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  • Legacy Data Confound Genomics Studies.

    Published in:
    Molecular Biology & Evolution, 2020, v. 37, n. 1, p. 2, doi. 10.1093/molbev/msz201
    • Anderson-Trocmé, Luke;
    • Farouni, Rick;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Kamatani, Yoichiro;
    • Higasa, Koichiro;
    • Seo, Jeong-Sun;
    • Kim, Changhoon;
    • Matsuda, Fumihiko;
    • Gravel, Simon
    Publication type:
  • Using linkage and association to identify and model genetic effects: summary of GAW15 Group 4.

    Published in:
    Genetic Epidemiology, 2007, v. 31, n. S1, p. S34, doi. 10.1002/gepi.20278
    • Yang, Qiong;
    • Biernacka, Joanna M.;
    • Chen, Ming-Huei;
    • Houwing-Duistermaat, Jeanine J.;
    • Bergemann, Tracy L.;
    • Basu, Saonli;
    • Fan, Ruzong;
    • Liu, Lian;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Clerget-Darpoux, Françoise;
    • Lin, Wan-Yu;
    • Elston, Robert C.;
    • Cupples, L. Adrienne
    Publication type:
  • Variation in genomic landscape of clear cell renal cell carcinoma across Europe.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2014, v. 5, n. 10, p. 5135, doi. 10.1038/ncomms6135
    • Scelo, Ghislaine;
    • Riazalhosseini, Yasser;
    • Greger, Liliana;
    • Letourneau, Louis;
    • Gonzàlez-Porta, Mar;
    • Wozniak, Magdalena B.;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Harnden, Patricia;
    • Egevad, Lars;
    • Jackson, Sharon M.;
    • Karimzadeh, Mehran;
    • Arseneault, Madeleine;
    • Lepage, Pierre;
    • How-Kit, Alexandre;
    • Daunay, Antoine;
    • Renault, Victor;
    • Blanché, Hélène;
    • Tubacher, Emmanuel;
    • Sehmoun, Jeremy;
    • Viksna, Juris
    Publication type:
  • A small number of early introductions seeded widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Québec, Canada.

    Published in:
    Genome Medicine, 2021, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13073-021-00986-9
    • Murall, Carmen Lía;
    • Fournier, Eric;
    • Galvez, Jose Hector;
    • N'Guessan, Arnaud;
    • Reiling, Sarah J.;
    • Quirion, Pierre-Olivier;
    • Naderi, Sana;
    • Roy, Anne-Marie;
    • Chen, Shu-Huang;
    • Stretenowich, Paul;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Bujold, David;
    • Gregoire, Romain;
    • Lepage, Pierre;
    • St-Cyr, Janick;
    • Willet, Patrick;
    • Dion, Réjean;
    • Charest, Hugues;
    • Lathrop, Mark;
    • Roger, Michel
    Publication type:
  • Epigenetic and integrative cross-omics analyses of cerebral white matter hyperintensities on MRI.

    Published in:
    Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 2023, v. 146, n. 2, p. 492, doi. 10.1093/brain/awac290
    • Yang, Yunju;
    • Knol, Maria J;
    • Wang, Ruiqi;
    • Mishra, Aniket;
    • Liu, Dan;
    • Luciano, Michelle;
    • Teumer, Alexander;
    • Armstrong, Nicola;
    • Bis, Joshua C;
    • Jhun, Min A;
    • Li, Shuo;
    • Adams, Hieab H H;
    • Aziz, Nasir Ahmad;
    • Bastin, Mark E;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Brody, Jennifer A;
    • Frenzel, Stefan;
    • Gottesman, Rebecca F;
    • Hosten, Norbert;
    • Hou, Lifang
    Publication type:
  • K27M mutation in histone H3.3 defines clinically and biologically distinct subgroups of pediatric diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas.

    Published in:
    Acta Neuropathologica, 2012, v. 124, n. 3, p. 439, doi. 10.1007/s00401-012-0998-0
    • Khuong-Quang, Dong-Anh;
    • Buczkowicz, Pawel;
    • Rakopoulos, Patricia;
    • Liu, Xiao-Yang;
    • Fontebasso, Adam;
    • Bouffet, Eric;
    • Bartels, Ute;
    • Albrecht, Steffen;
    • Schwartzentruber, Jeremy;
    • Letourneau, Louis;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Bourque, Guillaume;
    • Montpetit, Alexandre;
    • Bourret, Genevieve;
    • Lepage, Pierre;
    • Fleming, Adam;
    • Lichter, Peter;
    • Kool, Marcel;
    • Deimling, Andreas;
    • Sturm, Dominik
    Publication type:
  • Genomic analysis of diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas identifies three molecular subgroups and recurrent activating ACVR1 mutations.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2014, v. 46, n. 5, p. 451, doi. 10.1038/ng.2936
    • Buczkowicz, Pawel;
    • Hoeman, Christine;
    • Rakopoulos, Patricia;
    • Pajovic, Sanja;
    • Letourneau, Louis;
    • Dzamba, Misko;
    • Morrison, Andrew;
    • Lewis, Peter;
    • Bouffet, Eric;
    • Bartels, Ute;
    • Zuccaro, Jennifer;
    • Agnihotri, Sameer;
    • Ryall, Scott;
    • Barszczyk, Mark;
    • Chornenkyy, Yevgen;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Bourque, Guillaume;
    • Montpetit, Alexandre;
    • Cordero, Francisco;
    • Castelo-Branco, Pedro
    Publication type:
  • A Distributed Whole Genome Sequencing Benchmark Study.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Genetics, 2020, v. 11, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.3389/fgene.2020.612515
    • Corbett, Richard D.;
    • Eveleigh, Robert;
    • Whitney, Joe;
    • Barai, Namrata;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Chuah, Eric;
    • Johnson, Joanne;
    • Moore, Richard A.;
    • Moradin, Neda;
    • Mungall, Karen L.;
    • Pereira, Sergio;
    • Reuter, Miriam S.;
    • Thiruvahindrapuram, Bhooma;
    • Wintle, Richard F.;
    • Ragoussis, Jiannis;
    • Strug, Lisa J.;
    • Herbrick, Jo-Anne;
    • Aziz, Naveed;
    • Jones, Steven J. M.;
    • Lathrop, Mark
    Publication type:
  • A coordinated progression of progenitor cell states initiates urinary tract development.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2021, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-021-22931-5
    • Sanchez-Ferras, Oraly;
    • Pacis, Alain;
    • Sotiropoulou, Maria;
    • Zhang, Yuhong;
    • Wang, Yu Chang;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Bourque, Guillaume;
    • Ragoussis, Jiannis;
    • Bouchard, Maxime
    Publication type:
  • ALG: Automated Genotype Calling of Luminex Assays.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2011, v. 6, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0019368
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Lariviere, Mathieu;
    • Richer, Chantal;
    • Sinnett, Daniel
    Publication type:
  • Rare loss-of-function variants in type I IFN immunity genes are not associated with severe COVID-19.

    Published in:
    • Povysil, Gundula;
    • Butler-Laporte, Guillaume;
    • Ning Shang;
    • Chen Wang;
    • Khan, Atlas;
    • Alaamery, Manal;
    • Tomoko Nakanishi;
    • Sirui Zhou;
    • Forgetta, Vincenzo;
    • Eveleigh, Robert J. M.;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Aziz, Naveed;
    • Jones, Steven J. M.;
    • Knoppers, Bartha;
    • Scherer, Stephen W.;
    • Strug, Lisa J.;
    • Lepage, Pierre;
    • Ragoussis, Jiannis;
    • Bourque, Guillaume;
    • Alghamdi, Jahad
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • A cost-effective sequencing method for genetic studies combining high-depth whole exome and low-depth whole genome.

    Published in:
    NPJ Genomic Medicine, 2024, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41525-024-00390-3
    • Bhérer, Claude;
    • Eveleigh, Robert;
    • Trajanoska, Katerina;
    • St-Cyr, Janick;
    • Paccard, Antoine;
    • Nadukkalam Ravindran, Praveen;
    • Caron, Elizabeth;
    • Bader Asbah, Nimara;
    • McClelland, Peyton;
    • Wei, Clare;
    • Baumgartner, Iris;
    • Schindewolf, Marc;
    • Döring, Yvonne;
    • Perley, Danielle;
    • Lefebvre, François;
    • Lepage, Pierre;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Bourque, Guillaume;
    • Ragoussis, Jiannis;
    • Mooser, Vincent
    Publication type:
  • GenPipes: an open-source framework for distributed and scalable genomic analyses.

    Published in:
    GigaScience, 2019, v. 8, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/gigascience/giz037
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Dali, Rola;
    • Eveleigh, Robert;
    • Chen, Kuang Chung;
    • Letourneau, Louis;
    • Fillon, Joel;
    • Michaud, Marc;
    • Caron, Maxime;
    • Sandoval, Johanna;
    • Lefebvre, Francois;
    • Leveque, Gary;
    • Mercier, Eloi;
    • Bujold, David;
    • Marquis, Pascale;
    • Van, Patrick Tran;
    • Anderson de Lima Morais, David;
    • Tremblay, Julien;
    • Shao, Xiaojian;
    • Henrion, Edouard;
    • Gonzalez, Emmanuel
    Publication type:
  • Detection of Fetomaternal Genotype Associations in Early-Onset Disorders: Evaluation of Different Methods and Their Application to Childhood Leukemia.

    Published in:
    Journal of Biomedicine & Biotechnology, 2010, p. 1, doi. 10.1155/2010/369534
    • Healy, Jasmine;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Richer, Chantal;
    • Sinnett, Daniel;
    • Roy-Gagnon, Marie-Helene
    Publication type:
  • Author Correction: Single-cell RNA-seq reveals that glioblastoma recapitulates a normal neurodevelopmental hierarchy.

    Published in:
    • Couturier, Charles P.;
    • Ayyadhury, Shamini;
    • Le, Phuong U.;
    • Nadaf, Javad;
    • Monlong, Jean;
    • Riva, Gabriele;
    • Allache, Redouane;
    • Baig, Salma;
    • Yan, Xiaohua;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Lee, Changseok;
    • Wang, Yu Chang David;
    • Yong, V. Wee;
    • Guiot, Marie-Christine;
    • Najafabadi, Hamed;
    • Misic, Bratislav;
    • Antel, Jack;
    • Bourque, Guillaume;
    • Ragoussis, Jiannis;
    • Petrecca, Kevin
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Single-cell RNA-seq reveals that glioblastoma recapitulates a normal neurodevelopmental hierarchy.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2020, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-020-17186-5
    • Couturier, Charles P.;
    • Ayyadhury, Shamini;
    • Le, Phuong U.;
    • Nadaf, Javad;
    • Monlong, Jean;
    • Riva, Gabriele;
    • Allache, Redouane;
    • Baig, Salma;
    • Yan, Xiaohua;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Lee, Changseok;
    • Wang, Yu Chang David;
    • Wee Yong, V.;
    • Guiot, Marie-Christine;
    • Najafabadi, Hamed;
    • Misic, Bratislav;
    • Antel, Jack;
    • Bourque, Guillaume;
    • Ragoussis, Jiannis;
    • Petrecca, Kevin
    Publication type:
  • Genome-wide detection and characterization of mating asymmetry in human populations.

    Published in:
    Genetic Epidemiology, 2011, v. 35, n. 6, p. 526, doi. 10.1002/gepi.20602
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Healy, Jasmine;
    • Saint-Onge, Pascal;
    • Massé, Hugues;
    • Sinnett, Daniel;
    • Roy-Gagnon, Marie-Hélène
    Publication type:

    Published in:
    Neuro-Oncology, 2018, v. 20, p. vi64, doi. 10.1093/neuonc/noy148.261
    • Couturier, Charles;
    • Ayyadhuri, Shamini;
    • Le, Phuong;
    • Monlong, Jean;
    • Allache, Redouane;
    • Baig, Salma;
    • Riva, Gabriele;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Misic, Bratislav;
    • Guiot, Marie-Christine
    Publication type:
  • Genomics of perivascular space burden unravels early mechanisms of cerebral small vessel disease.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2022, v. 18, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.064953
    • Duperron, Marie‐Gabrielle;
    • Knol, Maria J.;
    • Grand, Quentin Le;
    • Evans, Tavia E;
    • Mishra, Aniket;
    • Roshchupkin, Gennady V.;
    • Konuma, Takahiro;
    • Tregouët, David Alexandre;
    • Romero, Jose Rafael;
    • Frenzel, Stefan;
    • Luciano, Michelle;
    • Hofer, Edith;
    • Bourgey, Mathieu;
    • Dueker, Nicole D;
    • Delgado, Pilar;
    • Hilal, Saima;
    • Tankard, Rick M.;
    • Dubost, Florian;
    • Shin, Jean;
    • Saba, Yasaman
    Publication type: