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  • Neuropeptides in the developing human hippocampus under hypoxic–ischemic conditions.

    Published in:
    Journal of Anatomy, 2021, v. 239, n. 4, p. 856, doi. 10.1111/joa.13458
    • González Fuentes, Joaquín;
    • Insausti Serrano, Ricardo;
    • Cebada Sánchez, Sandra;
    • Lagartos Donate, Maria José;
    • Rivas Infante, Eloy;
    • Arroyo Jiménez, María del Mar;
    • Marcos Rabal, María del Pilar
    Publication type:
  • Ex vivo MRI atlas of the human medial temporal lobe: characterizing neurodegeneration due to tau pathology.

    Published in:
    Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 2021, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s40478-021-01275-7
    • Ravikumar, Sadhana;
    • Wisse, Laura E. M.;
    • Lim, Sydney;
    • Ittyerah, Ranjit;
    • Xie, Long;
    • Bedard, Madigan L.;
    • Das, Sandhitsu R.;
    • Lee, Edward B.;
    • Tisdall, M. Dylan;
    • Prabhakaran, Karthik;
    • Lane, Jacqueline;
    • Detre, John A.;
    • Mizsei, Gabor;
    • Trojanowski, John Q.;
    • Robinson, John L.;
    • Schuck, Theresa;
    • Grossman, Murray;
    • Artacho-Pérula, Emilio;
    • de Onzoño Martin, Maria Mercedes Iñiguez;
    • del Mar Arroyo Jiménez, María
    Publication type:
  • Comparison of histological delineations of medial temporal lobe cortices by four independent neuroanatomy laboratories.

    Published in:
    Hippocampus, 2024, v. 34, n. 5, p. 241, doi. 10.1002/hipo.23602
    • Wuestefeld, Anika;
    • Baumeister, Hannah;
    • Adams, Jenna N.;
    • de Flores, Robin;
    • Hodgetts, Carl J.;
    • Mazloum‐Farzaghi, Negar;
    • Olsen, Rosanna K.;
    • Puliyadi, Vyash;
    • Tran, Tammy T.;
    • Bakker, Arnold;
    • Canada, Kelsey L.;
    • Dalton, Marshall A.;
    • Daugherty, Ana M.;
    • La Joie, Renaud;
    • Wang, Lei;
    • Bedard, Madigan L.;
    • Buendia, Esther;
    • Chung, Eunice;
    • Denning, Amanda;
    • del Mar Arroyo‐Jiménez, María
    Publication type:
  • Bioactive Flavonoids, Antioxidant Behaviour, and Cytoprotective Effects of Dried Grapefruit Peels (Citrus paradisi Macf.).

    Published in:
    Oxidative Medicine & Cellular Longevity, 2016, p. 1, doi. 10.1155/2016/8915729
    • Castro-Vazquez, Lucia;
    • Alañón, María Elena;
    • Rodríguez-Robledo, Virginia;
    • Pérez-Coello, María Soledad;
    • Hermosín-Gutierrez, Isidro;
    • Díaz-Maroto, María Consuelo;
    • Jordán, Joaquín;
    • Galindo, María Francisca;
    • Arroyo-Jiménez, María del Mar
    Publication type:
  • Prefrontal cortex afferents to the anterior temporal lobe in the Macaca fascicularis monkey.

    Published in:
    Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2015, v. 523, n. 17, p. 2570, doi. 10.1002/cne.23805
    • Mohedano‐Moriano, Alicia;
    • Muñoz‐López, Mónica;
    • Sanz‐Arigita, Ernesto;
    • Pró‐Sistiaga, Palma;
    • Martínez‐Marcos, Alino;
    • Legidos‐Garcia, María Ester;
    • Insausti, Ana María;
    • Cebada‐Sánchez, Sandra;
    • Arroyo‐Jiménez, María Del Mar;
    • Marcos, Pilar;
    • Artacho‐Pérula, Emilio;
    • Insausti, Ricardo
    Publication type: