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  • Alcohol-related liver disease: A global perspective.

    Published in:
    Annals of Hepatology: Official Journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology, 2024, v. 29, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1016/j.aohep.2024.101499
    • Castro Narro, Graciela Elia;
    • Díaz, Luis Antonio;
    • Ortega, Eric Kauffman;
    • Bautista Garín, María Fernanda;
    • Reyes, Eira Cerda;
    • Martinez Delfin, Pindaro Sebastian;
    • Arab, Juan Pablo;
    • Bataller, Ramon
    Publication type:
  • AdhMMP8 Vector Administration in Muscle: An Alternate Strategy to Regress Hepatic Fibrosis.

    Published in:
    Cells (2073-4409), 2023, v. 12, n. 17, p. 2127, doi. 10.3390/cells12172127
    • García-Bañuelos, Jesús;
    • Oceguera-Contreras, Edén;
    • Sandoval-Rodríguez, Ana;
    • Bastidas-Ramírez, Blanca Estela;
    • Lucano-Landeros, Silvia;
    • Gordillo-Bastidas, Daniela;
    • Gómez-Meda, Belinda C.;
    • Santos, Arturo;
    • Cerda-Reyes, Eira;
    • Armendariz-Borunda, Juan
    Publication type:
  • Hepatitis C screening and detection program in a large population: Epidemiological transition and characterization of the disease.

    Published in:
    Liver International, 2023, v. 43, n. 6, p. 1225, doi. 10.1111/liv.15570
    • Kershenobich, David;
    • Higuera‐de‐la Tijera, Fatima;
    • Flores, Nayelli;
    • Cerda‐Reyes, Eira;
    • Castro‐Narro, Graciela;
    • Aceves, Guillermo;
    • Ruiz‐Lujan, Rodolfo;
    • Ramos‐Medina, Salvador;
    • Linares, Jesus;
    • Azamar‐Alonso, Amilcar;
    • Mendez‐Navarro, Jorge;
    • Chirino‐Sprung, Ruby
    Publication type:
  • Autoimmune biomarkers in porto‐sinusoidal vascular disease: Potential role in its diagnosis and pathophysiology.

    Published in:
    Liver International, 2021, v. 41, n. 9, p. 2171, doi. 10.1111/liv.14997
    • Cerda Reyes, Eira;
    • González‐Navarro, Europa Azucena;
    • Magaz, Marta;
    • Muñoz‐Sánchez, Guillermo;
    • Diaz, Alba;
    • Silva‐Junior, Gilberto;
    • Triguero, Ana;
    • Lafoz, Erica;
    • Campreciós, Genís;
    • Orts, Lara;
    • Perez‐Campuzano, Valeria;
    • Seijo, Susana;
    • Rubio, Laura;
    • Turon, Fanny;
    • Baiges, Anna;
    • Hernández‐Gea, Virginia;
    • Álvarez‐Larran, Alberto;
    • Juan, Manel;
    • Garcia‐Pagan, Juan Carlos
    Publication type:
  • Burnout Syndrome in a Military Tertiary Hospital Staff during the COVID-19 Contingency.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2022, v. 19, n. 4, p. 2229, doi. 10.3390/ijerph19042229
    • Martínez-Cuazitl, Adriana;
    • Martínez-Salazar, Iván Noé;
    • Maza-De La Torre, Guadalupe;
    • García-Dávila, Jorge Arturo;
    • Montelongo-Mercado, Edgardo Alonso;
    • García-Ruíz, Antonio;
    • Noyola-Villalobos, Héctor Faustino;
    • García-Araiza, Mayra Gabriela;
    • Hernández-Díaz, Sergio;
    • Villegas-Tapia, Dora Luz;
    • Cerda-Reyes, Eira;
    • Chávez-Velasco, Arleth Sarai;
    • García-Hernández, Juan Salvador
    Publication type:
  • Impact of COVID-19 on pre-existing liver disease.

    Published in:
    Cirugía y Cirujanos, 2024, v. 92, n. 1, p. 131, doi. 10.24875/CIRU.23000409
    • Abdo-Francis, Juan M.;
    • Moreno-Alcantar, Rosalba;
    • Pérez-Hernández, José L.;
    • Remes-Troche, José M.;
    • Velasco, Antonio Velarde-Ruiz;
    • Cerda-Reyes, Eira;
    • Higuera-de la Tijera, Fátima;
    • Castro-Narro, Graciela
    Publication type:
  • Position statement on the use of albumin in liver cirrhosis.

    Published in:
    Annals of Hepatology: Official Journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology, 2022, v. 27, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1016/j.aohep.2022.100708
    • Castro-Narro, Graciela;
    • Moctezuma-Velázquez, Carlos;
    • Male-Velázquez, Rene;
    • Trejo-Estrada, Rafael;
    • Javier Bosques, Francisco;
    • Moreno-Alcántar, Rosalba;
    • Rodríguez-Hernández, Heriberto;
    • Bautista-Santos, Aleida;
    • Córtez-Hernández, Carlos;
    • Cerda-Reyes, Eira;
    • Pérez-Escobar, Juanita;
    • Aldana-Ledesma, Juan Manuel;
    • Aguirre-Valadez, Jonathan;
    • Velarde Ruiz-Velasco, José Antonio;
    • Contreras-Omañan, Raúl;
    • Miranda-Zazueta, Godolfino;
    • Reyes-Bastidas, Monica del Rocío;
    • Manuel Meza-Cardona, Javier;
    • Chávez-Tapia, Norberto;
    • Fernández-Pérez, Nicolas Joaquín
    Publication type:
  • Lactate-dehydrogenase associated with mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Mexico: a multi-centre retrospective cohort study.

    Published in:
    Annals of Hepatology: Official Journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology, 2021, v. 24, p. 1, doi. 10.1016/j.aohep.2021.100338
    • Vidal-Cevallos, Paulina;
    • Higuera-De-La-Tijera, Fatima;
    • Chávez-Tapia, Norberto C.;
    • Sanchez-Giron, Francisco;
    • Cerda-Reyes, Eira;
    • Hugo Rosales-Salyano, Victor;
    • Servin-Caamaño, Alfredo;
    • Uriel Vázquez-Medina, Martín;
    • Méndez-Sánchez, Nahum
    Publication type:
  • Reply to: Lactate-dehydrogenase associated with mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Mexico.

    Published in:
    • Vidal-Cevallos, Paulina;
    • Higuera-De-La-Tijera, Fatima;
    • Chávez-Tapia, Norberto C.;
    • Sánchez-Girón, Francisco;
    • Cerda Reyes, Eira;
    • Hugo Rosales-Salyano, Victor;
    • Servin-Caamaño, Alfredo;
    • Uriel Vázquez-Medina, Martín;
    • Méndez-Sánchez, Nahum
    Publication type:
    Letter to the Editor
  • An Integrated Review of the Hepatorenal Syndrome.

    Published in:
    Annals of Hepatology: Official Journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology, 2021, v. 22, p. 1, doi. 10.1016/j.aohep.2020.07.008
    • Ojeda-Yuren, Alicia S.;
    • Cerda-Reyes, Eira;
    • Herrero-Maceda, Maria R.;
    • Castro-Narro, Graciela;
    • Piano, Salvatore
    Publication type:
  • NRF-2 and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

    Published in:
    Annals of Hepatology: Official Journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology, 2020, v. 19, n. 5, p. 458, doi. 10.1016/j.aohep.2019.11.010
    • Solano-Urrusquieta, Arturo;
    • Morales-González, José A.;
    • Castro-Narro, Graciela E.;
    • Cerda-Reyes, Eira;
    • Flores-Rangel, Perla D.;
    • Fierros-Oceguera, Raul
    Publication type:
  • A Novel Foodstuff Mixture Improves the Gut–Liver Axis in MASLD Mice and the Gut Microbiota in Overweight/Obese Patients.

    Published in:
    Antioxidants, 2024, v. 13, n. 6, p. 664, doi. 10.3390/antiox13060664
    • Rosas-Campos, Rebeca;
    • Sandoval-Rodríguez, Ana Soledad;
    • Rodríguez-Sanabria, Jonathan Samael;
    • Vazquéz-Esqueda, Ángel Omar;
    • Alfaro-Martinez, Carlos Roberto;
    • Escutia-Gutiérrez, Rebeca;
    • Vega-Magaña, Natali;
    • Peña-Rodríguez, Marcela;
    • Zepeda-Nuño, José Sergio;
    • Andrade-Marcial, Mauricio;
    • Campos-Uscanga, Yolanda;
    • Jave-Suárez, Luis Felipe;
    • Santos, Arturo;
    • Cerda-Reyes, Eira;
    • Almeida-López, Mónica;
    • Martínez-López, Erika;
    • Herrera, Luis Alonso;
    • Armendariz-Borunda, Juan
    Publication type: