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  • Non-structural genes of novel lemur adenoviruses reveal codivergence of virus and host.

    Published in:
    Virus Evolution, 2023, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/ve/vead024
    • Veith, Talitha;
    • Bleicker, Tobias;
    • Eschbach-Bludau, Monika;
    • Brünink, Sebastian;
    • Mühlemann, Barbara;
    • Schneider, Julia;
    • Beheim-Schwarzbach, Jorn̈;
    • Jacques Rakotondranary, S.;
    • Ratovonamana, Yedidya R.;
    • Tsagnangara, Cedric;
    • Ernest, Refaly;
    • Randriantafka, Faly;
    • Sommer, Simone;
    • Stetter, Nadine;
    • Jones, Terry C.;
    • Drosten, Christian;
    • Ganzhorn, Jörg U.;
    • Corman, Victor M.
    Publication type:
  • Divergent Genotype of Hepatitis A Virus in Alpacas, Bolivia, 2019.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2023, v. 29, n. 12, p. 2524, doi. 10.3201/eid2912.231123
    • Veith, Talitha;
    • Beltran-Saavedra, L. Fabian;
    • Bleicker, Tobias;
    • Schmidt, Marie Luisa;
    • Mollericona, José L.;
    • Grützmacher, Kim;
    • Wallace, Rob;
    • Drexler, Jan Felix;
    • Walzer, Christian;
    • Jones, Terry C.;
    • Drosten, Christian;
    • Corman, Victor Max
    Publication type:
  • Rabies virus in slaughtered dogs for meat consumption in Ghana: A potential risk for rabies transmission.

    Published in:
    Transboundary & Emerging Diseases, 2022, v. 69, n. 4, p. e71, doi. 10.1111/tbed.14266
    • Tasiame, William;
    • El‐Duah, Philip;
    • Johnson, Sherry A.M;
    • Owiredu, Eddie‐Williams;
    • Bleicker, Tobias;
    • Veith, Talitha;
    • Schneider, Julia;
    • Emikpe, Benjamin;
    • Folitse, Raphael D.;
    • Burimuah, Vitus;
    • Akyereko, Ernest;
    • Drosten, Christian;
    • Corman, Victor Max
    Publication type:
  • Assay optimization for molecular detection of Zika virus.

    Published in:
    Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2016, v. 94, n. 12, p. 880, doi. 10.2471/BLT.16.175950
    • Corman, Victor M.;
    • Rasche, Andrea;
    • Baronti, Cecile;
    • Aldabbagh, Souhaib;
    • Cadar, Daniel;
    • Reusken, Chantal B. E. M.;
    • Pas, Suzan D.;
    • Goorhuis, Abraham;
    • Schinkel, Janke;
    • Molenkamp, Richard;
    • Kümmerer, Beate M.;
    • Bleicker, Tobias;
    • Brünink, Sebastian;
    • Eschbach-Bludau, Monika;
    • Eis-Hübinger, Anna M.;
    • Koopmans, Marion P.;
    • Schmidt-Chanasit, Jonas;
    • Grobusch, Martin P.;
    • de Lamballerie, Xavier;
    • Drostena, Christian
    Publication type:
  • Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR.

    Published in:
    Eurosurveillance (15607917), 2020, v. 25, n. 3, p. 23, doi. 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045
    • Corman, Victor M.;
    • Landt, Olfert;
    • Kaiser, Marco;
    • Molenkamp, Richard;
    • Meijer, Adam;
    • Chu, Daniel K. W.;
    • Bleicker, Tobias;
    • Brünink, Sebastian;
    • Schneider, Julia;
    • Schmidt, Marie Luisa;
    • Mulders, Daphne G. J. C.;
    • Haagmans, Bart L.;
    • van der Veer, Bas;
    • van den Brink, Sharon;
    • Wijsman, Lisa;
    • Goderski, Gabriel;
    • Romette, Jean-Louis;
    • Ellis, Joanna;
    • Zambon, Maria;
    • Peiris, Malik
    Publication type:
  • Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Frankfurt am Main from October to December 2020 Reveals High Viral Diversity Including Spike Mutation N501Y in B.1.1.70 and B.1.1.7.

    Published in:
    Microorganisms, 2021, v. 9, n. 4, p. 748, doi. 10.3390/microorganisms9040748
    • Widera, Marek;
    • Mühlemann, Barbara;
    • Corman, Victor M.;
    • Toptan, Tuna;
    • Beheim-Schwarzbach, Jörn;
    • Kohmer, Niko;
    • Schneider, Julia;
    • Berger, Annemarie;
    • Veith, Talitha;
    • Pallas, Christiane;
    • Bleicker, Tobias;
    • Goetsch, Udo;
    • Tesch, Julia;
    • Gottschalk, Rene;
    • Jones, Terry C.;
    • Ciesek, Sandra;
    • Drosten, Christian
    Publication type:
  • African Non-Human Primates Host Diverse Enteroviruses.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2017, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0169067
    • Mombo, Illich Manfred;
    • Lukashev, Alexander N.;
    • Bleicker, Tobias;
    • Brünink, Sebastian;
    • Berthet, Nicolas;
    • Maganga, Gael D.;
    • Durand, Patrick;
    • Arnathau, Céline;
    • Boundenga, Larson;
    • Ngoubangoye, Barthélémy;
    • Boué, Vanina;
    • Liégeois, Florian;
    • Ollomo, Benjamin;
    • Prugnolle, Franck;
    • Drexler, Jan Felix;
    • Drosten, Christian;
    • Renaud, François;
    • Rougeron, Virginie;
    • Leroy, Eric
    Publication type:
  • First Detection of an Enterovirus C99 in a Captive Chimpanzee with Acute Flaccid Paralysis, from the Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center, Republic of Congo.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2015, v. 10, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0136700
    • Mombo, Illich Manfred;
    • Berthet, Nicolas;
    • Lukashev, Alexander N.;
    • Bleicker, Tobias;
    • Brünink, Sebastian;
    • Léger, Lucas;
    • Atencia, Rebeca;
    • Cox, Debby;
    • Bouchier, Christiane;
    • Durand, Patrick;
    • Arnathau, Céline;
    • Brazier, Lionel;
    • Fair, Joseph N.;
    • Schneider, Bradley S.;
    • Drexler, Jan Felix;
    • Prugnolle, Franck;
    • Drosten, Christian;
    • Renaud, François;
    • Leroy, Eric M.;
    • Rougeron, Virginie
    Publication type: