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  • Two novel human and mouse DNA polymerases of the polX family.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2000, v. 28, n. 18, p. 3684, doi. 10.1093/nar/28.18.3684
    • Aoufouchi, Said;
    • Flatter, Eric;
    • Dahan, Auriel;
    • Faili, Ahmad;
    • Bertocci, Barbara;
    • Storck, Sebastien;
    • Delbos, Frédéric;
    • Cocea, Laurentiu;
    • Gupta, Neetu;
    • Weill, Jean-Claude;
    • Reynaud, Claude-Agnès
    Publication type:
  • Negative regulation of Ig gene rearrangement by a 150-bp transcriptional silencer.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Immunology, 1998, v. 28, n. 9, p. 2809, doi. 10.1002/(SICI)1521-4141(199809)28:09<2809::AID-IMMU2809>3.0.CO;2-C
    • Cocea, Laurentiu;
    • Dahan, Auriel;
    • Ferradini, Laurent;
    • Reynaud, Claude-Agnès;
    • Weill, Jean- Claude
    Publication type: