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  • Simulation of mineral dust effects on UV radiation levels.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres, 2000, v. 105, n. D4, p. 4979, doi. 10.1029/1999JD901058
    • Díaz, Juan P.;
    • Expósito, Francisco J.;
    • Torres, Carlos J.;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Redondas, A.
    Publication type:
  • EUBREWNET RBCC-E Huelva 2015 Ozone Brewer Intercomparison.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions, 2018, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/acp-2017-1210
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Lui-León, Sergio F.;
    • Hernandez-Cruz, Bentorey;
    • López-Solano, Javier;
    • Rodríguez-Franco, Juan J.;
    • Vilaplana, José M.;
    • Gröbner, Julian;
    • Rimmer, John;
    • Bais, Alkisiviadis F.;
    • Savastiouk, Volodya;
    • Moreta, Juan R.;
    • Boukelia, Lamine;
    • Jepsen, Nis;
    • Wilson, Keith M.;
    • Shirotov, Vadim;
    • Karppinen, Tomi
    Publication type:
  • Aerosol optical depth in the European Brewer Network.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions, 2017, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/acp-2017-1003
    • López-Solano, Javier;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carlund, Thomas;
    • Rodriguez-Franco, Juan J.;
    • Diémoz, Henri;
    • León-Luis, Sergio F.;
    • Hernández-Cruz, Bentorey;
    • Guirado-Fuentes, Carmen;
    • Kouremeti, Natalia;
    • Gröbner, Julian;
    • Kazadzis, Stelios;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Berjón, Alberto;
    • Santana-Díaz, Daniel;
    • Rodríguez-Valido, Manuel;
    • De Bock, Veerle;
    • Moreta, Juan R.;
    • Rimmer, John;
    • Boulkelia, Lamine;
    • Jepsen, Nis
    Publication type:
  • Aerosol properties derived from COCCON ground-based Fourier Transform spectra.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2023, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/amt-2023-106
    • Alvárez, Óscar;
    • Barreto, África;
    • García, Omaira E.;
    • Hase, Frank;
    • García, Rosa D.;
    • Gröbner, Julian;
    • León-Luis, Sergio F.;
    • Sepúlveda, Eliezer;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Alcántara, Antonio;
    • Ramos, Ramón;
    • Almansa, A. Fernando;
    • Kazadzis, Stelios;
    • Taquet, Noémie;
    • Toledano, Carlos;
    • Cuevas, Emilio
    Publication type:
  • The Langley Ratio method, a new approach for transferring photometer calibration from direct sun measurements.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2023, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/amt-2023-108
    • Almansa, Antonio F.;
    • Barreto, África;
    • Kouremeti, Natalia;
    • González, Ramiro;
    • Masoom, Akriti;
    • Toledano, Carlos;
    • Gröbner, Julian;
    • García, Rosa D.;
    • González, Yenny;
    • Kazadzis, Stelios;
    • Victori, Stéphane;
    • Álvarez, Óscar;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Cachorro, Victoria E.;
    • Cuevas, Emilio
    Publication type:
  • Impact of instrumental line shape characterisation on ozone monitoring by FTIR spectrometry.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2022, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/amt-2022-44
    • García, Omaira E.;
    • Sanromá, Esther;
    • Hase, Frank;
    • Schneider, Matthias;
    • León-Luis, Sergio F.;
    • Blumenstock, Thomas;
    • Sepúlveda, Eliezer;
    • Torres, Carlos;
    • Prats, Natalia;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carreño, Virgilio
    Publication type:
  • Improved ozone monitoring by ground-based FTIR spectrometry.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2021, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/amt-2021-67
    • García, Omaira E.;
    • Sanromá, Esther;
    • Schneider, Matthias;
    • Hase, Frank;
    • León-Luis, Sergio F.;
    • Blumenstock, Thomas;
    • Sepúlveda, Eliezer;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Torres, Carlos;
    • Prats, Natalia
    Publication type:
  • Internal consistency of the Regional Brewer Calibration Centre for Europe triad during the period 2005-2016.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2018, v. 11, n. 7, p. 4059, doi. 10.5194/amt-11-4059-2018
    • León-Luis, Sergio Fabián;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • López-Solano, Javier;
    • Berjón, Alberto;
    • Hernández-Cruz, Bentorey;
    • Santana-Díaz, Daniel
    Publication type:
  • Wavelength calibration of Brewer spectrophotometer using a tunable pulsed laser and implications to the Brewer ozone retrieval.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2018, v. 11, n. 6, p. 3759, doi. 10.5194/amt-11-3759-2018
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Nevas, Saulius;
    • Berjón, Alberto;
    • Sildoja, Meelis-Mait;
    • León-Luis, Sergio Fabian;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Santana-Díaz, Daniel
    Publication type:
  • Intercomparison of Spectroradiometers for Global and Direct Solar Irradiance in the Visible Range.

    Published in:
    Journal of Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology, 2003, v. 20, n. 7, p. 997
    • MartÍnez-Lozano, JosÉ A.;
    • Utrillas, Maria P.;
    • Pedrós, Roberto;
    • Tena, Fernando;
    • DÍaz, Juan P.;
    • Expósito, Francisco J.;
    • Lorente, Jerónimo;
    • de Cabo, Xavier;
    • Cachorro, Victoria;
    • Vergaz, Ricardo;
    • Carreño, Virgilio
    Publication type:
  • Twenty years of ground-based NDACC FTIR spectrometry at Izaña Observatory - overview and long-term comparison to other techniques.

    Published in:
    • García, Omaira E.;
    • Schneider, Matthias;
    • Sepúlveda, Eliezer;
    • Hase, Frank;
    • Blumenstock, Thomas;
    • Cuevas, Emilio;
    • Ramos, Ramón;
    • Gross, Jochen;
    • Barthlott, Sabine;
    • Röhling, Amelie N.;
    • Sanromá, Esther;
    • González, Yenny;
    • Gómez-Peláez, Ángel J.;
    • Navarro-Comas, Mónica;
    • Puentedura, Olga;
    • Yela, Margarita;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • León-Luis, Sergio F.;
    • Reyes, Enrique
    Publication type:
  • Quantification of CH<sub>4</sub> emissions from waste disposal sites near the city of Madrid using ground- and space-based observations of COCCON, TROPOMI and IASI.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions, 2021, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/acp-2021-437
    • Qiansi Tu;
    • Hase, Frank;
    • Schneider, Matthias;
    • García, Omaira;
    • Blumenstock, Thomas;
    • Borsdorff, Tobias;
    • Frey, Matthias;
    • Khosrawi, Farahnaz;
    • Lorente, Alba;
    • Alberti, Carlos;
    • Bustos, Juan J.;
    • Butz, Andre;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Cuevas, Emilio;
    • Curcoll, Roger;
    • Diekmann, Christopher J.;
    • Dubravica, Darko;
    • Ertl, Benjamin;
    • Estruch, Carme;
    • León-Luis, Sergio Fabián
    Publication type:
  • La erupción volcánica de La Palma y el papel de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología.

    Published in:
    Tiempo y Clima, 2022, n. 76, p. 12
    • García, Omaira;
    • Suárez, David;
    • Cuevas, Emilio;
    • Ramos, Ramón;
    • Barreto, África;
    • Hernández, Miguel;
    • Quintero, Víctor;
    • Toledano, Carlos;
    • Sicard, Michaël;
    • Córdoba-Jabonero, Carmen;
    • Rizi, Vicenzo;
    • Roininen, Reijo;
    • López, César;
    • Vilches, Jon;
    • WeiSS, Maximilian;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Taquet, Noemie;
    • Boulesteix, Thomas;
    • Fraile, Eugenio;
    • Torres, Carlos
    Publication type:
  • Stability of the Regional Brewer Calibration Center for Europe Triad during the period 2005-2016.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2018, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/amt-2017-460
    • León-Luis, Sergio Fabián;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • López-Solano, Javier;
    • Berjón, Alberto;
    • Hernández-Cruz, Bentorey;
    • Santana-Díaz, Daniel
    Publication type:
  • Wavelength calibration of Brewer spectrophotometer using a tuneable pulsed laser and implications to the Brewer ozone retrieval.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2018, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/amt-2017-459
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Nevas, Saulius;
    • Berjón, Alberto;
    • Sildoja, Meelis-Mait;
    • León-Luis, Sergio Fabian;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Santana, Daniel
    Publication type:
  • The Langley ratio method, a new approach for transferring photometer calibration from direct sun measurements.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2024, v. 17, n. 2, p. 659, doi. 10.5194/amt-17-659-2024
    • Almansa, Antonio Fernando;
    • Barreto, África;
    • Kouremeti, Natalia;
    • González, Ramiro;
    • Masoom, Akriti;
    • Toledano, Carlos;
    • Gröbner, Julian;
    • García, Rosa Delia;
    • González, Yenny;
    • Kazadzis, Stelios;
    • Victori, Stéphane;
    • Álvarez, Óscar;
    • Maupin, Fabrice;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Cachorro, Victoria Eugenia;
    • Cuevas, Emilio
    Publication type:
  • Aerosol properties derived from ground-based Fourier transform spectra within the COllaborative Carbon Column Observing Network.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2023, v. 16, n. 20, p. 4861, doi. 10.5194/amt-16-4861-2023
    • Alvárez, Óscar;
    • Barreto, África;
    • García, Omaira E.;
    • Hase, Frank;
    • García, Rosa D.;
    • Gröbner, Julian;
    • León-Luis, Sergio F.;
    • Sepúlveda, Eliezer;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Alcántara, Antonio;
    • Ramos, Ramón;
    • Almansa, A. Fernando;
    • Kazadzis, Stelios;
    • Taquet, Noémie;
    • Toledano, Carlos;
    • Cuevas, Emilio
    Publication type:
  • Impact of instrumental line shape characterization on ozone monitoring by FTIR spectrometry.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2022, v. 15, n. 15, p. 4547, doi. 10.5194/amt-15-4547-2022
    • García, Omaira E.;
    • Sanromá, Esther;
    • Hase, Frank;
    • Schneider, Matthias;
    • León-Luis, Sergio Fabián;
    • Blumenstock, Thomas;
    • Sepúlveda, Eliezer;
    • Torres, Carlos;
    • Prats, Natalia;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carreño, Virgilio
    Publication type:
  • Improved ozone monitoring by ground-based FTIR spectrometry.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2022, v. 15, n. 8, p. 2557, doi. 10.5194/amt-15-2557-2022
    • García, Omaira Elena;
    • Sanromá, Esther;
    • Schneider, Matthias;
    • Hase, Frank;
    • León-Luis, Sergio Fabián;
    • Blumenstock, Thomas;
    • Sepúlveda, Eliezer;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Torres, Carlos;
    • Prats, Natalia
    Publication type:
  • Quantification of CH4 emissions from waste disposal sites near the city of Madrid using ground- and space-based observations of COCCON, TROPOMI and IASI.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 2022, v. 22, n. 1, p. 295, doi. 10.5194/acp-22-295-2022
    • Tu, Qiansi;
    • Hase, Frank;
    • Schneider, Matthias;
    • García, Omaira;
    • Blumenstock, Thomas;
    • Borsdorff, Tobias;
    • Frey, Matthias;
    • Khosrawi, Farahnaz;
    • Lorente, Alba;
    • Alberti, Carlos;
    • Bustos, Juan J.;
    • Butz, André;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Cuevas, Emilio;
    • Curcoll, Roger;
    • Diekmann, Christopher J.;
    • Dubravica, Darko;
    • Ertl, Benjamin;
    • Estruch, Carme;
    • León-Luis, Sergio Fabián
    Publication type:
  • Twenty years of ground-based NDACC FTIR spectrometry at Izaña Observatory – overview and long-term comparison to other techniques.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 2021, v. 21, n. 20, p. 15519, doi. 10.5194/acp-21-15519-2021
    • García, Omaira E.;
    • Schneider, Matthias;
    • Sepúlveda, Eliezer;
    • Hase, Frank;
    • Blumenstock, Thomas;
    • Cuevas, Emilio;
    • Ramos, Ramón;
    • Gross, Jochen;
    • Barthlott, Sabine;
    • Röhling, Amelie N.;
    • Sanromá, Esther;
    • González, Yenny;
    • Gómez-Peláez, Ángel J.;
    • Navarro-Comas, Mónica;
    • Puentedura, Olga;
    • Yela, Margarita;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • León-Luis, Sergio F.;
    • Reyes, Enrique
    Publication type:
  • EUBREWNET RBCC-E Huelva 2015 Ozone Brewer Intercomparison.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 2018, v. 18, n. 13, p. 9441, doi. 10.5194/acp-18-9441-2018
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • León-Luis, Sergio F.;
    • Hernández-Cruz, Bentorey;
    • López-Solano, Javier;
    • Rodriguez-Franco, Juan J.;
    • Vilaplana, José M.;
    • Gröbner, Julian;
    • Rimmer, John;
    • Bais, Alkiviadis F.;
    • Savastiouk, Vladimir;
    • Moreta, Juan R.;
    • Boulkelia, Lamine;
    • Jepsen, Nis;
    • Wilson, Keith M.;
    • Shirotov, Vadim;
    • Karppinen, Tomi
    Publication type:
  • Aerosol optical depth in the European Brewer Network.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 2018, v. 18, n. 6, p. 3885, doi. 10.5194/acp-18-3885-2018
    • López-Solano, Javier;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Carlund, Thomas;
    • Rodriguez-Franco, Juan J.;
    • Diémoz, Henri;
    • León-Luis, Sergio F.;
    • Hernández-Cruz, Bentorey;
    • Guirado-Fuentes, Carmen;
    • Kouremeti, Natalia;
    • Gröbner, Julian;
    • Kazadzis, Stelios;
    • Carreño, Virgilio;
    • Berjón, Alberto;
    • Santana-Díaz, Daniel;
    • Rodríguez-Valido, Manuel;
    • De Bock, Veerle;
    • Moreta, Juan R.;
    • Rimmer, John;
    • Smedley, Andrew R. D.;
    • Boulkelia, Lamine
    Publication type: