Found: 65

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  • Morphometry on the sphere: Cartesian and irreducible Minkowski tensors explained and implemented.

    Published in:
    Communications Physics, 2024, v. 7, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s42005-024-01751-1
    • Collischon, Caroline;
    • Klatt, Michael A.;
    • Banday, Anthony J.;
    • Sasaki, Manami;
    • Räth, Christoph
    Publication type:
  • Assessment of Aboveground Phytomass in Temperate Forests of Kashmir Valley, J&K, India.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Ecology & Environmental Sciences, 2012, v. 38, n. 2/3, p. 47
    • DADHWAL, V. K.;
    • Banday, J. R.;
    • PANT, D. N.
    Publication type:
  • Growth-finance nexus: Empirical evidence from India.

    Published in:
    Theoretical & Applied Economics, 2016, v. 23, n. 3, p. 319
    • HASNAT, Tanzeem;
    • ASHRAF, Shahid;
    • BANDAY, Umer J.
    Publication type:
  • How budget deficit and current account deficit are interrelated in Indian economy.

    Published in:
    Theoretical & Applied Economics, 2016, v. 23, n. 1, p. 237
    • BANDAY, U. J.;
    • ANEJA, Ranjan
    Publication type:
  • XXIII. The thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect-cosmic infrared background correlation.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201527418
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Borrill, J.
    Publication type:
  • XII. Full focal plane simulations.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201527103
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.
    Publication type:
  • I. Overview of products and scientific results.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201527101
    • Adam, R.;
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Akrami, Y.;
    • Alves, M. I. R.;
    • Argüesoff, F.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Arroja, F.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Ballardini, M.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Basak, S.;
    • Battaglia, P.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Battye, R.
    Publication type:
  • III. LFI systematic uncertainties.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201526998
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Basak, S.;
    • Battaglia, P.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Borrill, J.;
    • Burigana, C.;
    • Butler, R. C.
    Publication type:
  • XI. CMB power spectra, likelihoods, and robustness of parameters.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201526926
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.;
    • Bond, J. R.
    Publication type:
  • XXVI. The Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201526914
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Argüeso, F.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Beichman, C.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Böhringer, H.
    Publication type:
  • XXV. Diffuse low-frequency Galactic foregrounds.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201526803
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Alves, M. I. R.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • XV. Gravitational lensing.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525941
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Basak, S.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • V. LFI calibration.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201526632
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaglia, P.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.;
    • Bond, J. R.
    Publication type:
  • X. Diffuse component separation: Foreground maps.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525967
    • Adam, R.;
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Alves, M. I. R.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.
    Publication type:
  • XVI. Isotropy and statistics of the CMB.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201526681
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Akrami, Y.;
    • Aluri, P. K.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Basak, S.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.
    Publication type:
  • XX. Constraints on inflation.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525898
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Arroja, F.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Ballardini, M.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • IX. Diffuse component separation: CMB maps.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525936
    • Adam, R.;
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Basak, S.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.
    Publication type:
  • VII. High Frequency Instrument data processing: Time-ordered information and beams.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525844
    • Adam, R.;
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bertincourt, B.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonavera, L.
    Publication type:
  • XVII. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525836
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Arroja, F.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Ballardini, M.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Basak, S.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.
    Publication type:
  • XXIV. Cosmology from Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525833
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Battye, R.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • XXI. The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525831
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Basak, S.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.
    Publication type:
  • XIII. Cosmological parameters.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525830
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Battye, R.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • XVIII. Background geometry and topology of the Universe.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525829
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Basak, S.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.
    Publication type:
  • XXII. A map of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525826
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Battye, R.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.
    Publication type:
  • XXVII. The second Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525823
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Barrena, R.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Battye, R.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bikmaev, I.
    Publication type:
  • XIX. Constraints on primordial magnetic fields.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525821
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Arroja, F.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Ballardini, M.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • VIII. High Frequency Instrument data processing: Calibration and maps.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525820
    • Adam, R.;
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bertincourt, B.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonavera, L.
    Publication type:
  • XXVIII. The Planck Catalogue of Galactic cold clumps.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525819
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Borrill, J.
    Publication type:
  • II. Low Frequency Instrument data processings.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525818
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Ballardini, M.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Basak, S.;
    • Battaglia, P.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • XIV. Dark energy and modified gravity.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525814
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Battye, R.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.
    Publication type:
  • VI. LFI mapmaking.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525813
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Borrill, J.;
    • Bouchet, F. R.
    Publication type:
  • IV. Low Frequency Instrument beams and window functions.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 594, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525809
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Beno�t, A.;
    • Benoit-L�vy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bonavera, L.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Borrill, J.
    Publication type:
  • Planck 2013 results. XXXII. The updated Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 581, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525787
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Armitage-Caplan, C.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Aussel, H.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Barrena, R.;
    • Bartelmann, M.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J. -P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results XXIV. Constraints on variations in fundamental constants?

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 580, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201424496
    • Collaboration, Planck;
    • Ade, P. A. R;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Lévy, A. Benoit;
    • Bernard, J. -P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Borrill, J.;
    • Bouchet, F. R.;
    • Burigana, C.;
    • Butler, R. C.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results XXIII. Galactic plane emission components derived from Planck with ancillary data.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 580, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201424434
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Alves, M. I. R.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoit-Lévy23;, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bobin, J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Bouchet, F. R.
    Publication type:
  • Planck 2013 results. XXVIII. The Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 571, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201321524
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Munshi, D.;
    • Spencer, L. D.;
    • Sudiwala, R.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Forni, O.;
    • Giard, M.;
    • Jaffe, T. R.;
    • Montier, L.;
    • Pointecouteau, E.;
    • Ristorcelli, I.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Umana, G.;
    • Van Tent, B.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bonavera, L.;
    • Diego, J. M.;
    • Herranz, D.;
    • López-Caniego, M.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results XVII. Emission of dust in the diffuse interstellar medium from the far-infrared to microwave frequencies.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 566, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201323270
    • Abergel, A.;
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Alves, M. I. R.;
    • Aniano, G.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bobin, J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results XVI. Profile likelihoods for cosmological parameters.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 566, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201323003
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bobin, J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Bouchet, F. R.;
    • Burigana, C.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results. XV. A study of anomalous microwave emission in Galactic clouds.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 565, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201322612
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Alves, M. I. R.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bobin, J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Borrill, J.;
    • Bouchet, F. R.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results. XIV. Dust emission at millimetre wavelengths in the Galactic plane.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 564, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201322367
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Alves, M. I. R.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoit-Lévy, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bielewicz, P.;
    • Bobin, J.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bond, J. R.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results. XII: Diffuse Galactic components in the Gould Belt system.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 557, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201321160
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Alves, M. I. R.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Balbi, A.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Bedini, L.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bond, J. R.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 557, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201220941
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Balbi, A.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Barrena, R.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bikmaev, I.;
    • Bock, J. J.;
    • Böhringer, H.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results: IV. The XMM-Newton validation programme for new Planck galaxy clusters.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 550, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201219519
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Balbi, A.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bikmaev, I.;
    • Böhringer, H.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Borgani, S.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results: VII. Statistical properties of infrared and radio extragalactic sources from the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue at frequencies between 100 and 857 GHz.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 550, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201220053
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Argüeso, F.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Balbi, A.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bethermin, M.;
    • Bhatia, R.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bond, J. R.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results: VI. The dynamical structure of PLCKG214.6+37.0, a Planck discovered triple system of galaxy clusters.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 550, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201220039
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Balbi, A.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bhatia, R.;
    • Bikmaev, I.;
    • Böhringer, H.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results V. Pressure profiles of galaxy clusters from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 550, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201220040
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Balbi, A.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bhatia, R.;
    • Bikmaev, I.;
    • Bobin, J.;
    • Böhringer, H.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results: III. The relation between galaxy cluster mass and Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 550, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201219398
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Balbi, A.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Battye, R.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bhatia, R.;
    • Bikmaev, I.;
    • Böhringer, H.;
    • Bonaldi, A.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results: II. Comparison of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements from Planck and from the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager for 11 galaxy clusters.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 550, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201219361
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Balbi, A.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Battye, R.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Bhatia, R.;
    • Bikmaev, I.;
    • Böhringer, H.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bond, J. R.
    Publication type:
  • Planck intermediate results I. Further validation of new Planck clusters with XMM-Newton.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 543, n. 2, p. A102-1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201118731
    • Aghanim, N.;
    • Arnaud, M.;
    • Ashdown, M.;
    • Atrio-Barandela, F.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Balbi, A.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartlett, J. G.;
    • Battaner, E.;
    • Benabed, K.;
    • Bernard, J.-P.;
    • Bersanelli, M.;
    • Böhringer, H.;
    • Bonaldi, A.;
    • Bond, J. R.;
    • Borrill, J.;
    • Bouchet, F. R.;
    • Bourdin, H.
    Publication type:
  • Sensitivity Modeling for LiteBIRD.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2023, v. 211, n. 5/6, p. 384, doi. 10.1007/s10909-022-02921-7
    • Hasebe, T.;
    • Ade, P. A. R.;
    • Adler, A.;
    • Allys, E.;
    • Alonso, D.;
    • Arnold, K.;
    • Auguste, D.;
    • Aumont, J.;
    • Aurlien, R.;
    • Austermann, J.;
    • Azzoni, S.;
    • Baccigalupi, C.;
    • Banday, A. J.;
    • Banerji, R.;
    • Barreiro, R. B.;
    • Bartolo, N.;
    • Basak, S.;
    • Battistelli, E.;
    • Bautista, L.;
    • Beall, J.
    Publication type: