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  • Polyepitaxial grain matching to study the oxidation of uranium dioxide.

    Published in:
    NPJ Materials Degradation, 2024, v. 8, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41529-024-00479-1
    • Wasik, Jacek;
    • Sutcliffe, Joseph;
    • Podor, Renaud;
    • Lewis, Jarrod;
    • Darnbrough, James Edward;
    • Rennie, Sophie;
    • Akbar Hussain, Syed;
    • Bell, Christopher;
    • Chaney, Daniel Alexander;
    • Griffiths, Gareth;
    • Harding, Lottie Mae;
    • Legg, Florence;
    • Lawrence Bright, Eleanor;
    • Nicholls, Rebecca;
    • Sasikumar, Yadukrishnan;
    • Siberry, Angus;
    • Smith, Philip;
    • Springell, Ross
    Publication type: