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  • Gα<sub>s</sub> Directly Drives PDZ‐RhoGEF Signaling to Cdc42.

    Published in:
    FASEB Journal, 2021, v. 35, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1096/fasebj.2021.35.S1.04945
    • Castillo‐Kauil, Alejandro;
    • García‐Jiménez, Irving;
    • Cervantes‐Villagrana, Rodolfo Daniel;
    • Adame‐García, Sendi Rafael;
    • Beltrán‐Navarro, Yarely Mabell;
    • Gutkind, J. Silvio;
    • Reyes‐Cruz, Guadalupe;
    • Vázquez‐Prado, José
    Publication type:
  • Oncogenic Gαq activates RhoJ through PDZ-RhoGEF.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, v. 24, n. 21, p. 15734, doi. 10.3390/ijms242115734
    • Cervantes-Villagrana, Rodolfo Daniel;
    • Color-Aparicio, Víctor Manuel;
    • Castillo-Kauil, Alejandro;
    • García-Jiménez, Irving;
    • Beltrán-Navarro, Yarely Mabell;
    • Reyes-Cruz, Guadalupe;
    • Vázquez-Prado, José
    Publication type: