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  • Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 4.

    Published in:
    Italian Botanist, 2017, n. 4, p. 61, doi. 10.3897/ib.4.21595
    • Giuseppe, Fenu;
    • Giulio, Ferretti;
    • Matilde, Gennai;
    • Agustín, Lahora;
    • Antonio J., Mendoza-Fernández;
    • Juan, Mota;
    • Jesús, Robles;
    • Lluís, Serra;
    • Hedwig, Schwarzer;
    • Pedro, Sánchez-Gómez;
    • Daniele, Viciani;
    • Simone, Orsenigo
    Publication type: