prediction of neuropathologic lesions from clinical data.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, n. 7, p. 3005, doi. 10.1002/alz.12921
    • Phongpreecha, Thanaphong;
    • Cholerton, Brenna;
    • Bukhari, Syed;
    • Chang, Alan L.;
    • De Francesco, Davide;
    • Thuraiappah, Melan;
    • Godrich, Dana;
    • Perna, Amalia;
    • Becker, Martin G.;
    • Ravindra, Neal G.;
    • Espinosa, Camilo;
    • Kim, Yeasul;
    • Berson, Eloise;
    • Mataraso, Samson;
    • Sha, Sharon J.;
    • Fox, Edward J.;
    • Montine, Kathleen S.;
    • Baker, Laura D.;
    • Craft, Suzanne;
    • White, Lon
    Publication type: