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  • The Fetal Lung, A Source of Amniotic Fluid.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology & Medicine, 1959, v. 101, n. 4, p. 842, doi. 10.3181/00379727-101-25115
    • Setnikar, Ivo;
    • Agostoni, Emilio;
    • Taglietti, Alessandro
    Publication type:
  • Evidence for Na-glucose cotransporter in type I alveolar epithelium.

    Published in:
    Histochemistry & Cell Biology, 2010, v. 134, n. 2, p. 129, doi. 10.1007/s00418-010-0725-7
    • Bodega, Francesca;
    • Sironi, Chiara;
    • Armilli, Marta;
    • Porta, Cristina;
    • Agostoni, Emilio
    Publication type: