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  • A qualitative study on a decision aid for breast cancer screening: Views from women and health professionals.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Cancer Care, 2017, v. 26, n. 3, p. n/a, doi. 10.1111/ecc.12660
    • Toledo‐Chávarri, A.;
    • Rué, M.;
    • Codern‐Bové, N.;
    • Carles‐Lavila, M.;
    • Perestelo‐Pérez, L.;
    • Pérez‐Lacasta, M.J.;
    • Feijoo‐Cid, M.;
    • Cardona, Àngels;
    • Codern, Núria;
    • Perestelo, Lilisbeth;
    • García, Montse;
    • Vidal, Carmen;
    • Buil, Sara;
    • Martínez‐Alonso, Montserrat;
    • Ortega, Marta;
    • Pla, Sandra;
    • Pons, Anna;
    • Soler, Jorge;
    • Vinyals, Clara;
    • Vinyals, Laia
    Publication type: