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  • An Overview of the Factors Involved in Biofilm Production by the Enterococcus Genus.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, v. 24, n. 14, p. 11577, doi. 10.3390/ijms241411577
    • Șchiopu, Pavel;
    • Toc, Dan Alexandru;
    • Colosi, Ioana Alina;
    • Costache, Carmen;
    • Ruospo, Giuseppe;
    • Berar, George;
    • Gălbău, Ștefan-Gabriel;
    • Ghilea, Alexandra Cristina;
    • Botan, Alexandru;
    • Pană, Adrian-Gabriel;
    • Neculicioiu, Vlad Sever;
    • Todea, Doina Adina
    Publication type: