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  • Diversity of European habitat types is correlated with geography more than climate and human pressure.

    Published in:
    Ecology & Evolution (20457758), 2021, v. 11, n. 24, p. 18111, doi. 10.1002/ece3.8409
    • Cervellini, Marco;
    • Di Musciano, Michele;
    • Zannini, Piero;
    • Fattorini, Simone;
    • Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Attorre, Fabio;
    • Angelini, Pierangela;
    • Beierkuhnlein, Carl;
    • Casella, Laura;
    • Field, Richard;
    • Fischer, Jan‐Christopher;
    • Genovesi, Piero;
    • Hoffmann, Samuel;
    • Irl, Severin D. H.;
    • Nascimbene, Juri;
    • Rocchini, Duccio;
    • Steinbauer, Manuel;
    • Vetaas, Ole R.;
    • Chiarucci, Alessandro
    Publication type:
  • Phylogenetic structure of European forest vegetation.

    Published in:
    Journal of Biogeography, 2021, v. 48, n. 4, p. 903, doi. 10.1111/jbi.14046
    • Padullés Cubino, Josep;
    • Lososová, Zdeňka;
    • Bonari, Gianmaria;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Attorre, Fabio;
    • Bergmeier, Erwin;
    • Biurrun, Idoia;
    • Campos, Juan A.;
    • Čarni, Andraž;
    • Ćuk, Mirjana;
    • De Sanctis, Michele;
    • Indreica, Adrian;
    • Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja;
    • Khanina, Larisa;
    • Knollová, Ilona;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan;
    • Pielech, Remigiusz;
    • Rašomavičius, Valerijus;
    • Škvorc, Željko;
    • Svenning, Jens‐Christian
    Publication type:
  • Alpha diversity of vascular plants in European forests.

    Published in:
    Journal of Biogeography, 2019, v. 46, n. 9, p. 1919, doi. 10.1111/jbi.13624
    • Večeřa, Martin;
    • Divíšek, Jan;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan;
    • Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja;
    • Biurrun, Idoia;
    • Knollová, Ilona;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Campos, Juan Antonio;
    • Čarni, Andraž;
    • Crespo Jiménez, Guillermo;
    • Ćuk, Mirjana;
    • Dimopoulos, Panayotis;
    • Ewald, Jörg;
    • Fernández‐González, Federico;
    • Gégout, Jean‐Claude;
    • Indreica, Adrian;
    • Jandt, Ute;
    • Jansen, Florian;
    • Kącki, Zygmunt;
    • Rašomavičius, Valerijus
    Publication type:
  • Neophyte invasions in European heathlands and scrub.

    Published in:
    Biological Invasions, 2023, v. 25, n. 6, p. 1739, doi. 10.1007/s10530-023-03005-7
    • Kalusová, Veronika;
    • Chytrý, Milan;
    • Večeřa, Martin;
    • Svenning, Jens-Christian;
    • Biurrun, Idoia;
    • Kintrová, Kateřina;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Carli, Emanuela;
    • Ecker, Klaus;
    • Garbolino, Emmanuel;
    • Šibíková, Mária;
    • Šilc, Urban;
    • Axmanová, Irena
    Publication type:
  • Nationwide Vegetation Plot Database - Sapienza University of Rome: state of the art, basic figures and future perspectives.

    Published in:
    Phytocoenologia, 2017, v. 47, n. 2, p. 221, doi. 10.1127/phyto/2017/0139
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Alessi, Nicola;
    • Massimi, Marco;
    • Spada, Francesco;
    • De Sanctis, Michele;
    • Francesconi, Fabio;
    • Cambria, Vito E.;
    • Attorre, Fabio
    Publication type:
  • Facebook groups as citizen science tools for plant species monitoring.

    Published in:
    Journal of Applied Ecology, 2021, v. 58, n. 10, p. 2018, doi. 10.1111/1365-2664.13896
    • Marcenò, Corrado;
    • Padullés Cubino, Josep;
    • Chytrý, Milan;
    • Genduso, Emanuele;
    • Salemi, Dario;
    • La Rosa, Alfonso;
    • Gristina, Alessandro Silvestre;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Bonari, Gianmaria;
    • Giusso del Galdo, Gianpietro;
    • Ilardi, Vincenzo;
    • Landucci, Flavia;
    • Guarino, Riccardo
    Publication type:
  • Modeling approach for coastal dune habitat detection on coastal ecosystems combining very high‐resolution UAV imagery and field survey.

    Published in:
    Remote Sensing in Ecology & Conservation, 2023, v. 9, n. 2, p. 251, doi. 10.1002/rse2.308
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Filipponi, Federico;
    • Salvati, Riccardo;
    • Pezzarossa, Alice;
    • Casella, Laura;
    • Sankey, Temuulen;
    • Collin, Antoine
    Publication type:
  • Classification of the Mediterranean lowland to submontane pine forest vegetation.

    Published in:
    Applied Vegetation Science, 2021, v. 24, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/avsc.12544
    • Bonari, Gianmaria;
    • Fernández‐González, Federico;
    • Çoban, Süleyman;
    • Monteiro‐Henriques, Tiago;
    • Bergmeier, Erwin;
    • Didukh, Yakiv P.;
    • Xystrakis, Fotios;
    • Angiolini, Claudia;
    • Chytrý, Kryštof;
    • Acosta, Alicia T.R.;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Costa, José C.;
    • Danihelka, Jiří;
    • Hennekens, Stephan M.;
    • Kavgacı, Ali;
    • Knollová, Ilona;
    • Neto, Carlos S.;
    • Sağlam, Coşkun;
    • Škvorc, Željko;
    • Tichý, Lubomír
    Publication type:
  • EUNIS Habitat Classification: Expert system, characteristic species combinations and distribution maps of European habitats.

    Published in:
    Applied Vegetation Science, 2020, v. 23, n. 4, p. 648, doi. 10.1111/avsc.12519
    • Chytrý, Milan;
    • Tichý, Lubomír;
    • Hennekens, Stephan M.;
    • Knollová, Ilona;
    • Janssen, John A. M.;
    • Rodwell, John S.;
    • Peterka, Tomáš;
    • Marcenò, Corrado;
    • Landucci, Flavia;
    • Danihelka, Jiří;
    • Hájek, Michal;
    • Dengler, Jürgen;
    • Novák, Pavel;
    • Zukal, Dominik;
    • Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja;
    • Mucina, Ladislav;
    • Abdulhak, Sylvain;
    • Aćić, Svetlana;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Attorre, Fabio
    Publication type:
  • Classification of European beech forests: a Gordian Knot?

    Published in:
    Applied Vegetation Science, 2017, v. 20, n. 3, p. 494, doi. 10.1111/avsc.12299
    • Willner, Wolfgang;
    • Jiménez ‐ Alfaro, Borja;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Biurrun, Idoia;
    • Campos, Juan Antonio;
    • Čarni, Andraž;
    • Casella, Laura;
    • Csiky, János;
    • Ćušterevska, Renata;
    • Didukh, Yakiv P.;
    • Ewald, Jörg;
    • Jandt, Ute;
    • Jansen, Florian;
    • Kącki, Zygmunt;
    • Kavgacı, Ali;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan;
    • Marinšek, Aleksander;
    • Onyshchenko, Viktor;
    • Rodwell, John S.;
    • Schaminée, Joop H.J.
    Publication type:
  • European Vegetation Archive (EVA): an integrated database of European vegetation plots.

    Published in:
    Applied Vegetation Science, 2016, v. 19, n. 1, p. 173, doi. 10.1111/avsc.12191
    • Chytrý, Milan;
    • Hennekens, Stephan M.;
    • Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja;
    • Knollová, Ilona;
    • Dengler, Jürgen;
    • Jansen, Florian;
    • Landucci, Flavia;
    • Schaminée, Joop H.J.;
    • Aćić, Svetlana;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Ambarlı, Didem;
    • Angelini, Pierangela;
    • Apostolova, Iva;
    • Attorre, Fabio;
    • Berg, Christian;
    • Bergmeier, Erwin;
    • Biurrun, Idoia;
    • Botta‐Dukát, Zoltán;
    • Brisse, Henry;
    • Campos, Juan Antonio
    Publication type:
  • A comparative framework for broad-scale plot-based vegetation classification.

    Published in:
    Applied Vegetation Science, 2015, v. 18, n. 4, p. 543, doi. 10.1111/avsc.12179
    • De Cáceres, Miquel;
    • Chytrý, Milan;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Attorre, Fabio;
    • Botta‐Dukát, Zoltán;
    • Capelo, Jorge;
    • Czúcz, Bálint;
    • Dengler, Jürgen;
    • Ewald, Jörg;
    • Faber‐Langendoen, Don;
    • Feoli, Enrico;
    • Franklin, Scott B.;
    • Gavilán, Rosario;
    • Gillet, François;
    • Jansen, Florian;
    • Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja;
    • Krestov, Pavel;
    • Landucci, Flavia;
    • Lengyel, Attila;
    • Loidi, Javier
    Publication type:
  • Probabilistic and preferential sampling approaches offer integrated perspectives of Italian forest diversity.

    Published in:
    Journal of Vegetation Science, 2023, v. 34, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/jvs.13175
    • Alessi, Nicola;
    • Bonari, Gianmaria;
    • Zannini, Piero;
    • Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Attorre, Fabio;
    • Canullo, Roberto;
    • Casella, Laura;
    • Cervellini, Marco;
    • Chelli, Stefano;
    • Di Musciano, Michele;
    • Guarino, Riccardo;
    • Martellos, Stefano;
    • Massimi, Marco;
    • Venanzoni, Roberto;
    • Zerbe, Stefan;
    • Chiarucci, Alessandro
    Publication type:
  • Finite Mixture Model-based classification of a complex vegetation system.

    Published in:
    Vegetation Classification & Survey (VCS), 2020, v. 1, p. 77, doi. 10.3897/VCS/2020/48518
    • Attorre, Fabio;
    • Cambria, Vito E.;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Alessi, Nicola;
    • Alfò, Marco;
    • De Sanctis, Michele;
    • Malatesta, Luca;
    • Sitzia, Tommaso;
    • Guarino, Riccardo;
    • Marcenò, Corrado;
    • Massimi, Marco;
    • Spada, Francesco;
    • Fanelli, Giuliano
    Publication type:
  • Modelling the distribution and compositional variation of plant communities at the continental scale.

    Published in:
    Diversity & Distributions, 2018, v. 24, n. 7, p. 978, doi. 10.1111/ddi.12736
    • Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja;
    • Suárez‐Seoane, Susana;
    • Chytrý, Milan;
    • Hennekens, Stephan M.;
    • Willner, Wolfgang;
    • Hájek, Michal;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Álvarez‐Martínez, Jose M.;
    • Bergamini, Ariel;
    • Brisse, Henry;
    • Brunet, Jörg;
    • Casella, Laura;
    • Dítě, Daniel;
    • Font, Xavier;
    • Gillet, François;
    • Hájková, Petra;
    • Jansen, Florian;
    • Jandt, Ute;
    • Kącki, Zygmunt;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan
    Publication type:
  • Alien plant invasion hotspots and invasion debt in European woodlands.

    Published in:
    Journal of Vegetation Science, 2021, v. 32, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/jvs.13014
    • Wagner, Viktoria;
    • Večeřa, Martin;
    • Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja;
    • Pergl, Jan;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan;
    • Svenning, Jens‐Christian;
    • Pyšek, Petr;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Biurrun, Idoia;
    • Campos, Juan Antonio;
    • Ewald, Jörg;
    • Fernández‐González, Federico;
    • Jandt, Ute;
    • Rašomavičius, Valerijus;
    • Šilc, Urban;
    • Škvorc, Željko;
    • Vassilev, Kiril;
    • Wohlgemuth, Thomas;
    • Chytrý, Milan
    Publication type:
  • Ancient refugia and present‐day habitat suitability of native laurophylls in Italy.

    Published in:
    Journal of Vegetation Science, 2019, v. 30, n. 3, p. 564, doi. 10.1111/jvs.12743
    • Alessi, Nicola;
    • Těšitel, Jakub;
    • Zerbe, Stefan;
    • Spada, Francesco;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Wellstein, Camilla;
    • Giesecke, Thomas
    Publication type:
  • Il ruolo delle Osservazioni della Terra dallo spazio nelle emergenze ambientali.

    Published in:
    GEOmedia, 2023, v. 27, n. 2, p. 34
    • Agrillo, di Emiliano;
    • Filipponi, Federico;
    • Inghilesi, Roberto;
    • Mercatini, Alessandro;
    • Pezzarossa, Alice;
    • Tartaglione, Nazario
    Publication type:
  • Editorial for Special Issue: "New Insights into Ecosystem Monitoring Using Geospatial Techniques".

    Published in:
    Remote Sensing, 2022, v. 14, n. 10, p. 2346, doi. 10.3390/rs14102346
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Alessi, Nicola;
    • Álvarez-Martínez, Jose Manuel;
    • Casella, Laura;
    • Filipponi, Federico;
    • Lu, Bing;
    • Niculescu, Simona;
    • Šibíková, Mária;
    • Smith, Kathryn E. L.
    Publication type:
  • Earth Observation for Phenological Metrics (EO4PM): Temporal Discriminant to Characterize Forest Ecosystems.

    Published in:
    Remote Sensing, 2022, v. 14, n. 3, p. 721, doi. 10.3390/rs14030721
    • Filipponi, Federico;
    • Smiraglia, Daniela;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano
    Publication type:
  • Earth Observation and Biodiversity Big Data for Forest Habitat Types Classification and Mapping.

    Published in:
    Remote Sensing, 2021, v. 13, n. 7, p. 1231, doi. 10.3390/rs13071231
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Filipponi, Federico;
    • Pezzarossa, Alice;
    • Casella, Laura;
    • Smiraglia, Daniela;
    • Orasi, Arianna;
    • Attorre, Fabio;
    • Taramelli, Andrea;
    • Coops, Nicholas
    Publication type:
  • Assessing escapes from short rotation plantations of the invasive tree species Robinia pseudoacacia L. in Mediterranean ecosystems: a study in central Italy.

    Published in:
    iForest - Biogeosciences & Forestry, 2016, v. 9, n. 5, p. 822, doi. 10.3832/ifor1526-009
    • Crosti, Roberto;
    • Agrillo, Emiliano;
    • Ciccarese, Lorenzo;
    • Guarino, Riccardo;
    • Paris, Pierluigi;
    • Testi, Anna
    Publication type: