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  • Evidence for a Dispersed Hox Gene Cluster in the Platyhelminth Parasite Schistosoma mansoni.

    Published in:
    Molecular Biology & Evolution, 2005, v. 22, n. 12, p. 2491, doi. 10.1093/molbev/msi239
    • Pierce, Raymond J.;
    • Wenjie Wu;
    • Hirai, Hirohisa;
    • Ivens, Al;
    • Murphy, Lee D.;
    • Noël, Christophe;
    • Johnston, David A.;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Adams, Martin;
    • Cornette, Jocelyne;
    • Viscogliosi, Eric;
    • Capron, Monique;
    • Balavoine, Guillaume
    Publication type:
  • Genome sequence of the stramenopile Blastocystis, a human anaerobic parasite.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2011, v. 12, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/gb-2011-12-3-r29
    • Denoeud, France;
    • Roussel, Michaël;
    • Noel, Benjamin;
    • Wawrzyniak, Ivan;
    • Silva, Corinne Da;
    • Diogon, Marie;
    • Viscogliosi, Eric;
    • Brochier-Armanet, Céline;
    • Couloux, Arnaud;
    • Poulain, Julie;
    • Segurens, Béatrice;
    • Anthouard, Véronique;
    • Texier, Catherine;
    • Blot, Nicolas;
    • Poirier, Philippe;
    • Choo Ng, Geok;
    • Tan, Kevin S. W.;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Jaillon, Olivier;
    • Aury, Jean-Marc
    Publication type:
  • A Plasmodium falciparum FcB1-schizont-EST collection providing clues to schizont specific gene structure and polymorphism.

    Published in:
    BMC Genomics, 2009, v. 10, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/1471-2164-10-235
    • Florent, Isabelle;
    • Porcel, Betina M.;
    • Guillaume, Elodie;
    • Da Silva, Corinne;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Maréchal, Eric;
    • Bréhélin, Laurent;
    • Gascuel, Olivier;
    • Charneau, Sébastien;
    • Wincker, Patrick;
    • Grellier, Philippe
    Publication type:
  • Identification of Novel Target Genes for Safer and More Specific Control of Root-Knot Nematodes from a Pan-Genome Mining.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2013, v. 9, n. 10, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003745
    • Danchin, Etienne G. J.;
    • Arguel, Marie-Jeanne;
    • Campan-Fournier, Amandine;
    • Perfus-Barbeoch, Laetitia;
    • Magliano, Marc;
    • Rosso, Marie-Noëlle;
    • Da Rocha, Martine;
    • Da Silva, Corinne;
    • Nottet, Nicolas;
    • Labadie, Karine;
    • Guy, Julie;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Abad, Pierre
    Publication type:
  • The Ectocarpus genome and the independent evolution of multicellularity in brown algae.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2010, v. 465, n. 7298, p. 617, doi. 10.1038/nature09016
    • Cock, J. Mark;
    • Sterck, Lieven;
    • Rouze, Pierre;
    • Scornet, Delphine;
    • Allen, Andrew E.;
    • Amoutzias, Grigoris;
    • Anthouard, Veronique;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Aury, Jean-Marc;
    • Badger, Jonathan H.;
    • Beszteri, Bank;
    • Billiau, Kenny;
    • Bonnet, Eric;
    • Bothwell, John H.;
    • Bowler, Chris;
    • Boyen, Catherine;
    • Brownlee, Colin;
    • Carrano, Carl J.;
    • Charrier, Bénédicte;
    • Cho, Ga Youn
    Publication type:
  • Périgord black truffle genome uncovers evolutionary origins and mechanisms of symbiosis.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2010, v. 464, n. 7291, p. 1033, doi. 10.1038/nature08867
    • Martin, Francis;
    • Kohler, Annegret;
    • Murat, Claude;
    • Balestrini, Raffaella;
    • Coutinho, Pedro M.;
    • Jaillon, Olivier;
    • Montanini, Barbara;
    • Morin, Emmanuelle;
    • Noel, Benjamin;
    • Percudani, Riccardo;
    • Porcel, Bettina;
    • Rubini, Andrea;
    • Amicucci, Antonella;
    • Amselem, Joelle;
    • Anthouard, Véronique;
    • Arcioni, Sergio;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Aury, Jean-Marc;
    • Ballario, Paola;
    • Bolchi, Angelo
    Publication type:
  • Genomic Investigation of Balanced Chromosomal Rearrangements in Patients with Abnormal Phenotypes.

    Published in:
    Molecular Syndromology, 2017, v. 8, n. 4, p. 187, doi. 10.1159/000477084
    • Simioni, Milena;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Meyer, Vincent;
    • Sgardioli, Ilária C.;
    • Viguetti-Campos, Nilma L.;
    • Monlleó, Isabella Lopes;
    • Maciel-Guerra, Andréa T.;
    • Steiner, Carlos E.;
    • Gil-da-Silva-Lopes, Vera L.
    Publication type:
  • Genome sequence of the metazoan plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita.

    Published in:
    Nature Biotechnology, 2008, v. 26, n. 8, p. 909, doi. 10.1038/nbt.1482
    • Abad, Pierre;
    • Gouzy, Jérôme;
    • Aury, Jean-Marc;
    • Castagnone-Sereno, Philippe;
    • Danchin, Etienne G J;
    • Deleury, Emeline;
    • Perfus-Barbeoch, Laetitia;
    • Anthouard, Véronique;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Blok, Vivian C;
    • Caillaud, Marie-Cécile;
    • Coutinho, Pedro M;
    • Dasilva, Corinne;
    • De Luca, Francesca;
    • Deau, Florence;
    • Esquibet, Magali;
    • Flutre, Timothé;
    • Goldstone, Jared V;
    • Hamamouch, Noureddine;
    • Hewezi, Tarek
    Publication type:
  • Spastin, a new AAA protein, is altered in the most frequent form of autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 1999, v. 23, n. 3, p. 296, doi. 10.1038/15472
    • Hazan, Jamilé;
    • Fonknechten, Nùria;
    • Mavel, Delphine;
    • Paternotte, Caroline;
    • Samson, Delphine;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Davoine, Claire-Sophie;
    • Cruaud, Corinne;
    • Dürr, Alexandra;
    • Wincker, Patrick;
    • Brottier, Philippe;
    • Cattolico, Laurence;
    • Barbe, Valérie;
    • Burgunder, Jean-Marc;
    • Prud'homme, Jean-François;
    • Brice, Alexis;
    • Fontaine, Bertrand;
    • Heilig, Roland;
    • Weissenbach, Jean
    Publication type:
  • A physical map of human chromosome 14.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2001, v. 409, n. 6822, p. 947, doi. 10.1038/35057177
    • Bruls, Thomas;
    • Gyapay, Gabor;
    • Petit, Jean-Louis;
    • Artiguenave, Francois;
    • Vico, Virginie;
    • Qin, Shizen;
    • Tin-Wollam, Aye Mon;
    • Da Silva, Corinne;
    • Muselet, Delphine;
    • Mavel, Delphine;
    • Pelletier, Eric;
    • Levy, Michael;
    • Fujiyama, Asao;
    • Matsuda, Fumihiko;
    • Wilson, Richard;
    • Rowen, Lee;
    • Hood, Leroy;
    • Weissenbach, Jean;
    • Saurin, William;
    • Heilig, Roland
    Publication type:
  • Identification of subfamily-specific sites based on active sites modeling and clustering.

    Published in:
    Bioinformatics, 2010, v. 26, n. 24, p. 3075, doi. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btq595
    • de Melo-Minardi, Raquel C.;
    • Bastard, Karine;
    • Artiguenave, François
    Publication type:
  • Revealing the hidden functional diversity of an enzyme family.

    Published in:
    Nature Chemical Biology, 2014, v. 10, n. 1, p. 42, doi. 10.1038/nchembio.1387
    • Bastard, Karine;
    • Smith, Adam Alexander Thil;
    • Vergne-Vaxelaire, Carine;
    • Perret, Alain;
    • Zaparucha, Anne;
    • De Melo-Minardi, Raquel;
    • Mariage, Aline;
    • Boutard, Magali;
    • Debard, Adrien;
    • Lechaplais, Christophe;
    • Pelle, Christine;
    • Pellouin, Virginie;
    • Perchat, Nadia;
    • Petit, Jean-Louis;
    • Kreimeyer, Annett;
    • Medigue, Claudine;
    • Weissenbach, Jean;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • De Berardinis, Véronique;
    • Vallenet, David
    Publication type: