Found: 11

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  • Diagnostic Accuracy of an At-Home, Rapid Self-test for Influenza: Prospective Comparative Accuracy Study.

    Published in:
    JMIR Public Health & Surveillance, 2022, v. 8, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.2196/28268
    • Geyer, Rachel E.;
    • Kotnik, Jack Henry;
    • Lyon, Victoria;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth;
    • Suchsland, Monica Zigman;
    • Han, Peter D.;
    • Graham, Chelsey;
    • Ilcisin, Misja;
    • Kim, Ashley E.;
    • Chu, Helen Y.;
    • Nickerson, Deborah A.;
    • Starita, Lea M.;
    • Bedford, Trevor;
    • Lutz, Barry;
    • Thompson, Matthew J.
    Publication type:
  • Remote Household Observation for Noninfluenza Respiratory Viral Illness.

    Published in:
    Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2021, v. 73, n. 11, p. e4411, doi. 10.1093/cid/ciaa1719
    • Emanuels, Anne;
    • Heimonen, Jessica;
    • O'Hanlon, Jessica;
    • Kim, Ashley E;
    • Wilcox, Naomi;
    • McCulloch, Denise J;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth;
    • Wolf, Caitlin R;
    • Logue, Jennifer K;
    • Han, Peter D;
    • Pfau, Brian;
    • Newman, Kira L;
    • Hughes, James P;
    • Jackson, Michael L;
    • Uyeki, Timothy M;
    • Boeckh, Michael;
    • Starita, Lea M;
    • Nickerson, Deborah A;
    • Bedford, Trevor;
    • Englund, Janet A
    Publication type:
  • LB21. The Seattle Flu Study: A Community-Based Study of Influenza.

    Published in:
    Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2019, v. 6, p. S1002, doi. 10.1093/ofid/ofz415.2504
    • Chu, Helen Y;
    • Boeckh, Michael;
    • Englund, Janet A;
    • Famulare, Michael;
    • Lutz, Barry R;
    • Nickerson, Deborah A;
    • Rieder, Mark;
    • Starita, Lea;
    • Thompson, Matthew;
    • Shendure, Jay;
    • Bedford, Trevor;
    • Adler, Amanda;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth;
    • Bosua, Jeris;
    • Frazar, Christian D;
    • Han, Peter D;
    • Gulati, Reena;
    • Hadfield, James;
    • Huang, ShiChu;
    • Jackson, Michael L
    Publication type:
  • 2318. Prevalence of Influenza-like Illness in Sheltered Homeless Populations: A Cross-Sectional Study in Seattle, WA.

    Published in:
    Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2019, v. 6, p. S795, doi. 10.1093/ofid/ofz360.1996
    • Rogers, Julia H;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth;
    • Wolf, Caitlin;
    • Logue, Jennifer;
    • Kim, Ashley E;
    • Newman, Kira L;
    • Sugg, Nancy;
    • Gerard, April M;
    • Weis, Braia;
    • Fay, Noah;
    • Newman, Jennifer;
    • Cathey, Jeffery;
    • Englund, Janet A;
    • Boeckh, Michael;
    • Chu, Helen Y
    Publication type:
  • 95. Impact of Influenza-Like Illnesses on Academic and Work Performance on a College Campus.

    Published in:
    Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2019, v. 6, p. S8, doi. 10.1093/ofid/ofz359.019
    • Emanuels, Anne;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth;
    • Newman, Kira L;
    • Wolf, Caitlin;
    • Logue, Jennifer;
    • Englund, Janet A;
    • Boeckh, Michael;
    • Chu, Helen Y
    Publication type:
  • Characteristics of COVID-19 in Homeless Shelters : A Community-Based Surveillance Study.

    Published in:
    • Rogers, Julia H.;
    • Link, Amy C.;
    • McCulloch, Denise;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth;
    • Newman, Kira L.;
    • Jackson, Michael L.;
    • Hughes, James P.;
    • Englund, Janet A.;
    • Boeckh, Michael;
    • Sugg, Nancy;
    • Ilcisin, Misja;
    • Sibley, Thomas R.;
    • Fay, Kairsten;
    • Lee, Jover;
    • Han, Peter;
    • Truong, Melissa;
    • Richardson, Matthew;
    • Nickerson, Deborah A.;
    • Starita, Lea M.;
    • Bedford, Trevor
    Publication type:
    Journal Article
  • SwabExpress: An End-to-End Protocol for Extraction-Free COVID-19 Testing.

    Published in:
    Clinical Chemistry, 2022, v. 68, n. 1, p. 143, doi. 10.1093/clinchem/hvab132
    • Srivatsan, Sanjay;
    • Heidl, Sarah;
    • Pfau, Brian;
    • Martin, Beth K.;
    • Han, Peter D.;
    • Weizhi Zhong;
    • van Raay, Katrina;
    • McDermot, Evan;
    • Opsahl, Jordan;
    • Gamboa, Luis;
    • Smith, Nahum;
    • Truong, Melissa;
    • Shari Cho;
    • Barrow, Kaitlyn A.;
    • Rich, Lucille M.;
    • Stone, Jeremy;
    • Wolf, Caitlin R.;
    • McCulloch, Denise J.;
    • Kim, Ashley E.;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth
    Publication type:
  • Cross-Sectional Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Among Skilled Nursing Facility Employees and Residents Across Facilities in Seattle.

    Published in:
    JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2020, v. 35, n. 11, p. 3302, doi. 10.1007/s11606-020-06165-7
    • Weil, Ana A.;
    • Newman, Kira L.;
    • Ong, Thuan D.;
    • Davidson, Giana H.;
    • Logue, Jennifer;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth;
    • Magedson, Ariana;
    • McDonald, Dylan;
    • McCulloch, Denise J.;
    • Neme, Santiago;
    • Lewis, James;
    • Duchin, Jeff S.;
    • Zhong, Weizhi;
    • Starita, Lea M.;
    • Bedford, Trevor;
    • Roxby, Alison C.;
    • Chu, Helen Y.
    Publication type:
  • Comparison of Symptoms and RNA Levels in Children and Adults With SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Community Setting.

    Published in:
    JAMA Pediatrics, 2021, v. 175, n. 10, p. e212025, doi. 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.2025
    • Chung, Erin;
    • Chow, Eric J.;
    • Wilcox, Naomi C.;
    • Burstein, Roy;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth;
    • Han, Peter D.;
    • Fay, Kairsten;
    • Pfau, Brian;
    • Adler, Amanda;
    • Lacombe, Kirsten;
    • Lockwood, Christina M.;
    • Uyeki, Timothy M.;
    • Shendure, Jay;
    • Duchin, Jeffrey S.;
    • Rieder, Mark J.;
    • Nickerson, Deborah A.;
    • Boeckh, Michael;
    • Famulare, Michael;
    • Hughes, James P.;
    • Starita, Lea M.
    Publication type:
  • A remote household‐based approach to influenza self‐testing and antiviral treatment.

    Published in:
    Influenza & Other Respiratory Viruses, 2021, v. 15, n. 4, p. 469, doi. 10.1111/irv.12859
    • Heimonen, Jessica;
    • McCulloch, Denise J.;
    • O'Hanlon, Jessica;
    • Kim, Ashley E.;
    • Emanuels, Anne;
    • Wilcox, Naomi;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth;
    • Stewart, Mark;
    • McCune, David;
    • Fry, Scott;
    • Parsons, Sean;
    • Hughes, James P.;
    • Jackson, Michael L.;
    • Uyeki, Timothy M.;
    • Boeckh, Michael;
    • Starita, Lea M.;
    • Bedford, Trevor;
    • Englund, Janet A.;
    • Chu, Helen Y.
    Publication type:
  • Effects of weather-related social distancing on city-scale transmission of respiratory viruses: a retrospective cohort study.

    Published in:
    • Jackson, Michael L.;
    • Hart, Gregory R.;
    • McCulloch, Denise J.;
    • Adler, Amanda;
    • Brandstetter, Elisabeth;
    • Fay, Kairsten;
    • Han, Peter;
    • Lacombe, Kirsten;
    • Lee, Jover;
    • Sibley, Thomas R.;
    • Nickerson, Deborah A.;
    • Rieder, Mark J.;
    • Starita, Lea;
    • Englund, Janet A.;
    • Bedford, Trevor;
    • Chu, Helen;
    • Famulare, Michael;
    • on behalf of the Seattle Flu Study Investigators;
    • Chu, Helen Y.;
    • Boeckh, Michael
    Publication type:
    journal article