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  • Molecular understanding of the suppression of new-particle formation by isoprene.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions, 2020, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/acp-2020-51
    • Heinritzi, Martin;
    • Dada, Lubna;
    • Simon, Mario;
    • Stolzenburg, Dominik;
    • Wagner, Andrea C.;
    • Fischer, Lukas;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Amanatidis, Stavros;
    • Baalbaki, Rima;
    • Baccarini, Andrea;
    • Bauer, Paulus S.;
    • Baumgartner, Bernhard;
    • Bianchi, Federico;
    • Brilke, Sophia;
    • Dexian Chen;
    • Chiu, Randall;
    • Dias, Antonio;
    • Dommen, Josef;
    • Duplissy, Jonathan;
    • Finkenzeller, Henning
    Publication type:
  • Vertical profiles of sub-3 nm particles over the boreal forest.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions, 2018, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/acp-2018-605
    • Leino, Katri;
    • Lampilahti, Janne;
    • Poutanen, Pyry;
    • Väänänen, Riikka;
    • Manninen, Antti;
    • Mazon, Stephany Buenrostro;
    • Dada, Lubna;
    • Nikandrova, Anna;
    • Wimmer, Daniela;
    • Aalto, Pasi P.;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Enroth, Joonas;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha;
    • Keronen, Petri;
    • Korhonen, Frans;
    • Laakso, Heikki;
    • Matilainen, Teemu;
    • Siivola, Erkki;
    • Manninen, Hanna E.;
    • Lehtipalo, Katrianne
    Publication type:
  • The role of ions in new-particle formation in the CLOUD chamber.

    Published in:
    • Wagner, Robert;
    • Chao Yan;
    • Lehtipalo, Katrianne;
    • Duplissy, Jonathan;
    • Nieminen, Tuomo;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Dada, Lubna;
    • Kontkanen, Jenni;
    • Manninen, Hanna E.;
    • Dias, Antonio;
    • Amorim, Antonio;
    • Bauer, Paulus S.;
    • Bergen, Anton;
    • Bernhammer, Anne-Kathrin;
    • Bianchi, Federico;
    • Brilke, Sophia;
    • Buenrostro Mazon, Stephany;
    • Xuemeng Chen;
    • Draper, Danielle C.
    Publication type:
  • SMEARcore – Modular data infrastructure for atmospheric measurement stations.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2022, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/amt-2022-67
    • Rusanen, Anton;
    • Hõrrak, Kristo;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Nieminen, Tuomo;
    • Aalto, Pasi P.;
    • Kolari, Pasi;
    • Kulmala, Markku;
    • Petäjä, Tuukka;
    • Junninen, Heikki
    Publication type:
  • Long-term aerosol mass concentrations in southern Finland: instrument validation, seasonal variation and trends.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2020, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/amt-2020-447
    • Keskinen, Helmi-Marja;
    • Ylivinkka, Ilona;
    • Heikkinen, Liine;
    • Aalto, Pasi P.;
    • Nieminen, Tuomo;
    • Lehtipalo, Katrianne;
    • Aalto, Juho;
    • Levula, Janne;
    • Kesti, Jutta;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Ezhova, Ekaterina;
    • Kulmala, Markku;
    • Petäjä, Tuukka
    Publication type:
  • Solar eclipse demonstrating the importance of photochemistry in new particle formation.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2017, p. 45707, doi. 10.1038/srep45707
    • Jokinen, Tuija;
    • Kontkanen, Jenni;
    • Lehtipalo, Katrianne;
    • Manninen, Hanna E.;
    • Aalto, Juho;
    • Porcar-Castell, Albert;
    • Garmash, Olga;
    • Nieminen, Tuomo;
    • Ehn, Mikael;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha;
    • Junninen, Heikki;
    • Levula, Janne;
    • Duplissy, Jonathan;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Rantala, Pekka;
    • Heikkinen, Liine;
    • Yan, Chao;
    • Sipilä, Mikko;
    • Worsnop, Douglas R.;
    • Bäck, Jaana
    Publication type:
  • On the relation between apparent ion and total particle growth rates in the boreal forest and related chamber experiments.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions, 2022, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/acp-2022-234
    • Carracedo, Loïc Gonzalez;
    • Lehtipalo, Katrianne;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Sarnela, Nina;
    • Holm, Sebastian;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha;
    • Kulmala, Markku;
    • Winkler, Paul M.;
    • Stolzenburg, Dominik
    Publication type:
  • Data inversion methods to determine sub-3nm aerosol size distributions using the particle size magnifier.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2018, v. 11, n. 7, p. 4477, doi. 10.5194/amt-11-4477-2018
    • Cai, Runlong;
    • Yang, Dongsen;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Shi, Linlin;
    • Korhonen, Frans;
    • Ma, Yan;
    • Hao, Jiming;
    • Petäjä, Tuukka;
    • Zheng, Jun;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha;
    • Jiang, Jingkun
    Publication type:
  • The driving factors of new particle formation and growth in the polluted boundary layer.

    Published in:
    • Mao Xiao;
    • Hoyle, Christopher R.;
    • Dada, Lubna;
    • Stolzenburg, Dominik;
    • Kürten, Andreas;
    • Mingyi Wang;
    • Lamkaddam, Houssni;
    • Garmash, Olga;
    • Mentler, Bernhard;
    • Molteni, Ugo;
    • Baccarini, Andrea;
    • Simon, Mario;
    • Xu-Cheng He;
    • Lehtipalo, Katrianne;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Baalbaki, Rima;
    • Bauer, Paulus S.;
    • Beck, Lisa;
    • Bell, David;
    • Bianchi, Federico
    Publication type:
  • Assessment of particle size magnifier inversion methods to obtain particle size distribution from atmospheric measurements.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2020, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/amt-2019-465
    • Chan, Tommy;
    • Cai, Runlong;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Yiliang Liu;
    • Ying Zhou;
    • Vanhanen, Joonas;
    • Dada, Lubna;
    • Yan Chao;
    • Yongchun Liu;
    • Lin Wang;
    • Kulmala, Markku;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha
    Publication type:
  • Data inversion methods to determine sub-3 nm aerosol size distributions using the Particle Size Magnifier.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2018, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/amt-2018-35
    • Runlong Cai;
    • Dongsen Yang;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Shi, Linlin;
    • Korhonen, Frans;
    • Yan Ma;
    • Jiming Hao;
    • Petäjä, Tuukka;
    • Jun Zheng;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha;
    • Jingkun Jiang
    Publication type:
  • SMEARcore – modular data infrastructure for atmospheric measurement stations.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2023, v. 16, n. 11, p. 2781, doi. 10.5194/amt-16-2781-2023
    • Rusanen, Anton;
    • Hõrrak, Kristo;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Nieminen, Tuomo;
    • Aalto, Pasi P.;
    • Kolari, Pasi;
    • Kulmala, Markku;
    • Petäjä, Tuukka;
    • Junninen, Heikki
    Publication type:
  • Assessment of particle size magnifier inversion methods to obtain the particle size distribution from atmospheric measurements.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2020, v. 13, n. 9, p. 4885, doi. 10.5194/amt-13-4885-2020
    • Chan, Tommy;
    • Cai, Runlong;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Liu, Yiliang;
    • Zhou, Ying;
    • Vanhanen, Joonas;
    • Dada, Lubna;
    • Chao, Yan;
    • Liu, Yongchun;
    • Wang, Lin;
    • Kulmala, Markku;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha
    Publication type:
  • On the relation between apparent ion and total particle growth rates in the boreal forest and related chamber experiments.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 2022, v. 22, n. 19, p. 13153, doi. 10.5194/acp-22-13153-2022
    • Gonzalez Carracedo, Loïc;
    • Lehtipalo, Katrianne;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Sarnela, Nina;
    • Holm, Sebastian;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha;
    • Kulmala, Markku;
    • Winkler, Paul M.;
    • Stolzenburg, Dominik
    Publication type:
  • The driving factors of new particle formation and growth in the polluted boundary layer.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 2021, v. 21, n. 18, p. 14275, doi. 10.5194/acp-21-14275-2021
    • Xiao, Mao;
    • Hoyle, Christopher R.;
    • Dada, Lubna;
    • Stolzenburg, Dominik;
    • Kürten, Andreas;
    • Wang, Mingyi;
    • Lamkaddam, Houssni;
    • Garmash, Olga;
    • Mentler, Bernhard;
    • Molteni, Ugo;
    • Baccarini, Andrea;
    • Simon, Mario;
    • He, Xu-Cheng;
    • Lehtipalo, Katrianne;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Baalbaki, Rima;
    • Bauer, Paulus S.;
    • Beck, Lisa;
    • Bell, David;
    • Bianchi, Federico
    Publication type:
  • Molecular understanding of the suppression of new-particle formation by isoprene.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 2020, v. 20, n. 20, p. 11809, doi. 10.5194/acp-20-11809-2020
    • Heinritzi, Martin;
    • Dada, Lubna;
    • Simon, Mario;
    • Stolzenburg, Dominik;
    • Wagner, Andrea C.;
    • Fischer, Lukas;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Amanatidis, Stavros;
    • Baalbaki, Rima;
    • Baccarini, Andrea;
    • Bauer, Paulus S.;
    • Baumgartner, Bernhard;
    • Bianchi, Federico;
    • Brilke, Sophia;
    • Chen, Dexian;
    • Chiu, Randall;
    • Dias, Antonio;
    • Dommen, Josef;
    • Duplissy, Jonathan;
    • Finkenzeller, Henning
    Publication type:
  • Vertical profiles of sub-3 nm particles over the boreal forest.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 2019, v. 19, n. 6, p. 4127, doi. 10.5194/acp-19-4127-2019
    • Leino, Katri;
    • Lampilahti, Janne;
    • Poutanen, Pyry;
    • Väänänen, Riikka;
    • Manninen, Antti;
    • Buenrostro Mazon, Stephany;
    • Dada, Lubna;
    • Franck, Anna;
    • Wimmer, Daniela;
    • Aalto, Pasi P.;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Enroth, Joonas;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha;
    • Keronen, Petri;
    • Korhonen, Frans;
    • Laakso, Heikki;
    • Matilainen, Teemu;
    • Siivola, Erkki;
    • Manninen, Hanna E.;
    • Lehtipalo, Katrianne
    Publication type:
  • The role of ions in new particle formation in the CLOUD chamber.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 2017, v. 17, n. 24, p. 15181, doi. 10.5194/acp-17-15181-2017
    • Wagner, Robert;
    • Chao Yan;
    • Lehtipalo, Katrianne;
    • Duplissy, Jonathan;
    • Nieminen, Tuomo;
    • Kangasluoma, Juha;
    • Ahonen, Lauri R.;
    • Dada, Lubna;
    • Kontkanen, Jenni;
    • Manninen, Hanna E.;
    • Dias, Antonio;
    • Amorim, Antonio;
    • Bauer, Paulus S.;
    • Bergen, Anton;
    • Bernhammer, Anne-Kathrin;
    • Bianchi, Federico;
    • Brilke, Sophia;
    • Buenrostro Mazon, Stephany;
    • Xuemeng Chen;
    • Draper, Danielle C.
    Publication type: