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  • Multicenter Study of Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity Reveals the Importance of Biological Endpoints in Genomic Analyses.

    Published in:
    Toxicological Sciences, 2007, v. 99, n. 1, p. 326, doi. 10.1093/toxsci/kfm150
    • Richard P. Beyer;
    • Rebecca C. Fry;
    • Michael R. Lasarev;
    • Lisa A. McConnachie;
    • Lisiane B. Meira;
    • Valerie S. Palmer;
    • Christine L. Powell;
    • Pamela K. Ross;
    • Theo K. Bammler;
    • Blair U. Bradford;
    • Alex B. Cranson;
    • Michael L. Cunningham;
    • Rickie D. Fannin;
    • Gregory M. Higgins;
    • Patrick Hurban;
    • Robert J. Kayton;
    • Kathleen F. Kerr;
    • Oksana Kosyk;
    • Edward K. Lobenhofer;
    • Stella O. Sieber
    Publication type: