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  • Role of the rs2274907 allelic variant of the ITLN1 gene in patients with diabetic foot.

    Published in:
    Polish Archives of Internal Medicine, 2017, v. 127, n. 5, p. 319, doi. 10.20452/pamw.4008
    • Mrozikiewicz-Rakowska, Beata;
    • Sobczyk-Kopcioł, Agnieszka;
    • Szymański, Konrad;
    • Nehring, Piotr;
    • Szatkowski, Patryk;
    • Bartkowiak-Wieczorek, Joanna;
    • Bogacz, Anna;
    • Aniszczuk, Anna;
    • Drygas, Wojciech;
    • Płoski, Rafał;
    • Czupryniak, Leszek
    Publication type: