Found: 48

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  • Discovery of a low-mass companion inside the debris ring surrounding the F5V star HD206893.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2017, v. 597, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201629908
    • Milli, J.;
    • Hibon, P.;
    • Christiaens, V.;
    • Choquet, É.;
    • Bonnefoy, M.;
    • Kennedy, G. M.;
    • Wyatt, M. C.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Gómez González, C. A.;
    • del Burgo, C.;
    • Matrà, L.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Delacroix, C.;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Dent, W. R. F.;
    • Forsberg, P.;
    • Fusco, T.;
    • Girard, J. H.;
    • Habraken, S.
    Publication type:
  • The SPHERE view of the planet-forming disk around HD 100546.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 588, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201527940
    • Garufi, A.;
    • Quanz, S. P.;
    • Schmid, H. M.;
    • Mulders, G. D.;
    • Avenhaus, H.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Ginski, C.;
    • Langlois, M.;
    • Stolker, T.;
    • Augereau, J. C.;
    • Benisty, M.;
    • Lopez, B.;
    • Dominik, C.;
    • Gratton, R.;
    • Henning, T.;
    • Janson, M.;
    • Ménard, F.;
    • Meyer, M. R.;
    • Pinte, C.;
    • Sissa, E.
    Publication type:
  • Inner disk clearing around the Herbig Ae star HD139614: Evidence for a planet-induced gap?

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 586, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525793
    • Matter, A.;
    • Labadie, L.;
    • Augereau, J. C.;
    • Kluska, J.;
    • Crida, A.;
    • Carmona, A.;
    • Gonzalez, J. F.;
    • Thi, W. F.;
    • Le Bouquin, J.-B.;
    • Olofsson, J.;
    • Lopez, B.
    Publication type:
  • Collisional modelling of the AU Microscopii debris disc.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 581, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525664
    • Schüppler, Ch.;
    • Löhne, T.;
    • Krivov, A. V.;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Marshall, J. P.;
    • Wolf, S.;
    • Wyatt, M. C.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Metchev, S. A.
    Publication type:
  • New constraints on the dust surrounding HR 4796A.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 577, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201423950
    • Milli, J.;
    • Mawet, D.;
    • Pinte, C.;
    • Lagrange, A. -M.;
    • Mouillet, D.;
    • Girard, J. H.;
    • Augereau, J. -C.;
    • De Boer, J.;
    • Pueyo, L.;
    • Choquet, É.
    Publication type:
  • The VLTI/PIONIER near-infrared interferometric survey of southern T Tauri stars.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 574, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201424520
    • Anthonioz, F.;
    • Ménard, F.;
    • Pinte, C.;
    • Le Bouquin, J.-B.;
    • Benisty, M.;
    • Thi, W.-F.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Duchêne, G.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Berger, J.-P.;
    • Casassus, S.;
    • Duvert, G.;
    • Lazareff, B.;
    • Malbet, F.;
    • Millan-Gabet, R.;
    • Schreiber, M. R.;
    • Traub, W.;
    • Zins, G.
    Publication type:
  • Insights on the dynamical history of the Fomalhaut system.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 573, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201424691
    • Faramaz, V.;
    • Beust, H.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Kalas, P.;
    • Graham, J. R.
    Publication type:
  • Signatures of massive collisions in debris discs.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 573, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201424309
    • Kral, Q.;
    • Thébault, P.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Charnoz, S.
    Publication type:
  • Is the HD15115 inner disk really asymmetrical?

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 569, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201424479
    • Mazoyer, J.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Augereau, J. -C.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Galicher, R.;
    • Baudoz, P.
    Publication type:
  • Very deep images of the innermost regions of the β Pictoris debris disc at L'.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 566, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201323130
    • Milli, J.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Mawet, D.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Mouillet, D.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Girard, J. H.;
    • Chauvin, G.
    Publication type:
  • Can eccentric debris disks be long-lived? A first numerical investigation and application to ζ<sup>2</sup> Reticuli.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 563, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201322469
    • Faramaz, V.;
    • Beust, H.;
    • Thébault, P.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Bonsor, A.;
    • Burgo, C. del;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Marshall, J. P.;
    • Milli, J.;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Mora, A.;
    • Bryden, G.;
    • Danchi, W.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • White, G. J.;
    • Wolf, S.
    Publication type:
  • How dusty is α Centauri?;⋆,⋆⋆ Excess or non-excess over the infrared photospheres of main-sequence stars.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 563, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201321887
    • Wiegert, J.;
    • Liseau, R.;
    • Th?bault, P.;
    • Olofsson, G.;
    • Mora, A.;
    • Bryden, G.;
    • Marshall, J. P.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Ardila, D.;
    • Augereau, J. C.;
    • Aran, A. Bayo;
    • Danchi, W. C.;
    • Burgo, C. del;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Fridlund, M. C. W.;
    • Hajigholi, M.;
    • Krivov, A. V.;
    • Pilbratt, G. L.;
    • Roberge, A.
    Publication type:
  • Exocomets in the circumstellar gas disk of HD172555.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 561, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201323128
    • Kiefer, F.;
    • Lecavelier des Etangs, A.;
    • Augereau, J.-C;
    • Vidal-Madjar, A.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Beust, H.
    Publication type:
  • Potential multi-component structure of the debris disk around HIP 17439 revealed by Herschel/DUNES.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 561, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201219945
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Marshall, J. P.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Krivov, A. V.;
    • Löhne, T.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • Mora, A.;
    • Burgo, C. del;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Bryden, G.;
    • Danchi, W.;
    • Kirchschlager, F.;
    • Liseau, R.;
    • Maldonado, J.;
    • Pilbratt, G. L.;
    • Schüppler, Ch.;
    • Thébault, Ph.;
    • White, G. J.;
    • Wolf, S.
    Publication type:
  • Gas lines from the 5-Myr old optically thin disk around HD141569A.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 561, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201322150
    • Thi, W.-F.;
    • Pinte, C.;
    • Pantin, E.;
    • Augereau, J. C.;
    • Meeus, G.;
    • Ménard, F.;
    • Martin-Zaïdi, C.;
    • Woitke, P.;
    • Riviere-Marichalar, P.;
    • Kamp, I.;
    • Carmona, A.;
    • Sandell, G.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • Dent, W.;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Aresu, G.;
    • Meijerink, R.;
    • Spaans, M.;
    • White, G.;
    • Ardila, D.
    Publication type:
  • An independent determination of Fomalhaut b's orbit and the dynamical effects on the outer dust belt.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 561, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201322229
    • Beust, H.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Bonsor, A.;
    • Graham, J. R.;
    • Kalas, P.;
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Faramaz, V.;
    • Thébault, P.
    Publication type:
  • Grain size segregation in debris discs.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 561, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201322052
    • Thebault, P.;
    • Kral, Q.;
    • Augereau, J. -C.
    Publication type:
  • Multiple spiral patterns in the transitional disk of HD 100546.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 560, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201322365
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Pantin, E.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Meheut, H.;
    • Quanz, S. P.
    Publication type:
  • Nature of the gas and dust around 51 Ophiuchi.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 557, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201221002
    • W. F. Thi;
    • Ménard, F.;
    • Meeus, G.;
    • Carmona, A.;
    • Riviere-Marichalar, P.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Kamp, I.;
    • Woitke, P.;
    • Pinte, C.;
    • Mendigutía, I.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Britain, S.;
    • Dent, W.
    Publication type:
  • Herschel observations of the debris disc around HIP 92043.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 557, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201218976
    • Marshall, J. P.;
    • Krivov, A. V.;
    • del Burgo, C.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • Mora, A.;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Bryden, G.;
    • Liseau, R.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Bayo, A.;
    • Danchi, W.;
    • Löhne, T.;
    • Maldonado, J.;
    • Pilbratt, G. L.;
    • Stapelfeldt, K.;
    • Thebault, P.;
    • White, G. J.;
    • Wolf, S.
    Publication type:
  • An interferometric study of the Fomalhaut inner debris disk III. Detailed models of the exozodiacal disk and its origin.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 555, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201321415
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Van Lieshout, R.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Mennesson, B.;
    • Kama, M.;
    • Dominik, C.;
    • Bonsor, A.;
    • Vandeportal, J.;
    • Beust, H.;
    • Defrère, D.;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Faramaz, V.;
    • Hinz, P.;
    • Kral, Q.;
    • Lagrnge, A.-M.;
    • W. Liu;
    • Thébault, P.
    Publication type:
  • Sculpting the disk around T Chamaeleontis: an interferometric view.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 552, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201220675
    • Olofsson, J.;
    • Benisty, M.;
    • Le Bouquin, J.-B.;
    • Berger, J.-P.;
    • Lacour, S.;
    • Ménard, F.;
    • Henning, Th.;
    • Crida, A.;
    • Burtscher, L.;
    • Meeus, G.;
    • Ratzka, T.;
    • Pinte, C.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Malbet, F.;
    • Lazare, B.;
    • Traub, W.
    Publication type:
  • The twofold debris disk around HD113766A Warm and cold dust as seen with VLTI/MIDI and Herschel/PACS.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 551, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201220904
    • Olofsson, J.;
    • Henning, Th.;
    • Nielbock, M.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Juhàsz, A.;
    • Oliveira, I.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Tamana, A.
    Publication type:
  • Scattering of small bodies by planets: a potential origin for exozodiacal dust?

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 548, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201220005
    • Bonsor, A.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Thébault, P.
    Publication type:
  • Hot circumstellar material resolved around βPic with VLTI/PIONIER.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 546, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201220287
    • Defrère, D.;
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Le Bouquin, J.-B.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Berger, J.-P.;
    • di Folco, E.;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Kluska, J.;
    • Montagnier, G.;
    • Millan-Gabet, R.;
    • Traub, W.;
    • Zins, G.
    Publication type:
  • HD 172555: detection of 63 μm [OI] emission in a debris disc.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 546, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201219745
    • Riviere-Marichalar, P.;
    • Barrado, D.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Thi, W. F.;
    • Roberge, A.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Meeus, G.;
    • Howard, C.;
    • Sandell, G.;
    • Duchêne, G.;
    • Dent, W. R. F.;
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Mendigutía, I.;
    • Huélamo, N.;
    • Ménard, F.;
    • Pinte, C.
    Publication type:
  • Direct imaging of extra-solar planets in star forming regions.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 544, n. 2, p. A131-1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201219662
    • Mawet, D.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Montagnier, G.;
    • Riaud, P.;
    • Surdej, J.;
    • Ducourant, C.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Röttinger, S.;
    • Girard, J.;
    • Krist, J.;
    • Stapelfeldt, K.
    Publication type:
  • Morphology of the very inclined debris disk around HD 32297.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 544, n. 2, p. A85-1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201219320
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Milli, J.;
    • Baudoz, P.;
    • Mawet, D.;
    • Mouillet, D.;
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Maire, A.-L.
    Publication type:
  • Morphology of the very inclined debris disk around HD 32297.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 544, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201219320
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Milli, J.;
    • Baudoz, P.;
    • Mawet, D.;
    • Mouillet, D.;
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Maire, A.-L.
    Publication type:
  • The position of β Pictoris b position relative to the debris disk.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 542, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201118274
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Milli, J.;
    • Chauvin, G.;
    • Bonnefoy, M.;
    • Mouillet, D.;
    • Augereau, J. C.;
    • Girard, J. H.;
    • Lacour, S.;
    • Apai, D.
    Publication type:
  • A peculiar class of debris disks from Herschel/DUNES A steep fall off in the far infrared.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 541, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201118077
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Wolf, S.;
    • Marshall, J. P.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Krivov, A. V.;
    • Löhne, T.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Ardila, D.;
    • Arévalo, M.;
    • Bayo, A.;
    • Bryden, G.;
    • Del Burgo, C.;
    • Greaves, J.;
    • Kennedy, G.;
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Liseau, R.;
    • Maldonado, J.;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Mora, A.
    Publication type:
  • An icy Kuiper belt around the young solar-type star HD 181327.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 539, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201117714
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Thi, W.-F.;
    • Roberge, A.;
    • Donaldson, J.;
    • Schneider, G.;
    • Maddison, S. T.;
    • Ménard, F.;
    • Riviere-Marichalar, P.;
    • Mathews, G. S.;
    • Kamp, I.;
    • Pinte, C.;
    • Dent, W. R. F.;
    • Barrado, D.;
    • Duchêne, G.;
    • Gonzalez, J.-F.;
    • Grady, C. A.;
    • Meeus, G.;
    • Pantin, E.;
    • Williams, J. P.
    Publication type:
  • Modelling the huge, Herschel-resolved debris ring around HD 207129.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2012, v. 537, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201117731
    • Löhne, T.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Marshall, J. P.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • Mora, A.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Stapelfeldt, K.;
    • Thébault, P.;
    • Bayo, A.;
    • Del Burgo, C.;
    • Danchi, W.;
    • Krivov, A. V.;
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Letawe, G.;
    • Magain, P.;
    • Maldonado, J.;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Pilbratt, G. L.;
    • White, G. J.
    Publication type:

    Published in:
    Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, 2013, v. 2, n. 2, p. -1, doi. 10.1142/S2251171713400102
    • MENNESSON, B.;
    • SCOTT, N.;
    • BRYDEN, G.;
    • TURNER, N.;
    • ABSIL, O.;
    • AUGEREAU, J. C.;
    • RIDGWAY, S.;
    • LEBRETON, J.;
    • MARION, L.
    Publication type:
  • HD141569A: Disk Dissipation Caught in Action.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2015, v. 10, n. S314, p. 201, doi. 10.1017/S1743921315006432
    • Péricaud, J.;
    • DiFolco, E.;
    • Dutrey, A.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Piétu, V.;
    • Guilloteau, S.
    Publication type:
  • Unraveling the Mystery of Exozodiacal Dust.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2013, v. 8, n. S299, p. 338, doi. 10.1017/S1743921313008843
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Thébault, P.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Bonsor, A.;
    • Defrère, D.;
    • Kral, Q.;
    • Le Bouquin, J.-B.;
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Coudé du Foresto, V.
    Publication type:
  • Planetary Systems Dynamics Eccentric patterns in debris disks & Planetary migration in binary systems.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2013, v. 8, n. S299, p. 212, doi. 10.1017/S1743921313008363
    • Faramaz, V.;
    • Beust, H.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Bonsor, A.;
    • Thébault, P.;
    • Wu, Y.;
    • Marshall, J. P.;
    • del Burgo, C.;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Mora, A.
    Publication type:
  • The multiple spirals in the disk of HD100546.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2013, v. 8, n. S299, p. 208, doi. 10.1017/S174392131300834X
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Pantin, E.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Quanz, S. P.;
    • Meheut, H.
    Publication type:
  • Results of the NaCo Large Program: probing the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbit.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2013, v. 8, n. S299, p. 17, doi. 10.1017/S1743921313007680
    • Vigan, A.;
    • Chauvin, G.;
    • Bonavita, M.;
    • Desidera, S.;
    • Bonnefoy, M.;
    • Mesa, D.;
    • Beuzit, J.-L.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Biller, B.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Brugaletta, E.;
    • Buenzli, E.;
    • Carson, J.;
    • Covino, E.;
    • Delorme, P.;
    • Eggenberger, A.;
    • Feldt, M.;
    • Hagelberg, J.;
    • Henning, T.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.
    Publication type:
  • Muti-technique observations and modelling of the gas and dust phases of protoplanetary disks.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2009, v. 5, n. H15, p. 767, doi. 10.1017/S1743921310011506
    • Pinte, C.;
    • Ménard, F.;
    • Duchěne, G.;
    • Augereau, J. C.
    Publication type:
  • Debris disks as seen by Herschel/DUNES.

    Published in:
    Astronomische Nachrichten, 2012, v. 333, n. 5/6, p. 441, doi. 10.1002/asna.201211686
    • Löhne, T.;
    • Eiroa, C.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Marshall, J.P.;
    • Mora, A.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Stapelfeldt, K.;
    • Thébault, P.;
    • Bayo, A.;
    • del Burgo, C.;
    • Danchi, W.;
    • Krivov, A.V.;
    • Lebreton, J.;
    • Letawe, G.;
    • Magain, P.;
    • Maldonado, J.;
    • Montesinos, B.;
    • Pilbratt, G.L.;
    • White, G.J.
    Publication type:
  • Prospects for the characterisation of exo-zodiacal dust with the VLTI.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2018, v. 46, n. 3, p. 401, doi. 10.1007/s10686-018-9600-7
    • Ertel, S.;
    • Absil, O.;
    • Defrère, D.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Mennesson, B.
    Publication type:
  • SPHERE RefPlanets: Search for ε Eridani b and warm dust.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 687, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202449442
    • Tschudi, C.;
    • Schmid, H. M.;
    • Nowak, M.;
    • Le Coroller, H.;
    • Hunziker, S.;
    • van Holstein, R. G.;
    • Perrot, C.;
    • Mouillet, D.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Bazzon, A.;
    • Beuzit, J. L.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Bonse, M. J.;
    • Chauvin, G.;
    • Desidera, S.;
    • Dohlen, K.;
    • Dominik, C.;
    • Engler, N.;
    • Feldt, M.;
    • Girard, J. H.
    Publication type:
  • An ALMA/NOEMA study of gas dissipation and dust evolution in the 5 Myr-old HD 141569A hybrid disc.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2020, v. 635, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201732243
    • Di Folco, E.;
    • Péricaud, J.;
    • Dutrey, A.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Chapillon, E.;
    • Guilloteau, S.;
    • Piétu, V.;
    • Boccaletti, A.
    Publication type:
  • Optical polarised phase function of the HR 4796A dust ring.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2019, v. 626, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201935363
    • Milli, J.;
    • Engler, N.;
    • Schmid, H. M.;
    • Olofsson, J.;
    • Ménard, F.;
    • Kral, Q.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Thébault, P.;
    • Choquet, E.;
    • Mouillet, D.;
    • Lagrange, A.-M.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Pinte, C.;
    • Chauvin, G.;
    • Dominik, C.;
    • Perrot, C.;
    • Zurlo, A.;
    • Henning, T.;
    • Beuzit, J.-L.;
    • Avenhaus, H.
    Publication type:
  • Hot exozodiacal dust: an exocometary origin?

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2019, v. 626, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201935250
    • Sezestre, É.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Thébault, P.
    Publication type:
  • VLT/SPHERE astrometric confirmation and orbital analysis of the brown dwarf companion HR 2562 B.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2018, v. 615, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201732476
    • Maire, A.-L.;
    • Rodet, L.;
    • Lazzoni, C.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Brandner, W.;
    • Galicher, R.;
    • Cantalloube, F.;
    • Mesa, D.;
    • Klahr, H.;
    • Beust, H.;
    • Chauvin, G.;
    • Desidera, S.;
    • Janson, M.;
    • Keppler, M.;
    • Olofsson, J.;
    • Augereau, J.-C.;
    • Daemgen, S.;
    • Henning, T.;
    • Thébault, P.;
    • Bonnefoy, M.
    Publication type:
  • New disk discovered with VLT/SPHERE around the M star GSC 07396-00759.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2018, v. 613, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201832740
    • Sissa, E.;
    • Olofsson, J.;
    • Vigan, A.;
    • Augereau, J. C.;
    • D'Orazi, V.;
    • Desidera, S.;
    • Gratton, R.;
    • Langlois, M.;
    • Rigliaco, E.;
    • Boccaletti, A.;
    • Kral, Q.;
    • Lazzoni, C.;
    • Mesa, D.;
    • Messina, S.;
    • Sezestre, E.;
    • Thébault, P.;
    • Zurlo, A.;
    • Bhowmik, T.;
    • Bonnefoy, M.;
    • Chauvin, G.
    Publication type: