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  • 基于Transformer增强卷积的 膝关节磁共振影像年龄预测.

    Published in:
    Journal Of Sichuan University (Natural Sciences Division) / Sichuan Daxue Xuebao-Ziran Kexueban, 2023, v. 60, n. 5, p. 210, doi. 10.19907/j.0490-6756.2023.052001
    • 朱昊哲;
    • 邓小冬爲;
    • 廖培希彳;
    • 杜文超;
    • 陈怀歆°;
    • 刘 洪叹;
    • 陈 虎;
    • 邓振华;
    • 爲杨红;
    • 雨I越
    Publication type: